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  1. #31
    Experienced Trainer pokemon trainer Felix's Avatar
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    I Guess interviewing someone could be usefull. Lets just hope My social awkwardnes kicks in to much

    Interview (regular): 75 Giphlin the Xatu

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by azura evley View Post
    interview 93. Mismit Metter the Sneasel
    Interview Rapport: EXTREMELY POSITIVE
    +1 Shared Evolution stage
    +1 Shared Species
    +2 Shared Types

    You find Mismit working away in the Metter Machine Shop, his family-owned business. His eyes light up when he spots another Sneasel and he stops his work to greet you. He grabs an old dirty rag and wipes his giant claws, then approaches you cautiously.

    "What can I do for you?" he asks, at first not realising that you're an Emissary. After a moment he realises who you are. "I've...heard of you people. You're here to help us with the Stalkers, right? I mean, that's what I've heard..." He glances at you awkwardly, then sets down the rag. "It's rare to see another Sneasel in town. My family all moved away and left me with the shop, and with these Stalkers around, we rarely see people we aren't familiar with. If you're here to ask me about them...I don't really know anything. I don't get out much...but I do know that weird things have been showing up around town lately. My friends Sanshi and Mirad have recently found these really weird...artifact things. Nobody is sure what they are or what they do, but all I know is that they turned up at the same time as the Stalkers..."

    Mismit approaches his workstation and boils his kettle, getting out a dirtied mug. He offers you one as well. "You've gotta learn to protect yourself these days, you know? There are a few Pokémon around town who have been offering services lately to help people fend off Stalkers. I'm not sure who they are because they lay low... You know...Stalkers could get them. But you can find their pamphlets around town. I only know of two... Ironrock Apartments has them somewhere, and so does Sunspot Apartment Tower. I would learn a skill or two...if I could only pick which ones..."

    The Sneasel pours himself a decaffeinated tea and hands you the other. "This'll oil up your joints," he promises, and takes a sip. "Hope I helped. If I think of anything else to help you, I can let you know."

    You finish the cup of tea before leaving the workshop. Mismit seems a little disappointed to see you go, but gets back to work straight away.

    Katzu the Sneasel (M: Dark/Ice)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Escort/Protect
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by The Nonexistent Tazz View Post
    Search (45) Silverbay Coast. I'm basically the only water type (to my immediate knowledge) so I might as well start doing the one thing only I can do...
    As a Suicune, you are swift and efficient in bodies of water. The ocean is cool and refreshing on your skin, a sign that these parts are not as polluted as one might assume bordering a busy industrial city. You see some Pokémon and other aquamarine life swimming about; some of them gawk at you as you swim by, shocked to see a Legendary Pokémon in their presence. It's clear that some of them wish to approach you, but are too shy or believe you would not want to be disturbed.

    You scale the coastline with ease, and there seems to be nothing close to the shore. However, the further out you get, the stronger an unsettling sensation washing over you becomes. It becomes darker and harder to see, but suddenly you spot an orb of light which draws you in. With each passing second, you feel like you're being dragged down to the bottom of the ocean by some mysterious force that must have something to do with this underwater glow. When you draw close enough, you can see the illuminated figure of a large structure. It appears to be in the shape of a Lanturn's head, and the light source comprises two large globes at the tips of its antennae.

    The figure's triangular eyes, which are bright red on a regular Lanturn, have been violently scratched out with something. It could simply be vandalism, but it is unclear. Above where the mouth would be, there is an inscription which reads, 'Shrine of Perpetual Suffocation.' A stone ring encompassing the base of the head, which connects with the sand lining the ocean's bottom, contains several hollows which look like they are meant to hold objects.

    You look to see if there is a way in. No matter what you do, however, you can't seem to activate anything. It appears as if whatever the holes are in the ring of stone, they need to be filled before anything of note can happen here.

    {Shrine of Perpetual Suffocation: x10 Empty Slots} has been noted in the team records.

    Just as you turn to leave, you begin to hear disturbing cries. No matter where you look, there is nobody to be seen this far out, and nothing you know of could produce such demonic screeches. The cries begins to get louder until they reverberate within your skull, feeling as if they're going to dice your brain into tiny portions, then rip them from your head slice by slice. Your body feels immobilised, and for a series of agonising seconds you're unsure if you'll ever be released.

    Tazz has suffered 1 point of damage to Sanity.

    The cries dissipate all at once, relieving your mind. You don't know what that was, but you get the feeling that if the next person who comes along doesn't have the means to disarm it, they'll suffer all the same experience.

    You leave the shrine and search the rest of the bay without disturbing the residents of either underwater apartment buildings, and conclude that there is nothing else worth taking note of in these parts.

    Tazz the Suicune (L: Water)
    Health: 6/6
    Sanity: 3/4
    Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Restrain
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  4. #34
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    They always say search a place from top to bottom. So...

    Search: Sunspot Apartment Tower. (1d) Floors 31-40

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  6. #35
    Just some guy Shieldbearer's Avatar
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    A large city... I'm feeling right at home already. I rarely have the time or reason to go exploring, though. While I'm not in the shape I'd like to be, weighing roughly 100 kilos more than usual... I might as well make my presence known and chat with people. I'll hit up 67. Wador the Lairon, the one that fits my typing best. Talk about recent events, mainly, but also possibly talk about friends, what they've been up to and all... Simple stuff.
    Might not have a chance later... I'd chat with any of the town's confirmed investigators or enforcers, but I do not appear to be the best off for any of them. I also inwardly must question why Rock has to beat Bug with how many Steel/Bug Pokemon there are...

  7. #36
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    Wow, this is one big city. I'm not entirely sure where to start...
    Oh, you there, Ninetails! Can I have a few seconds of your time?

    (Interview (Mission) 109. Hattika the Ninetales)

  8. #37
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    Lita pulls herself together and decides to start with the most obvious location: the police station
    You arrive before the outside of the Silvercoal City police station. Despite the situation surrounding the troubled city, it seems Pormalu has been trying to keep the situation under control. However, there have been signs of unrest that the SCPD has been getting heat from the locals about their inability to find the Stalkers and deal with them. Angry graffiti and signs of protest seem to be scattered about on the ground and on the fixtures.

    You take your search around the building to find more similar debris and unrest, but it isn't until you get to the back of the gray building do you find a pair of heavy reinforced doors designed to resist all forms of aggressive attack entry. As you have expected, they have been indeed locked and you feel there is definitely something the police need to keep locked down and secure here.

    Locked Doors: {Outdoor Basement Entry: Impenetrable Doors} has been noted in the Team Records.

    You complete your search around the perimeter of the building, but there doesn't seem to be much else to find here besides more angry signs of Pokémon that feel the police aren't doing their jobs.

    Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 4/4
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Security | Learned Abilities: Rescue/Escape
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  9. #38
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noblejanobii View Post
    Intriguing, this place is quite different than I imagined. Now who did Sloane recommend I interview first? Hmm.... aha!

    Excuse me! Fellow ghost type! How are you today?

    Madder has decided to interview 3. Udipheign the Drifblim
    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE
    +1 Shared Pokémon Type (Ghost)

    You find Udipheign commuting to work, and it seems he has been avoiding eye contact with just about everyone around him. When you approach him and introduce yourself, he seems taken back, but only for a moment. It seems as though he has taken an immediate liking to you.

    "Madder!?" he asks in response to your name. "Madder. Of course. Well, what is this about?"

    You inquire about what he knows about the Stalkers. Udipheign, in response, seems to look around, wondering who might be watching or listening.

    "I thought the common criminal folk of this city were bad," Udipheign tells you, checking behind him for a slight moment before facing you again. "And then these Stalkers showed up. Well, no longer! Obviously my original pessimism about this city wasn't strong enough! It seems not even the police can tackle down these murderous hoodlums. Not like I ever had much faith in the police force anyway. Never did. Never will, but of course, that's another discussion for another day."

    He checks behind him once more. It seems he is extremely meticulous in making sure no one is around while discussing some of his more intricate knowledge.

    "Now I..." Udipheign explains, seeming a bit content with himself, "...I have decided to take matters into my own hands, much like you have, Mister Madder. I have been doing my own searching and I have a feeling I have what might be a lead on one of these deplorable Stalkers. Well, a hunch really. A strong hunch. One that can't be ignored considering this information isn't easy to come by. As such, I might need your help when I finally gather what I need. That last... missing piece."

    "But for now, I must be off," Udipheign nods to you as a goodbye. "The hour will soon be upon us, and we cannot falter. Not when even the rest of the city falters around us, of course."

    He then leaves, drifting on while making sure no one had overheard the two of you speaking.

    Madder the Mimikyu (S: Ghost/Fairy)
    Health: 4/4
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Lockpick | Learned Abilities: Restrain
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  10. #39
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed-X View Post

    Might as well take advantage of my charming allure. Let's see....

    Let's take the obvious route and go interview (regular) subject #10: Pormalu. I have a feeling he might know a little bit about what's going on. Gotta get some background on this.

    Interview Rapport: VERY POSITIVE
    +1 Shared type
    +1 Shared evolution stage

    You find Pormalu at the police department, where he is talking to Lychee, a Scolipede who also works as a police officer. As Lychee leaves, you approach Pormalu and introduce yourself. He smiles modestly at you, and you note that he is not intimidating despite his looming figure.

    "Welcome, Olea. This is Silvercoal City's police department, where I am Police Chief. I run this city's law enforcement with immense pride alongside my mate, Sequintia. If I'm not around to answer your questions at any stage, she can, as the Deputy Director." He motions to an Illumise who flits by and briefly salutes to him. "That's Fern, a Sergeant, and Lychee back there is one of our many budding officers. This team runs smoothly and efficiently, just as I like it." He radiates a proud smile, although its brightness fades a little as he seems to consider something. "The Stalkers have been...targeting our police officers, so morale isn't at its highest. Nevertheless, I remain confident that we'll eventually rid our beautiful city of their disease."

    He begins to take a walk through the department, and you follow suit. At one point he passes a window, on the other side of which is a confident looking female Pyroar with a long, sleek head mane. Her eyes are soft at first, but quickly light up with suspicion as she spots you. She narrows her eyes, and you get the feeling that she's not so happy to see another female fire type with her mate. However, Pormalu is merely amused and continues to lead you down a hall and out of the Pyroar's sight.

    "I suppose you're here to help us. I've heard some rumours around the city and even...well, I know it sounds silly, but I had a visit from the legendary Pokémon Mew in my sleep last night. You are Emissaries, here to help us with our plight. Well, I must thank you personally, but your work is only just beginning." The Arcanine strides into what you guess is his office, approaching his large couch-like seat ergonomically designed for quadrupeds. He opens a drawer with one of his front paws and takes a set of documents between his toes to show you. "Just recently, we...lost a good officer. She was a Manectric by the name of Satia, and she was a brilliant detective. Unfortunately, her brilliance was what got her killed."

    He hands you an email he printed out which he received from her the day before her death, as he explains. There's something eerie about reading the words of the dead, but you try to look past it as you read the email.

    =Satia's Email= was added to the Team Records.

    "I don't know how that can help, but maybe it can motivate you to investigate her murder. She was killed by the Stalker who goes by Philter. It's a ruthless Stalker that kills by its victims by implanting into their heads what we can only imagine is a seed. The seed takes a few minutes to...well, devour the brain inside the skull. The seed can also grow tendrils which - sorry for the gruesome details - can worm their way through eye sockets and other orifices." He stopped to close his eyes, and you guess he is probably imagining the grim fate of his former police officer. "We assume this Stalker may be a Grass-type, but that is merely speculation. There was another more recent murder committed by this Stalker witnessed by a worker, but you'll have to excuse me; I cannot divulge the witness' identity. I can, however, provide you with a phone record which can prove this witness' innocence. I assure you, this witness is not Philter, as video evidence can confirm. If you would like to know more, head to the Javelin Manufacturing Plant on the other side of town. On Floor Two, you'll find the security footage I'm talking about...and you'll learn who can help you better than I can."

    He hands you a second document with phone records.

    =Phone Records= was added to the Team Records.

    "Unfortunately, that's all I have for you on Philter for the time being," Pormalu explains. "Our investigations are still ongoing, but we have been making progress. I would be willing to provide additional details once we come across them, but please understand that you will need to come to us as I need to keep a firm watch on what goes on around here. You're welcome to followup with us at any time to see if any new evidence has turned up regarding these ongoing investigations. And in the meantime, I look forward to hearing your progress. Thank you."

    He nods to you as a thanks and goodbye before he returns to work.

    Olea the Salazzle (M: Poison/Fire)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Diplomacy | Learned Abilities: Restrain
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  11. #40
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    Lita makes a note of the locked doors--but is still overwhelmed by her options.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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