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Crossroads Comics #60-Shaymin Medics

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for Crossroads Comics!

This week we’re taking a look at PMD: Restoring the Balance. Created by KaidaCreator, this comic follows a Chespin turned human as the chosen hero of Azelf to help save the world. But in a twist of fate, he is not the only one, with two other heroes as the champions of Uxie and Mesprit set to appear as well. The story has been truly interesting so far, showing our hero even before he lost his memories as a human. They even discussed why our hero was chosen. How will our Chespin hero meet up with the other champions? That has yet to be seen, but you can find out by following PMD: Restoring the Balance!

Crossroads Comics
Pokemon Rising Smoke It’s back! Let’s get this story rolling!
PMD: Explorers of Life Getting more teammates would be useful.
Shinka: The Last Eevee This festival is a real blast thus far!

Smackjeeves Comics
Evil Plan It looks like he holds all the cards.
Goggles & Stickers It’s time for school!
Mirrored Image Man this swamp man sleeps pretty heavily.
PMD: Restoring the Balance THERE’S A SHAYMIN!!
Pokemon Team Medley Looks like they’ve found who they were looking for.
Sunshine-A Sun Nuzlocke A wild Rowlet appeared!
The Night Grows Pale It’s back! And with more adorable seals!

Deviantart Comics
Burn Away They won! Glad to see no one died.
Golden Shrike Biro no!!
PMD: Adventures of Team Sunflower Muro is so cute!
Primal Silver Bird man is finding his courage!
The Flames Tears Cannot Extinguish Uh-oh, this journey’s only just begun and we’re already facing a near death experience!
The Pokedex Project Glad this resolution was peaceful.
Trick of the Night Come on, puppy, pancakes make everything better.

Off-site Comics
Edith Things are looking up.
Lil Char and the Gang Well this is going well.
LUFF Oof that’s a strike against Julian.
PMD: Hellfire Sounds like things aren’t going well with that toxic.
Room of Swords So this is how things went down. I wonder what caused it all.
Uriah What’s the big secret they’re keeping?
Wags Accurate portrayal of sibling interaction.

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