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  1. #1
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    The Digital World

    PXR Christmas Advent Calendar: December 21st

    December 21st. The midwinter Solstice, shortest day of the year, and the start of Yule.

    So, for this day, I thought I'd share with you a more obscure christmas movie: The Christmas Dragon.

    (On the one hand, It's one you'd have to buy, on the other, it's only 2.49 on Youtube/Google play. Plus the company that made it is rather small; they crowdfund all their movies, so they kinda need the money. Also, it might be on Netflix?)

    Anyway, this is a rather strange christmas movie. Set in a medievil fantasy setting, it's about a group of orphans who set out to find Father Christmas (Who looks a lot like Gandalf) and return the magic of christmas to the land. Along the way the meet elves(Tall pointy eared fantasy evles, not the short stripe christmas kind) and dragons, encounter bandits and goblins, and all around have a tolkien-esque journey that is really more a cheesy fantasy film than a christmas movie.
    If you've seen any fantasy movie, you can probably see everything that happens coming from a mile away, but taken as a christmas movie, it's rather out there. How many christmas movies include at least three fight scenes with sword dules? :P The acting is ok, but at a glace you can see that this is a pretty low budget movie; the CGI was crowdfunded, allowing a pretty okay dragon, but very little else in tems of special effects.
    The christmassyness is a little thin at times, but all around it's a low-budget fun cheesy movie full of cliches, but if you wanted something else, why are you even considering watching a christmas movie? :P Plus, it has a dragon pulling santas sleigh! How can you say no to that?! :P

    Now, for those of you without the funds to buy a mediochre movie, you can enjoy this fanart I found:

    What could be better than waking up to find your stockings full of adorable fire foxes?

    And also this:

    This artist did a ton of christmas themed pokemon pictures, (17 I believe) so if you like this one, I urge you to check out there other pics.

    Anyway, Happy Holidays to all! I hope you have a great day/night.

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  3. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Good stuff! I've never seen that movie, but those two pictures are great, holiday fun. :3

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
    What could be better than waking up to find your stockings full of adorable fire foxes?
    Waking up to find your stockings full of adorable Chikoritas, of course! xD
    But Vulpix is very cute as well. <3

    Thank you for this interesting post, Shruikan! That Christmas dragon is so funny and I really like the Pokemon Christmas pictures. :)

    Special thanks to Fate for this cute avatar and this cute banner! :D
    Special thanks to AD for this awesome Chikorita GIF! :D


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