Greendash Conservatory's Mask
"You arrive at the Greendash Park Conservatory, which seems to be a peaceful sanctuary, even at night. The clean, white framework of the building and the clean glass panels makes it clear this place is definitely well taken care of. And while the rest of Silvercoal City seems unsettling, especially during the night hours, somehow this place remains untouched where even the shadows feel calm and comforting. While the rest of the city seems gloomy, it seems at this conservatory, the lamps still fill it with a comforting glow and make you feel at peace under the moonlit sky.

Here, the trees seem to be bright and healthy with plenty of leaves and the conservatory plants seem to be well-taken care of, even though you're not sure who does the groundskeeping here. While most of the Pokémon that would normally be relaxing here have gone home for the night, it seems there is still plenty to be appreciated here.

As you look around, you find there are several stone monuments and murals that appear to be very old. Many of them are quite beautiful and you can tell whoever created them must have been extremely skilled and talented. At first, you believe the city must have commissioned some very talented artists to place these here, but after a second thought, you begin to wonder if these monuments are older than even most of the city itself.

You begin to realize a kind of pattern that it seems many, many generations of Silvercoal City residents have simply overlooked or were never able to figure out. Within your Emissary senses, you suddenly feel your breath taken away when you realize these monuments aren't for art. They're markers. There's something far more to them, but you cannot sense what the exact nature is yet. Three of them in particular stand out to you, but they seem to be in a language or formation that you can't quite understand."

{Trinity Stone Monuments: *?*, *?*, *?*, <*?*>}

The image plays over and over in my head. I knew something important was in the Greendash Conservatory but this? Why? The place, it masks itself as a beacon of lone hope in a city full of blood....Those streets are extended gutters...but this monolith gives hope. Why? Why is this here? Why is these markers.. a...strategic...manner. Why? Why not place the markers in three points of the city? Why make the conservatory mark?....

Unless....unless there are more marks....of course! There has to be more marks along the city! But why? And why there?...What unfathomable secrets do you hold...why do you ire me so? WHY WONT YOU LET ME DIVULGE IN YOU!?

I need more...