This is just a question I've been trying to answer myself for a while. When you introduce a new character in a book, how do you do it? For most people it's a matter of preference; I typically describe how they look and leave them unnamed until they introduce themselves or are spoken to, but recently I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it sometimes, because it can come across as a bit stilted or even boring. How would you introduce a character, and how much detail do you think it's okay to use when describing how a character looks? After all, a huge chunk of text on a character's eyes is hardly interesting when yo just want to return to the story, but at the same time learning what they look like helps you imagine the world an author is trying to create with much higher accuracy.

It's even more awkward when you're writing a sequel to something you've done before and you want to introduce your characters, because people already know who they are and a full introduction again would be a bit redundant.