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  1. #211
    Today was a terrible day. I mean the past month has been pretty terrible but today was the worst. 3 of the jobs I had interviews with called me over the past few days and told me they found someone else for the position so I was no longer needed. And then I get a text from my cell carrier because my past due bill is $300 and I'm going to be getting shut off soon. And then I got a letter from the bank saying that my account is very negative (very high triple digits, I'm not giving the exact number)

    And it's just really really stressful and I'm freaking the hell out. My insomnia is getting worse and it's harder to sleep each night, the only thing helping me is my good friend Jack Daniels.

    This sucks so much and I'm on the verge of actually losing my mind

  2. #212
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ant2011 View Post
    Today was a terrible day. I mean the past month has been pretty terrible but today was the worst. 3 of the jobs I had interviews with called me over the past few days and told me they found someone else for the position so I was no longer needed. And then I get a text from my cell carrier because my past due bill is $300 and I'm going to be getting shut off soon. And then I got a letter from the bank saying that my account is very negative (very high triple digits, I'm not giving the exact number)

    And it's just really really stressful and I'm freaking the hell out. My insomnia is getting worse and it's harder to sleep each night, the only thing helping me is my good friend Jack Daniels.

    This sucks so much and I'm on the verge of actually losing my mind
    That's a really tough situation, I'm so sorry :( Job searching is horrible and makes you feel like absolute crap. Do they do stuff over there for people in financial hardship? Like let you pay things off really slow on a payment plan or something? Or do you have anyone who could help out? Anything to relieve your stress a bit. I mean if you got three interviews that sounds pretty great to me and it's only a matter of time before you land something. Hang in there!

  3. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    That's a really tough situation, I'm so sorry :( Job searching is horrible and makes you feel like absolute crap. Do they do stuff over there for people in financial hardship? Like let you pay things off really slow on a payment plan or something? Or do you have anyone who could help out? Anything to relieve your stress a bit. I mean if you got three interviews that sounds pretty great to me and it's only a matter of time before you land something. Hang in there!
    No, there's no system to help people who quit their job. Laid off, sure they can get unemployment. But if you quit you're screwed. Nobody in my family will help me, so I had to sell my magic decks and old pokemon merch to make a dent in my debt.

  4. #214
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ant2011 View Post
    No, there's no system to help people who quit their job. Laid off, sure they can get unemployment. But if you quit you're screwed. Nobody in my family will help me, so I had to sell my magic decks and old pokemon merch to make a dent in my debt.
    Oh I see. That really sucks :( Here you can get welfare if youre not working regardless of if you quit, but you have to jump througha bunch of hoops to get it. That's a real shame you had to sell your things. I hope your luck turns around soon.

  5. #215
    Hello everybody, today was a terrible day for me because I'm increasingly struggling with the English class at college. Today, I was feeling like crying during the English class, so I (silently) told myself not to cry. I don't want to fail that class.

    ... At least, I managed not to cry in the classroom.

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  6. #216
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleobel View Post
    Hello everybody, today was a terrible day for me because I'm increasingly struggling with the English class at college. Today, I was feeling like crying during the English class, so I (silently) told myself not to cry. I don't want to fail that class.

    ... At least, I managed not to cry in the classroom.
    Bleh, yeah, school can do that to you. Maybe email the professor or seek some outside class time with them to see if there are things they can recommend doing to keep on top of everything. A lot of the worrying is because of the fear of not knowing what might be coming next, but if you go to them for help and get some advice as to what you can do to get the best grades you can for the rest of the semester, it will help your confidence and ultimately help you do the best you can do when you're more prepared.

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  8. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Victini View Post
    Bleh, yeah, school can do that to you. Maybe email the professor or seek some outside class time with them to see if there are things they can recommend doing to keep on top of everything. A lot of the worrying is because of the fear of not knowing what might be coming next, but if you go to them for help and get some advice as to what you can do to get the best grades you can for the rest of the semester, it will help your confidence and ultimately help you do the best you can do when you're more prepared.
    Thank you for your advice, Victini. I hope it will be possible to talk with the teacher after the class this coming Wednesday.

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
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  9. #218
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleobel View Post
    Hello everybody, today was a terrible day for me because I'm increasingly struggling with the English class at college. Today, I was feeling like crying during the English class, so I (silently) told myself not to cry. I don't want to fail that class.

    ... At least, I managed not to cry in the classroom.
    Still that's awful. School can be super stressful for sure. I struggled in language classes quite often. It wasn't until college I started doing better in Writing classes. Then again some college's and professors have differences in how they like things done. As with what Neo (Victini) said. Maybe you can also meet up with another classmate or find someone who can help proofread you work before you submit it. That way you have time to make any changes according to their tips. It can be hard to keep your confidence depending on how your grades are and how well it all comes to you. Trying to work with others or get more tips from the professor. If you ever need some encouragement or pep talk. You can always talk to us! We'll be here for you to help try and cheer you up, Cleobel! :D

    The time is upon us...

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  11. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Pineweaver Pichu View Post
    Still that's awful. School can be super stressful for sure. I struggled in language classes quite often. It wasn't until college I started doing better in Writing classes. Then again some college's and professors have differences in how they like things done. As with what Neo (Victini) said. Maybe you can also meet up with another classmate or find someone who can help proofread you work before you submit it. That way you have time to make any changes according to their tips. It can be hard to keep your confidence depending on how your grades are and how well it all comes to you. Trying to work with others or get more tips from the professor. If you ever need some encouragement or pep talk. You can always talk to us! We'll be here for you to help try and cheer you up, Cleobel! :D
    Thank you for your advice, Pineweaver Pichu. Sorry to hear that you struggled in language classes as well. :/
    Perhaps I should write a quick update about the situation : I'm still struggling with the English class, I can't talk with the teacher after the class because she always leaves the classroom quickly after the class, and she did not reply to my email.
    I discussed the situation with my only college friend (he is not my classmate, but he has the same English teacher as me). He gave me some advice, which is very nice of him, but I have not been able to get feedback about it from the teacher yet. After all, students can make mistakes, even if they have good intentions.
    As for someone who can help proofread my work before I submit it, that's not exactly the person I'm looking for, because most assignments and tests for the English class (including the final exam) must be submitted orally.
    I confirm that it is hard to keep my confidence in this situation, especially as a PXR member : I hope that no one on this English-speaking forum will judge me because I'm struggling with the English class.
    Last but not least, thank you for your support. That's very kind of you. :)

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
    Special thanks to AD for this awesome Chikorita GIF! :D

  12. #220
    • ʖ̫ • Caunadan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleobel View Post
    Thank you for your advice, Pineweaver Pichu. Sorry to hear that you struggled in language classes as well. :/
    Perhaps I should write a quick update about the situation : I'm still struggling with the English class, I can't talk with the teacher after the class because she always leaves the classroom quickly after the class, and she did not reply to my email.
    I discussed the situation with my only college friend (he is not my classmate, but he has the same English teacher as me). He gave me some advice, which is very nice of him, but I have not been able to get feedback about it from the teacher yet. After all, students can make mistakes, even if they have good intentions.
    As for someone who can help proofread my work before I submit it, that's not exactly the person I'm looking for, because most assignments and tests for the English class (including the final exam) must be submitted orally.
    I confirm that it is hard to keep my confidence in this situation, especially as a PXR member : I hope that no one on this English-speaking forum will judge me because I'm struggling with the English class.
    Last but not least, thank you for your support. That's very kind of you. :)
    I don't think you have to worry about anybody judging you over it here; I sure won't. Orally is one thing and it's understandable to me how a non-native speaker might struggle if that's the format, however when it comes to your writing/typing, on here and online in general, your English is very good! If I had not known otherwise and only knew of you from the things you've typed here I would not have guessed it was not your native tongue. Wish you the best with your class and oral report struggles (and I think you should continue to try and speak to your professor about it, perhaps even leave a note on her desk at the start of class one day or something asking her to see you for a minute when it's finished and before she leaves quickly, if she doesn't get to e-mail) but I wouldn't worry about any judgements from people here, I can't imagine anybody here being like that.

    Being monolingual and always having struggled greatly to learn any new language apart from a few words and maybe phrases, I've got respect for anybody who is as adept at more than one as you demonstrate. :)

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