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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    The Bad Guys {RP}

    ***Warning, possible light spoilers for Sun and Moon ahead! Read and participate in this RP at your own risk.***

    "Just remember one thing: No matter what's truth and lies, no matter how hard we're trying to defend what we love and believe in, a lot pf people are against us, and they may very well always be. Especially if we mess this up."

    When the Natural Order group first formed, no one thought it would gain as much power and support as it did. After the Aether Foundation mess, a number of people suspected that it would be difficult for the group to keep together--they thought it would be watched and suspected and eventually it would break up and fade into history unremembered. Instead, the group, who believed that the lives of people and Pokemon would be much better off if they stayed separated entirely, gained more support and followers in the months and years that followed.

    If there was an accident involving a Pokemon, the Natural Order group was all over it. If trainers or other Pokemon were seriously injured in battle, the Natural Order group wouldn’t let the matter drop. They kept pushing and poking and refused to let the occasional accident go...and so the peaceful region of Alola became divided. They pushed for the Alolan government to grant them access to the now abandoned Aether Foundation facility in order to “protect the public from highly dangerous Pokemon.” Finally, they were granted access to the facility, which they began expanding.

    Needing the work, a young man signed up to work on parts of the expansion...and that’s where things get strange. As this certain young man was working on the expansion project, he managed to get lost in the facility, and wound up almost walking into a meeting between Natural Order’s president and some of his higher ups. This in itself would not have been weird if the young man hadn’t been convinced that he had found himself in the basement of the original building, and the meeting hadn’t included those attending speaking about the best way to mass eliminate the Pokemon population of Alola. Too frightened of the possible discussion at hand, the young man quietly slipped away, eventually found his way back to where he was supposed to be working.

    He tried for months to get the conversation he heard out of his head, to pass it off as his imagination, something that couldn’t possibly have been true, but with the Natural Order group’s movement gaining more popularity among the people of Alola, he began to notice more and more that what the group was saying didn’t quite add up with it’s supposed goals. The conversation he overheard that day stuck out in his head more and more, and finally he decided he was going to stop ignoring it and do something about it.

    Months after he heard the conversation, the young man sat down and wrote a simple letter that showed up on the walls of Pokemon Centers across Alola. “The Natural Order group isn’t what it seems,” the letter read, “even though they say they want to help Pokemon, all they really want to do is harm them. Think about what they’re saying, and what they’re doing. They don’t add up, do they? There’s still time to think about what’s going on, time to change what we think about them, to stop their plans in their tracks before it’s too late.” It was signed, not with a signature, or a name, or even a title, but an image. An hourglass drawn with a single stroke.

    Most of the letters were taken down quickly, but they were up long enough to attract the attention of the news, and more than one trainer. The debates began again, but no one put Natural Order under the scrutiny they should have, and things continued on as they had been...except more and more people have been seen wearing articles of clothing decorated with that hourglass. People who have actively begun to take action against the efforts of the Natural Order group.

    People who call themselves a part of Team Hourglass. And they’re not playing around like Team Skull used to do. Instead, they’re out to bring down Natural Order at all costs.

    Even if history will remember them as the villains of this story.

    This RP is set several years after Pokemon Sun and Moon, this means:
    • The Alolan Pokemon League is a thing, and it has increased tourism to the island region, though the title of champion has changed hands a few times over the years
    • The Aether Paradise was shut down and abandoned a few years before the Natural Order group got permission to access and expand it
    • Team Skull is no longer nearly as big as it once was, and sightings of Guzma/the team members are rare
    • Violent encounters with wild Poemon have been reported to be rising in frequency. though no one is certain why

    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying (taking control of non-NPCs without permission) and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters… Yes, some characters have superpowers, no they cannot be invincible
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    Accepted Characters
    Teri and Alan Romer -@Winter
    Vincent Gray - @Soups
    Sable Hawthorn - @Sieses
    Alice Fern - @Pokemon Trainer Sarah
    Eloise "Izzy" Beauregard and Keahi (NPC) - @Midnight Sun
    Garret Marshall - @Desolate Divine
    Morgan "Camelot" Fay - @Noblejanobii

    @Death's Spook

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Teri and Alan Romer
    Former Shady Mansion, Po Town

    “...Police are telling the public not to worry, that we aren't looking at another Team Skull--”


    "...But the question remains: Who is the face behind the Hour--”


    “...Natural Order Group should be investigated. At the very least--”


    The room faded into darkness as the young man finally turned the TV off with a dismissive snort. “All garbage,” he muttered, staring into the darkness, not flinching as a piece of cloth reached up to wrap around his arm and squeeze once. Slowly, he reached up to place a hand against the cloth, a soft smile touching his lips. The Doublade that was resting against his leg had always been a bit motherly, and he appreciated it at times like these, when it seemed like Lucina had managed to read his mind, even though her telepathy didn’t extend beyond her two blades, unless her cloth came into contact with skin. As his fingers came to rest on the time-worn cotton, he felt an almost jarring calm fill him.

    “Do not worry so much about tomorrow. The righteous will succeed, and those who would do harm will fail. In this, we do not doubt, even if it does take time.” The sheer amount of belief she held in these thoughts was impressive, but not uncommon. Honedge were said to contain the spirit of a fallen warrior in their blades, and Lucina had thought the same way in all fourteen years Teri had known her--she would aggressively protect her “lord,” and what she believed in. In this case, she’d long ago claimed her trainer as her lord, and she believed strongly in protecting the weak.

    The young man’s smile grew wider, and her patted the cloth gently before dropping his hand to the pair of Stufful curled up by his side. “Thanks Luci,” he murmured, nodding to the Doublade, which seemed to shift closer to his leg in response. At the other end of the couch, there was another shift, and a quiet groan.

    “...T’resa?” a soft voice called, still heavy with sleep, and the young man had to stifle a laugh as he moved his hand from the pair of Stufful to pat his brother’s leg, hard as it was to find with half the household cuddled up around him.

    “Right here, Allie. ‘Bout time to get to bed, though.” In years past, Teri had picked Alan up and taken the boy to bed himself, but his little brother was now almost as big as he was, which put a damper on things. As it was, the pile of Pokemon he rested under would have presented enough of a challenge back then as well.

    “Big day’s tomorrow,” the boy agreed quietly, shifting around slowly, attempting to work himself out from under his living blanket without disturbing the Pokemon any more than necessary. Teri reached down to tap Lucina lightly, and the Doublade moved, hovering just off the floor by her trainer’s legs. “Still sure I can’t come?” the boy asked, and in the dark, Teri nodded, his smile tugging itself into more of a frown.

    “Still sure. Someone has to keep watch over the house--you know not everyone listens to Alexander and Soloman, and I don’t even like going to those rallies. Sometimes people get mean.”

    “Makuahina and Kim would protect me,” the boy countered, not bothering to argue that the household would be fine without him. Despite their wealth of knowledge, not every Pokemon in the house quite respected the Oranguru and Slowking that tended to be left as the secondary command in the house when Teri was away, instead holding more respect for the ten year old some of the residents had helped raise. “Who’s gonna protect you?”

    “Everyone,” Teri said decisively. “Beetle will play active guard, and Lucina will be his backup, but you know no one is going to let anything happen to me. But seriously, Alan, I need you play head of household for me.” He didn’t voice the worry that tomorrow might paint a target on his back, might result in an attack on the house that he wanted the boy’s unifying presence there for. After all, the household would fight to protect Alan above all else if the need ever arose. He prayed it didn’t, and that he wouldn’t even need the help of his team, but he wasn’t capable of predicting the future.

    “Fine,” Alan grumbled, though the idea of staying home clearly bothered him. At the very least, though, the boy hoped that his brother’s plan to try to recruit supporters at the Natural Order rally tomorrow worked out. If Teri succeeded in forming a proper Team, he would at the very least have more people to watch his back and help his goal of stopping the group to succeed. He just hoped that the various messages and clues they’d left in various Pokemon Centers across Alola would be enough to draw a big enough crowd of Hourglass supporters to the Natural Order rally in Hau’oli tomorrow.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  3. #3
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Garret Marshall
    Garret's Garage, Hau'oli

    "Come on." Garret thought to himself, as he sat in the office of his garage, watching the security camera positioned out the front. The clock on the wall read 4:45pm. The delivery company he always used never delivered after five in the afternoon, so if it wasn't coming today, it take longer.

    "That rally will achieve nothing but be a pain in my a**..." Garret thought to himself, "If Main Street is closed for this damn rally, I won't get it until at least late tomorrow, or probably even the day after."

    Suddenly a small delivery truck appeared on the monitor.

    "Thank God." Garret thought to himself as he walked out onto the garage floor. He climbed into the forklift and drove it out the front, where a slightly overweight man, a couple of years younger than himself, stood, unstrapping the large crate on the back. He was the usual delivery driver, and Garret was well acquainted with him. Jamie.

    "I figured I'd try and squeeze this in today." Jamie explained as he untied the straps, "With the Natural Order Rally tomorrow, we probably won't be able to use main street. And if this is what I think it is, you'll probably want it badly. The label was torn off, but all that was left was R38."

    "It is." Garret said with a grin, "It cost me $20,000, but it is."

    "Jesus," Jamie muttered to himself, "What do you plan on doing with it?"

    "It's a secret." Garret said, "Last thing I need is people knowing I have this. I already get broken into twice a month."

    "Come on, I won't say anything." Jamie begged.

    "Okay." Garret said with a grin.


    Jamie's jaw dropped.

    "You're kidding me?" Jamie exclaimed, "S***, that thing will fly."

    "It will be one of a kind alright." Garret said, as he drove the forklift and crate inside, "See you around."

    Garret closed the roller door behind him, before putting the engine away and hitting the showers. Tonight was the night most of the car guys met. A good opportunity to win some extra cash against some teenager with a stock sports car who doesn't know any better. By the time he had cleaned up and got dressed, it was 6pm. He walked to the section of the garage where he kept his cars. Whilst it had been fuller in the past, he currently had two. The FD and the S15. It took a second for Garret to decide, however he ended up going with the FD.

    He grabbed the keys with the Mazda emblem, and climbed into the white RX7, driving it out of the garage and out the front gate, both automatically closing behind him. It was time to have some fun...

  4. #4
    τι ζωή Soups's Avatar
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Vincent Gray
    Eddie's Snack Shack
    Hau'oli City, Alola

    When it comes to food, Alola isn't in the same stratosphere as Kanto. Was it the seasoning, maybe? The texture? I don't know. Maybe I just missed home. Its been quite some time since I was last in Kanto, and if I was ever feeling homesick, it was now. It wouldn't hurt to be back home in Saffron at the moment... grubbing on a juicy burger from Dandy's. But that wasn't going to happen. I'm here in Hau'oli, bored out of my mind and irritated with an appetite, and Eddie's Snack Shack isn't helping.

    On the bright side, the Natural Order rally is tomorrow. It's an opportunity. Although I fully expect to be surrounded with the "less-informed", I also expect to be prepared. I need evidence. I need something that's going to help expose these losers. However, my only problem is that I don't know where to look. I've never been one for spontaneous ventures. Typically, if I don't have a game-plan, I don't act. But who's to tell when another opportunity such as tomorrow's is going to present itself. I have no choice but to act.

    "Can I get you started with something to drink?" a young man... er, maybe teenager, asked. "You've been sitting here for like... twenty minutes, dude."

    Had it been twenty minutes? Maybe. I don't doubt it.

    "Water is fine," I responded.

    To add onto my thoughts about tomorrow's event, I'm also completely sure that not everyone that plans on being in attendance is in support of the Natural Dummies. Maybe that's where I start. Find those like myself. Yeah, perfect. But how? It's not like I could just blurt out who's against the Natural Order and who isn't. Well, I could... but yeah, no.

    If anyone isn't bored like I am, it's Victory. I'm not surprised though. If Eddie's did anything right - trust me, the food isn't one of those things - they had a miniature play area for Pokemon of smaller sizes, and with Victory being a Pikachu and all, he was having a blast with some of the other Pokemon.

    "Here's your water, sir," the waiter said, pleasantly. "Can I get you anything else?" he asked.

    "Nah... that'll be all." I respectfully responded. "Thanks, dude."

    Tomorrow couldn't get here fast enough. I'll probably head back to the Inn across the way, get myself a room for the night, and ready myself for what's to come. I'm really hoping I don't screw this up. It's not rocket science. Show up, stay under the radar, and find others like myself... assuming they'll be there. Man, I didn't plan this out at all.

    "Come on, Vic! Let's head out."
    Last edited by Soups; 02-05-2017 at 04:09 PM.
    τι ζωή

  5. #5
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Drew Abbes
    Route 10 -> Malie City
    Affected RP’ers: None

    “Haku! Finish this! Dragon Pulse!”

    An attacking Drampa was an intimidating sight, and even after a grueling battle, Haku put up an impressive show. The great dragon’s jaws opened wide, exposing huge teeth, and a beam of blue-green fire shot from his mouth. The unfortunate Lurantis standing opposite him on the field shuddered once, trying to remain on its feet; then it fell, teal smoke rolling off of its carapace.

    Payment was collected quickly, congratulatory scratches behind Haku’s chin delivered dutifully. The Drampa let out a pleased noise, a low, warbling hum that resonated up from his furry chest. Drew smiled as Haku crooned, arching his neck to give Drew a better petting angle.

    “Yip!” Drew looked down, still idly rubbing Haku’s throat with one hand, to see Keone sitting on the ground, pawing at their leg. As soon as she had Drew’s attention, the Rockruff pointed her nose at the sky. Drew looked up at the sky and was mildly surprised to discover that it was turning orange, bathing Route Ten in long, stark shadows.

    “I suppose it’s getting late, isn’t it?” they said, half to Keone and half to themself. They patted Haku’s cheek, “Alright, you two, let’s pack up. Keone, you can stay with me, but Haku, you’re gonna have to go back to your Pokeball.” The Drampa’s hum turned into a petulant groan, but Drew was having none of it. “Don’t be that way,” they said in a tone of mock exasperation, “you’re already gonna be tired from fighting, and lugging yourself all the way back to town isn’t going to do you any favors.” Haku mimicked a sigh, but gave no protest when Drew recalled him back to his Pokeball.

    The walk back to town was long for a creature as heavy as Haku, but relatively brief for a human and an excitable Rockruff. Since it was past dark, the Pokemon Center was a little crowded, but they still had openings for Trainers wanting to stay the night. Between the room, and food for an entire team of Pokemon - four Pokemon, technically; Ikika and Kana, as a Hypno and Gengar, subsisted primarily on psychic energy - Drew was going to be shelling out a decent bit of cash, but they were okay with that. They had been very successful in their battles lately, and they had plenty left over - even counting the money they’d need to pay for food for the next few days, since they suspected they wouldn't be doing much battling.

    While Drew waited for their Pokemon to be healed, they ordered themself and their team food and retreated to the room they had rented, a large enough space for the whole team, even Haku, to rest together. Malie cuisine wasn’t half bad, a hodge-podge of Alolan and Johtoan tastes. While Keone wolfed down kibble and minced meat, Drew munched on some stir-fry and flipped through the channels on the room’s television. They settled on a talk show in which several people in nice clothes and stage makeup debated whether the Natural Order was a group of saints or nothing but a repeat incident of Team Plasma or the Aether Foundation or the million other Mightyenas in Mareeps’ clothing that had plagued the world since the dawn of time.

    Drew’s feelings were about as mixed as the television’s. They’d been trying for weeks to get some sort of in on the Natural Order, but the organization wasn’t big on interfacing with the public. The most they’d gotten were accounts from Trainers who’d dealt with the Order in the past, and those had only told Drew what they already knew - that some people trusted the Order and some people didn’t. It was frustrating, especially since if they really were bad Drew wanted to help, and -

    “Miss Abbes, your Pokemon are ready to collect.” The voice over the P.A. jolted Drew out of their reverie. They sighed and stood, straightening their skirt. Tapus, what they wouldn’t give for an honorific that didn’t automatically label them as something they weren’t. Keone, as Drew had expected, immediately leaped off the bed to follow Drew - there was no way the Rockruff was going to sit alone in the Pokemon Center room and let Drew out of her sight, food or no food.

    Once Drew and their team were back in the room, Drew released them all - careful to let Haku out first so that the other Pokemon wouldn’t ‘spawn’ in inconvenient places and prevent letting Haku out safely. Drew couldn’t help but laugh as the whole team crowded around them, each one eager to show and receive attention.

    “One at a time, you clowns,” Drew chuckled as Mele the Crobat landed on their shoulder and immediately began nuzzling their cheek. “You guys all feeling better?”

    <We’re all healed up,> Ikika assured Drew telepathically over the chorus of enthusiastic Pokemon noises that filled the room. <And we’re ready for the big day tomorrow.>

    Drew sighed. “I just hope we find out something helpful; it’s been dead end after dead end.”

    Mele chittered in Drew’s ear. Drew shot Ikika a quizzical glance, and the Hypno translated, <Mele says, What are we going to do if the Natural Order really are bad people?>

    Not ‘you’, Drew noted; ‘we’. The amount of faith their Pokemon had in them was… best described as humbling. “We’re going to look into Team Hourglass,” Drew answered, making sure that all of the Pokemon could hear them. “We won’t throw our lot in with them right away either, though - we need to make sure we know exactly what’s going on. That we’re not… that I’m not setting all of you up to fail.”

    There was a brief pause, then Drew said, “Right, everybody, we need to get rested up.” They walked over to the bathroom and began changing into a set of older, slightly ratty clothes that passed for pajamas. Through the bathroom door, they called, “Guys, food’s here - find yours and eat up. Ikika, Kana, take a couple of dreams apiece from me tonight. You two are going to need to be at full strength tomorrow - especially you, Ikika.”

    Drew began folding up their shirt, skirt, and binder, putting everything carefully into their bag. As they did, Ikika asked, <I assume you’re going to want me to try and read the people at the rally?>

    “Please,” Drew responded as they emerged from the bathroom. The Hypno was sitting at the foot of Drew’s bed, watching as the others tucked into their dinners. “I want you to focus on the head honchos, but if you’re blocked somehow, don’t press too hard. We don’t want to get them mad at us, and gathering a lot of impressions from the grunts would be better than getting absolutely nothing from the admins. Or whatever title they have.”

    Ikika nodded. <I can do that,> she said. Drew sat down on the bed next to her and idly scratched the ruff of white fur around her neck. <Don’t worry, Drew. If anything happens, we have your back.>

    A smile wormed its way onto Drew’s face despite their pensive mood. “I know. Thank you.”
    Last edited by VeloJello; 03-16-2017 at 10:39 PM.

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  7. #6
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    OOC: And so Natural Order appears!

    Jonah Reve, Hershel Gallow, and Corinne Moss
    Aether Paradise

    The girl was anxious. It was obvious in the way she continually shifted in her chair, seemingly never comfortable. Her eyes were locked on the dimming light outside, her fingers had tightened into claws that were slowly throttling the arms of the chair, and she refused to respond to attempts to remove her from her seat.

    “What is it, Miss Corinne?” Of the two men sitting in the room with her, it was the perpetually tired looking man with slicked back, dark hair that spoke up. The young woman’s eyes shot to him for the briefest second before skittering back to the window.

    “Nunya, Hearse,” she grunted, making it glaringly obvious that she was in a foul mood. The man stared at her for a full minute before shaking his head ever so slowly. “As in none of your--”

    “I know the expression, Miss Corinne,” the man replied, and though he never raised his voice, the words were as sharp as knives...not that it threatened the girl in the slightest. She didn’t even bother looking at him again. In the armchair next to the tired looking man, another man took another sip of the tea he’d slowly been enjoying.

    “Really, now, can’t you two ever get along?” he sighed, setting his cup back on the saucer he held in the opposite hand before running his newly freed hand through his graying hair. Finally, he turned his attention to the girl. “Corinne, please, what is it that’s bothering you?” At a more normal speed, the girl turned her attention to this man, almost completely ignoring the first speaker.

    “Bea got to leave a day early,” she replied, clearly pouting. The tired man gave an audible sigh and shook his head again, though faster this time. It was no mystery that he and the girl didn’t get along, but how quickly she typically chose to answer Jonah instead drove him nuts. Next to him, Jonah gave her a sympathetic smile, though he silently wondered where Corinne had picked up the nickname--no one in the upper administration, nor the handful of scientists that worked under the group’s head scientist called her Bea.

    “Beatrice has her own special task that I’ve asked her to complete. She will be back before us tomorrow, if not tonight. You have your own special task that I need you to complete tomorrow, remember? I need you to be a good girl and tell everyone how bad Pokemon are.” Corinne nodded in response to this, finally moving a hand from the arm of her chair to absently pet the Espurr that had curled up in her lap, staring vacantly at nothing in particular. The odd Pokemon let out a sound akin to a satisfied purr, and settled further down into her lap, though it’s unsettling stare didn't change in the slightest.

    Kiri, as Corinne had dubbed the little fluffball, was about the only Pokemon Jonah had seen the girl act genuinely kind towards. The rest of her team received mostly cruelty-coated kindness, but that seemed to be how she treated the entire world. Kiri was an exception that would have been worth studying.

    At least, would have if he didn’t hope to be rid of the Espurr and every other Pokemon in the region in the near future.

    “I understand, Uncle Jonah,” she murmured, but it was only a moment before her attention slid to the window again. In the silence, the tired man’s sigh echoed.

    Beatrice Bennett

    She walked along the road with an unusual amount of confidence in her stride. She knew where she was going, what she was looking for, now it was just a matter of getting there and finding a “car guy” who could do a good job for Natural Order without blabbing too much. Unfortunately, that meant she had to go do fieldwork--she didn't trust posting a job search ad to the Internet, even if it was made misleading. No, the safest way to do this was to go out and hand pick the person herself.

    The sight of the parking structure was the first thing that assured her she was going the right way, though the smell and noise was what nailed it. The smell was...manageable, but the noise was less so. She didn't like people, and she suddenly realized that chances were, she’d be the most pristine looking person there with her platinum blonde curls bunched tightly around her face and pale skin. While she had avoided wearing white, the light sweater she wore was among the palest of greens, and the jeans that hugged her legs were just as pale a shade of blue. Her sneakers matched the sweater in color. Of course, she knew she would stand out--it was difficult for the woman not to stand out, which was why she always avoided putting appearances in at Natural Order rallies...but that was another story to ponder for another time. She only hoped that her standing out wouldn’t make her a potential mugging target--apparently some fools still tried to make their money by stealing, though Beatrice pitied the person that tried to do so by stealing from her.

    As she approached, she patted a Pokeball at her side, and gave a delicate smile to nothing in particular. “I’d like an escort, kind sir,” she murmured, and the Gallade that appeared from the Pokeball greeted her with a mental snort.

    “You’re far from a lady, Cla--”

    “Not even in your thoughts. Beatrice. Bea, if you absolutely insist.” The insistence from her thought response was so strong it gave the Gallade pause, but with a sigh, he began walking alongside her.

    “Bea. Fine. Still far from a lady.” The response was largely joking, and Beatrice shook her head.

    “Oh, watch your mouth, Lance. I’m lady enough for you to protect me,” she countered, and the Gallade reached out to pat her shoulder.

    “It’s not a matter of being lady enough, I promised someone I’d do that.” This reply was met with a sour expression on his trainer’s part, and mentally the Gallade cringed. The rest of their walk remained oddly silent.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  8. #7
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?
    Ruqayyah Abdur-Rahman
    Route 17 -> Shady House, Po Town
    ARPers: @Winter

    <Are you sure this is a good idea, Ruqayyah?> The Chandelure mental voice was filled with concern, <I mean, it’s dramatic and all, but wouldn’t appearing directly where this guy lives set him on edge?>

    The young woman in question stroked the swirl of the Luring Pokemon’s arm as she replied telepathically through the Metagross looming behind them, <That’s the point, Lumen. We need this guy to take us seriously instead of dismissing us out of hand. Given that I don’t want to belt out my status in the International Police all over, I can’t just show up and expect he’ll look twice at us. Besides, being nice with an aura of intimidation is a good sweet spot for getting the guy to listen to us.>

    Lumen’s head plume became taller for a second—his approximation of a sigh, but the few people still around jumped briefly before it became clear that it was not a violent gesture. The route was already relatively empty, being featureless save for the town taken over by Team Skull some years before. Even so, there were even fewer people around Ruqayyah than the lack of people would imply: while a Whimsicott on a small woman’s head was not very frightening, the Metagross behind her and Chandelure beside her clearly were. The trainer didn’t want anyone bothering her, and was hoping that her Pokémon would put people off, a strategy that would work only if some upstart thinking they wanted a battle didn’t come along.

    <An inquiry,> Mika’il the Metagross interrupted his trainer’s thoughts about what she was going to do to any idiot who interrupted her, <How certain are we that this man is in fact the face behind Team Hourglass?>

    Ruqayyah shot Mika’il an annoyed look as she corrected, <The Hourglass Movement. ‘Team Whatever’ has been overdone by many edgelords over the years and I refuse to use the syntax. Anyway, you know as well as I do that it’s almost completely certain. We’ve seen him at several rallies and he was the main guy who consistently seemed angry at the leadership, something you personally found out. He also had the symbol in several conspicuous places, and he even lairs in Po Town, which I remind you is the same place Team Skull used to stay, contrasting to the Natural Order’s hideout of the VLFD the Aether Foundation used to use. Why do you need me to tell you this for the third time now?>

    The Metagross gave her a half-hearted glare and replied, <Because if we’re wrong, we’re going to look incredibly stupid while surrounded by Jirachi knows what Pokémon. He’s also likely to be quite annoyed that we disturbed him at his house regard->

    <We’re here,> Lumen interjected. Meep the Whimsicott, sitting on her trainer’s head, perked up, having fallen asleep earlier. She then promptly fell off with a squeak.

    The walls of Po Town loomed above the trainer and her companions. They would have intimidated Ruqayyah significantly more if their former occupants hadn’t been the laughingstock of the international police.

    Mika’il huffed, <Ok, fine. How do you want to do this?>, he asked Ruqayyah.

    The trainer thought for a moment, <Meep will sit on my head so she can intervene quickly if something goes wrong.> The Whimsicott loftily assumed her place on her trainer’s head as though nothing happened. <Mika’il, you will be in front to take any attacks that might be aimed at us, while Lumen will be behind us so he can immolate any aggressors from afar.>

    Lumen nodded with his body, <Understood. Shall I cloak us in the shadows?>

    At Ruqayyah’s assent, Lumen summoned forth patches of darkness designed to make the group blend in with the dreary environment. They would not be completely invisible so much as difficult to notice and assess. As they walked through Po Town, Ruqayyah noted any potential ambush sites while making a strategic assessment of the layout of the area with a trained eye.

    When the team stood in front of the Shady Mansion, Ruqayyah had everyone take a few steps back before Lumen suddenly dropped their disguise. From the outside, it would look like she simply appeared. She did not say anything, but allowed her team’s sudden presence to speak for itself.

    OoC: Sukainah will have something up sometime tomorrow.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

    Banner by Neo Emolga!

  9. #8
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Garret Marshall
    Main Street Hau'oli City- Carpark
    Affected RPers: @Winter

    Garret was cruising at 90mph, give or take a few, towards his destination for the night. A multi-level carpark, to win some money from some cocky teenagers. However it was proving to be more difficult now than before. He had the reputation, and people were more hesitant to race him. He had to make it interesting.

    He flew past a car parked on the side of the road, but didn't bother slowing down for it. It was a speed camera, however the car was in the companies name. It meant that the fine would be huge, until he nominated a driver. However until a driver was nominated there would be no demerit points involved. If he saw red and blue, it wouldn't take much to outrun them. The fastest police cars in Alola are V8, Dodge Chargers, which have much slower acceleration, and a lower top speed, as well as don't handle as well as the FD. It wouldn't take much to lose the police. And even if they caught sight of his number plate... Well, Garret had taken precautions to deal with that...

    The streets were usually somewhat empty at night during this time of year, so it intrigued him slightly to see a what looked like a woman and a Gallade walking down main street. Not enough for him to slow down, but intrigued him nonetheless.

    After a few minutes, he arrived at his destination. He made his way up the ramps to the top floor, kicking the back of the car out on the corners. The people on the top floor would have heard him coming from a fair distance. He arrived at the top, and parked the car, before getting out. As he walked to the main group, he had a look at the cars that were there. Most of them were the usual suspects. A couple of Skylines, Miatas, Integras, WRX's. However there was one that stood out. The VL Commodore SS.

    When he approached the group, he saw the new person. A beefy looking young man, with a tanned complexion. His black hair was near non existent, cut to a buzz cut. He wore cargo shorts and a white singlet, as if to show off the muscle that wasn't really there.

    As he got closer to the group he could hear one voice, fairly louder than the rest. The new guy.

    "I'm not sure what the appeal is to you guys. Personally, I can't go past the classics. There is no beating the VL." the new guy said, as Garret joined the group, making eye contact. "Especially in that rice-burner."

    One of the regulars went to make a comment about the RX7, and what had been done to it, but Garret shot him a quick glare. If this idiot knew what exactly he had done to the Mazda, there is no way he'd race him.

    "Rice burner? Really?" Garret asked, deciding to play dumb, "The VL would be pushing, what 120kW? I have a feeling that the rice-burner might just leave you a little embarrassed."

    "Yes, it's a rice burner. Honestly, those cars from Kanto are pathetic. Small engines with turbo's stuck on them just don't stack up against a V8." the new guy said, starting to laugh, "And more like 140kw."

    "This guy knows nothing." Garret thought to himself before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket.

    "$5000 each, quarter mile. To make it interesting, it's a six-speed, but I won't go past fourth gear." Garret said, "I couldn't make it any easier for you. Unless you don't think your VL can stack up to a ricer with a tiny engine? My car hasn't even got four cylinders..."

    The new guys cocky expression flashed to one of nervousness for a second. He remained silent.

    "You've done nothing but talk s**t all night, and now you're too scared to put your money where your mouth is?" someone yelled out.

    "Fine." The new guy said, pulling out a wad of cash. "Winner takes all."

    With that, Garret made his way to the car and drove it down to the bottom of the carpark making his way to the usual spot on the outskirt's of the city. It was less likely for there to be cops there.

    Garret pulled up at the starting line, with the VL pulling up next to him. Whilst one of the regulars from the meet was organising for people to be blocking roads in, Garret wound down his window, and yelled out to the other driver.

    "Let's make this interesting. After the quarter mile, we race back to the car park. Double or nothing." Garret suggested, "And believe me, if you don't want to walk away from here poorer, you are going to want that extra chance."

    "I don't need it to beat that piece of s**t." He said, "But fine. I can't say no to someone who practically wants to give their money away."

    Garret nodded before pulling aside the person who was going to start the race. Zach, who drove a blue Mazda Miata. Garret had worked on it, and knew it could easily keep up with the VL.

    "Once this race starts, follow him." Garret whispered, "Make sure he comes back to the meeting point. I'll give you something for your help."

    Zach nodded before making his way to the start line.

    "You guys both know the drill. Loser pays up if they don't make it to the finish line first. But it becomes double or nothing. If the loser is last getting back to the carpark, then they pay double. If they get back first, they pay nothing. We clear?" Zach said.

    "Yep." Garret replied. The other guy nodded.





    Garret took off, letting off the clutch perfectly, with the smallest amount of wheel spin. The VL however spun a little bit longer. It was too late. A regular FD like Garret's would take 5.6 seconds to reach 60mph. It took Garret less than four.

    Garret agreed to not going past fourth gear for the race, however never needed to. He finished the quarter mile about four seconds ahead of the VL, and made his way to the freeway entry ramp. Once he was on the freeway, he put his foot down to a cruising speed of roughly 120mph, at about 6000rpm. After this, getting back to the carpark was a dream, even driving like a normal person on Main Street. The VL never stood a chance. He drove back to the top floor of the carpark, and parked the car. Now he had to wait for his prize to arrive.


    -Seeing as Kanto is based off the Kanto Region of Japan, I referred to Japanese cars as Kanto cars.
    -FD: Third Generation Mazda RX7, produced between 1993-2002.

    -VL SS: 1986-1988 Holden Commodore. SS variant has V8 engine, as opposed to regular straight-six.

    -Rice-Burner/Ricer: A derogatory term for japanese cars/done up japanese cars.
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 02-13-2017 at 03:54 AM.

  10. #9
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Route 1
    Alice Fern
    Melemele Sea -> Hau'oli City

    Alice stood at the prow of the ship. The wind whipped her shoulder-length hair into her eyes, but she didn't mind at all. On her right shoulder, Plume clung to her coat, her claws wrapped tightly around a small leather strap Alice had sewn on after the Archen had destroyed five other coats with her sharp talons. Plume squawked happily as the gusts blasted the pair, wings spread wide as if she was flying. Alice laughed, eyes closed, one hand clutching the metal railing to stop her from falling. It had been a long journey from Pallet Town, Kanto. She had taken a train, a plane and now a ship to reach Alola. The fresh air and bright skies woke her from her travel-induced stupor. Alola was supposed to be beautiful. Though she was here for serious reasons, she would try and enjoy it.

    As the ship pulled into the Hau'oli City Marina, Alice scooped Plume off her shoulder with a well-practiced hand. The bird squawked in protest, but quickly quieted down when Alice began combing her messy feathers back into their usual positions. "You love flying, don't you?" Alice grinned. She had installed a tyre swing in the backyard of the laboratory at home, for Plume to swing around on. The bird never got tired of swinging through the air.

    Alice joined the rest of the passengers disembarking from the ship. It was only a smallish vessel, and the hundred or so people were mostly tourists come to soak up some famous Alola sun. She joined the throng of people heading into the city proper, eager to find something to eat. As she walked the streets, she saw numerous banners advertising a Natural Order rally, set for the next day. Perfect timing, she thought. The rally would be a good way to get more information, at the very least.

    Alice found something to eat in one of the many beach-front restaurants. While she ate, she flicked through the latest news on the Poketech she wore around her wrist. Nothing major seemed to have gone down since she had left Kanto, which was definitely a good thing. Before switching off the smartwatch, she sent a quick message to Ben back at the lab, letting him know she had arrived safely. Her assistant would be running things while she was gone, with the help of a few Pokemon Alice had left behind. She had told him it was a research trip, but he seemed skeptical at the time. She trusted him, but wouldn't get him involved until she knew what was going on. The lab Pokemon needed one of them, at least.

    Alice paid for her food and left the restaurant. It was getting colder as the sun disappeared below the horizon. Alice pulled the collar of her long white coat up higher around her ears. Plume was subdued on her shoulder now, eyes closed and resting on her leather perch. Alice was always amazed that the bird could retain her balance so well when sleeping. The past days' travel catching up to her, Alice yawned and headed off in search of somewhere to sleep for the night.

  11. #10
    τι ζωή Soups's Avatar
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    OOC: After writing my first post in first-person, I'm deciding to stick with first-person since it's most comfortable for me.

    Vincent Gray
    Hau’oli Inn
    Hau’oli City, Alola

    Vincent’s mind was dead-set on the Natural Order rally. No matter how much he attempted to retire for the night, the thought of tomorrow’s event prevented him from doing so. And who was one to blame him? To him, the Natural Order was fooling the masses and the fact was disheartening. If he had any ideas of derailing them, tomorrow was an opportunity – a great first step.

    Vincent’s Pokémon had little trouble getting rest. Victory devoted the majority of his energy to playing with several other Pokémon he had met earlier at Eddie’s, so his route to rest wasn’t a difficult one. The rest of the team kept to their Pokéballs as usual, which essentially meant “more space” in the rather small Inn room.

    “Breathe, Vince…” Vincent muttered to himself, letting how a short sigh afterward, “…just breathe, dude. Everything will be fine.”

    He began to think of his father whom had passed away years prior. The thoughts often gave him strength and a sense of purpose. He missed him dearly and understood that with the presence of the Natural Order, he had an opportunity to make him proud.

    “I wish you were here, dad…” he said, faintly, “But I know you’re watching me from above.”

    He reached across the desk that sat on the right side of him and clicked off the dimly lit lamp.

    “I won’t let you down.”
    Last edited by Soups; 02-13-2017 at 07:44 PM.
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