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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow-Jolteon View Post
    I need to talk to 66. Desnim the Eelectrik
    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE
    +1 Shared type (Electric)

    Desnim proves to be a little bit elusive, and after following some leads, you finally find him levitating around Salvage Theatre, appearing to be on a break of some kind. There is a cleaning cart beside him, and on top of it is a can of drink, with a long straw poking out and resting in his mouth. The electric-type is rather distracted as you approach, and as a result, he doesn't see you until you're almost right up beside him. With a bit of a start, he turns around and his eyes go wide.

    "Oh, hello!" he says, almost shouting. He fumbles as he attempts to hide the drink by hovering in front of it, which you immediately assume means that he is probably drinking something he should not be consuming while on the job. "I-I didn't see you approach! Must be a...quite a stealthy one!" He gives a bit of a chuckle, which peters off and then he clears his throat. "What, uh...what can I do for you?"

    You explain to him why you sought him out, and that you're curious to find out what a fellow electric-type does in town. You also mention that you're here to investigate Stalkers, and all the while, he slowly nods in consideration.

    "Ugh, yeah, those things are...evil menaces. Ever since they got here, everyone's been acting scared and jumpy. Real bad for business, too, I might add." He rejoins eye contact with you and stammers a bit. "N-not that that's...important! Not at all in the face of lives, obviously." He clears his throat again, then sighs. "Yeah, I'm one of the jumpy ones. I'm sick of those Stalker things messing up everyone's lives. It's just a hideous turn of events, you know?"

    You ask him if he has seen anything suspicious or worth noting lately, and he seems to ponder for a moment.

    "Well, uh, in terms of Stalkers...wouldn't have a clue. But... Harmony, right? Lapras gal--great, friendly, but, uh...I don't know. Something about her seems a little off. Nobody's that nice, right? She could be compensating for something. I don't know if you know much of Salvage Keep's history at all, but we've had some...substance abuse problems." He pauses and catches your eyes flicking to the cart behind him. He chuckles sheepishly. "N-not my drink, of course. That's just...fizzy. Most commonly moved drug around here is something called sway. Comes in a little red powder...kinda looks like paprika, now that I think of it." He pauses, looking into the distance at nothing in particular. "Anyway, nobody's found out who the connection is--you know, the dealer in town. Not saying Harmony could be it, but...just something to think about. Lot of contacts, that one. Though Pakson's wound right up as well. Wouldn't surprise me if he was on the stuff. Dunno if he'd deal it, though. Why am I talking about drugs? Well, Stalkers in town means people need a distraction--and what better distraction that something that alters your state of mind? Stuff's bad, man..."

    "Look, I gotta get back to it, but, uh...keep away from all that nasty drug stuff, yeah?" He turns around, reaching into the cart, and brings out something small for you, then offers it with a short fin. "Take care of yourself; always take protection with you. Stick it in a headband or something. Don't worry, I got more at home."

    [Yellow Gem] was added to Arrow's Inventory.

    He signals goodbye, then swims into his cart to begin pushing it past the theatre. You notice the straw slip back into his mouth as well, then look back down at the gem you received from him. It's a brilliant, but you don't know if you can utilise it without first finding a way to wear it properly. You pocket it for now.

    Arrow the Jolteon (M: Electric)
    Health: 10/10 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Security
    Trait: Nimble

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by ARandomTool View Post
    Ever the kind gentleman (around mysterious ghost-type women, at least), before leaving, he tips an invisible hat to Vex, and gives her some parting words.
    "Well, I don't personally have such a skill, but I do know a person... Ha, I've only been here a day and it feels like I know everyone. I'll get right on it - I'd like to get to know you in particular better, and the view from up here must be beautiful, normally."
    Ah, romance.

    Now to talk to Timpani the Kirlia after stalking her through the sewers, from the shadows, for the better part of the day

    Edit: Always Diplomacy. Always.
    Updated your post. ;)

    Interview Rapport: VERY POSITIVE
    +2 Shared types (Psychic, Fairy)

    You locate Timpani at the Valley Wellness Centre, where you quickly find out she works. She greets you at the door, eyes wide and curious as she sees you. Immediately it's as if the two of you have a certain kinship, and you can already tell that it seems to be something she values.

    "Hi there!" she begins. "Welcome to Valley Wellness. You're for an appointment, are you? 'Cause I don't think you're..." She half turns around, hesitant to leave you stuck at the door, and calls out to her colleague. You hear no response, and she pulls a tooth-baring awkward smile. "Oops. I think he's with a patient."

    You intercept her there, introducing yourself and explaining that you do not have an appointment. But you are there to speak with her, and she responds immediately with repeated nods, opening the door wider to you.

    "By all means, do come in!" she offers, extending out her right arm which, you notice, is missing a hand entirely. You thank her as you enter.

    She shuts the door then leads you through to an empty room with a desk, a couch, and some cushions on the floor. The interior is fairly simplistic, and you can see that all furniture in the building is old, a little broken, or somewhat stained. You figure that a place like this wouldn't pull in high figures, so it's no surprise that their assets are second-hand or a little rickety.

    "So, what brings you here specifically?" she wonders, sitting down on a chair while you take the couch. Her eyes are narrowed a little as she retains a small smile. "I certainly haven't seen you around before."

    You take that moment to explain the gist of your mission here in Salvage Keep, outlining the importance of what you and your companions are doing. You go in-depth about your capabilities, you brave nature, and your unending passion for justice. Some of it might be a little embellished, but you know you're convincing enough, and the kirlia's eyes barely leave you while you give her small examples of the success you've already had so far, and the reason why cooperation of the locals is imperative to the mission. You can say with certainty that you have her undivided attention.

    Timpani the Kirlia is now COMPLIANT.

    "Well, I must say, Mister Nicklefool, it sounds like you do very important work," she says, and for a moment you can't tell if she's serious or just playing on your ego. "I do have information for you, though." Her tone shifts to one a little more serious as she folds one leg over the other, and rests her left hand over the stub on her other wrist. "I normally live in Trinket Tower when I'm not working, and, well...things have been a little dangerous there of late. Eclipse and I live beside each other in the tower, but ever since that shadow stuff moved in, we've been staying at Longstay Ranch." She sighs. "And let me tell you, that place is...nice, but it's not home. And Vex is much more accommodating than Golly. He's not bad, but he's not...Vex." She gives a chuckle. "Anyway, even before that darkness started spreading there, residents were finding weird notes, and there was even an explosive at one point. I don't know if that relates to that Stalker who blows up its victims...but, perhaps it does?"

    She pulls open a drawer in her desk and reaches in, extracting two berries. She's barely able to hold them both in the one hand, but she's managing somehow. "I was going to save these for a rainy day, but, Mister Nicklefool, if you're going to be investigating those evil Stalkers, perhaps you're going to need them more than I will." She gets up and offers them to you, then sits back down again.

    [Sitrus Berry] and [Starf Berry] were added to Nicklefool's Inventory.

    "I'm more than happy to chat for a bit longer, if there are more things you'd like to ask me. But it will have to wrap up pretty soon," she says, and you shrug, figuring it wouldn't hurt to talk a little more. Over the course of the next fifteen or so minutes, she tells you about how many pokémon who should be coming to see her haven't, and those who used to come no longer show up. "Sometimes all they need is someone to talk to," she sighs, meeting your gaze. "If you need anyone to speak with...if these Stalkers start taking a mental toll on you, know that I'm always available." She gives you a warm smile, which slowly becomes a little cheeky. "By appointment!" she adds, giggling a little.

    When Timpani's client arrives, she thanks you for coming and shows you out, advising you to take care of yourself. You give a tip of your invisible hat, to which she smiles and shakes her head.

    Nicholas "Nicklefool" Foligan the Mr. Mime (M: Psychic/Fairy)
    Health: 10/10| Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Diplomacy

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Noblejanobii View Post
    I need to speak with 12. Mittlee the Mimikyu. As a fellow Mimikyu, I think the interview would go great.

    But we're going to proceed with caution, just in case whatever Arrow said Mittlee found is dangerous.
    Interview Rapport: BEST
    +4 Shared species, types, evolution stage

    Mittlee is fairly easy to find during the day, thanks to your companion previously having spoken with Irston. The two fairy types work together at Fabulous Furnishings, which you pay a visit to early afternoon.

    Irston does a double-take as you walk in, but once he confirms that you are, in fact, a customer, he is eager to greet you. He introduces himself and you ask to speak with Mittlee. He gives you pause then nods, spinning around and running a few metres through the furniture store.

    “Mittlee! You never told me you had family!” he shouts, and you hear a quiet response followed by scuttling.

    Soon the mimikyu pokes her head out from between some bed frames and begins shuffling toward you. The first thing you notice is the half-missing ear of her pikachu costume, fashioned much like your own but more of a dull green. “Hi...” she begins, voice quiet but eyes very obviously taken by your appearance. “I...I don’t have family. Irston knows that...”

    You explain who you are and why you have come to speak with Mittlee, and she watches as you talk, almost entranced with your every movement. When you stop talking, she stares for a little longer before snapping herself out of it.

    “O-oh, oh, okay, sure. Um,’s just that I’ve never... You’re the first mimikyu to visit Salvage Keep...besides me.” She is clearly unsure how to feel, but tries to shelve her thoughts as she continues. “Well, I’m Mittlee...and I work here. Not much that’s interesting happens around here but those Stalkers are a big problem. I—I found this strange thing the other day,” she starts, reaching with one of her extending shadow hands into the pack she carries and pulls out a strange-looking plastic toy which looks to have melted under intense heat. “I think it’s a cleffa. I don’t know who it belongs to but when I touch it, it just gives me the chills. Please take it if you think it will help.”

    [Melted Toy Cleffa] was added to the Team Inventory.

    “D-do you know the cluster of broken houses just south of the crater? Well...please be careful if you go there. All the houses there are scary and evil, especially the rotting cottage. That one is flooded by shadow spirits. I've seen it!" she whispers loudly, fear in her voice. "I mean...not all the houses are bad because I live in the small one, and, well, it’s the only one that makes me feel safe. Whenever I'm there, I feel happy and peaceful, like an angel herself is watching over me there. It’s...hard to explain.” She thinks for a second before continuing. “I think Juparl could use some peace right now. She's very tense...and acting strange. I went to go and study at the Scholar's Guild and she just ignored me, and wouldn't stop muttering...”

    The mimikyu turns slightly as Irston calls out to her, reminding her about the family discount they offer. She shouts back meek confirmation then looks at you again.

    “I...I really should be going now. But just so you know, if you want to learn some extra skills for your investigation, well, I’ve been very specially trained in private eye practices! Please tell one of your friends if any of you ever want to come and learn how I do it.”

    Mittlee has been discovered as a teacher for Investigate.


    INVESTIGATE - 1 Day Cycle & 1 Night Cycle (ANY CYCLE)
    This action provides a highly advanced amount of intel on what a civilian does on a day to day basis as you watch and record everything they do while hidden from scrutiny. Using Investigate will allow you to fully learn where that pokémon lives, where they work, their personality traits, their likes, dislikes, friends, profession, what their hobby is, and if they have any items of interest within their possession.

    As a result of the time needed to conduct this level of work, using this ability will take two consecutive Cycles to complete. It can be started on the day cycle and carry on to the night cycle, or started on the night cycle and carry through to the day cycle. Because this means you will be tailing your target almost all day and all night, you will be required to make a stealth check (a percentage roll) to see if you remain hidden. You will need to exceed 50% or above to remain hidden, and your dodge rate is taken as your stealth rate. These checks are made automatically and do not require user input, and will be made once at the end of each Investigate. If you pass the stealth check and remain hidden for the entire investigative process, your target does not spot you and you will return back to base with all the information you were after. If you fail the stealth roll, you will still get the information you learned, but the pokémon you are tailing notices you and either confronts you or flees, based on their personality. This may result in a -1 to your rapport score with that pokémon. This negative effect does not affect any other Emissary's rapport with this pokémon.

    LUCKY STRIKE: It's possible to get a "Lucky Strike" with Investigate. This will happen when you use Investigate on a pokémon and it just so happens that they're either the Stalker who makes an attack during the Night Cycle, OR they just so happen to be the victim during that particular Night Cycle. If you manage to pass your stealth check and you happen to be following either the attacking Stalker or the victim, you will witness the murder and will be 100% sure of the attacking Stalker's identity. If you fail the stealth check, the pokémon will notice you before they attack or are attacked, and you will not know if they are a Stalker or a Stalker's victim.

    How to use:
    Investigate takes 1 day action (the second day action) and 1 night action to perform. Simply state, "Investigate #27, Dalex the Bulbasaur." You won't get the outcome results until AFTER the second Cycle has passed, however. You're also free to abort the Investigation early if you feel the need to take a different action during what would have been the second Cycle, but you will only get limited information on them, such as just learning their workplace.

    "Also, I know that Delta and Vye both have a special skill, too. Maybe you could meet with one of them to learn it." She nods. "Anyway, thanks for meeting with me." Mittlee extends a stretched, long, black hand to you, and you do the same. She gives you a high-five, then retracts her hand and scurries off into the store.

    Madder the Mimikyu (S: Ghost/Fairy)
    Health: 8/8 | Sanity: 7/8 | Purity: 12/12
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Seinaru
    Trait: Stealthy

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy0295 View Post
    I’ll use Medicine to heal 4 purity to myself, and 4 health to Lillian the Lopunny.
    As an individual with extensive medical knowledge, you only see it fitting to put those skills to use and help out where you can. And yes, that includes helping yourself.

    While most of the Emissaries are gone, you remain in the clubhouse and read up on some extra knowledge while preparing the best way to restore some sustenance back to yourself. You are able to brew your medicinal knowledge and combine it with the divine gifts Mew blessed you with, and call upon Utopia to help you restore some much-needed Purity to yourself. You spend some time meditating to help with this, and eventually feel the warm sensation heal you over time.

    Sam the Deerling has restored 4 points of Purity.

    Sam the Deerling (S: Grass)
    Health: 8/8| Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/12
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Medicine

    Lillian returns looking absolutely ruined. The chipper lopunny you knew a few hours ago has been replaced with someone drained and beaten within an inch of her life. There is still fight left in her, and as she stumbles into the clubhouse and dumps a crackling medallion on one of the tables, your eyes go wide, and you rush to her side. You know you still have some medical capabilities left in you, and to your relief, her injuries seem to be of a physical nature, which are the easiest ones to heal.

    You sit her down and ensure she is comfortable, then spend some time using medicines you've collected, knowledge you've accrued, and a bit of help from your gift. It takes at least an hour or so, but by the end of it, many of your fellow Emissary's wounds have closed, and she looks well on her way to recovery. You think she will still need more treatment, but for now, she will get by.

    Sam the Deerling restores 4 points of Health to Lillian the Lopunny.

    Lillian the Lopunny (M: Normal)
    Health: 6/10 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Diplomacy
    Trait: Lucky

    When all is done, you feel exhausted from your efforts, but happy that you were able to make a difference to both yourself and Lillian. The sun is not far off setting, so you take some time to rest before you anticipate heading out for the night.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by arnisd View Post
    Granpa used to say you can find a lot of treasures in the basement yar har! (1a) Basement (War room, general storage)
    You head through the entrance to the Keep after the lycanroc guard allows you passage. The courtyard is fairly nice, complete with a bench and a lovely flower-populated garden. It looks to be well maintained, which you would expect.

    Upon entering the Keep's main structure, head into a nearby room and begin to descend down a flight of stairs. It's fairly dim in here, so you pull out the stick from your tail which you regularly carry around and light it, using it as a torch. It illuminates the room, which contains a large table with multiple maps on it, as well as markers and small tokens which you imagine represent different factions, towns, leaders, trade routes, and whatever else. There is some other basic furniture, but overall you can tell that this room is not too commonly used.

    You take a look around, finding multitudes of paperwork and records of conversations. Nothing much catches your attention until you see what looks to be a handwritten note stuffed into one of the drawers, and you pull it out to read it. You're not sure who "Frin" is, but you deduce that it could be a nickname for Frinottie.

    =Note to Fikl= was noted in the Team Records.

    There is no response to this, so you imagine that someone - Shilamora, a worker, or perhaps Orin himself - simply disposed of it potentially before Fikl could read it. It's impossible to tell, but after you look around a little more, you find evidence that Fikl is employed at the Keep to do maintenance and cleaning. The note seems to be purely speculation and opinion, but you keep it in mind to relay to your companions just in case.

    You take a look around the rest of the room, then move onto the few general storage areas. You come across a few iron ingots, but nothing else particularly useful.

    [Iron Ingot] x3 were added to Brass' Inventory.

    Determining that there's nothing much more to look at here, you take your leave.

    Brass the Braixen (M: Fire)
    Health: 10/10| Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Repair
    Trait: Resourceful

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur View Post
    Interview 26 Balene the Cottonee!

    Edit: This was typed up in time, but decided not to send... FML
    +1 Shared type (Grass)
    +1 Shared evolution stage
    +Intimidation Poison > Fairy

    You look for Balene at her home. From the outside you can see that it’s a quaint little house with not too much to it in terms of decoration from the outside. You extend one of your vines to rap on the door, hoping Balene will be home the day after her mate was killed. You listen out for anything within the house, but nothing happens even after you knock a few more times. Curious, you walk around the side of the house, only to see the fluffy form of the cottonee with her back to you as she stares out into the swirling darkness in her farm.

    Not wanting to scare her, you say her name and follow up with yours, but despite your initiative, she still visibly jumps, spinning around as quickly as she can to meet puffy red eyes with your own. You can see that every inch of fluff beneath her eyes is damp, and she is entirely crestfallen.

    “Wh-what do you what?” she questions, voice unsteady as she begins to shake. She looks you up and down, visibly wary of you.

    You stay at a distance and gently introduce yourself, explaining that you have come to discuss questions with her. The moment you mention Stalkers, her tired eyes well up once more and streams resume pouring down her cloudy body.

    “They killed him. They killed my Bizzie. He’s gone, and it’s their fault!” she screams, and you worry that she's on the edge of a breakdown. It's understandable, of course, but it's not an easy thing to deal with. However, she seems to catch herself right before the point of no return, and begins breathing deeply to calm herself. She rotates away from you a little, her voice growing soft. "I...I don't even know what to do with the farm." She gestures hopelessly at the crops some distance away, adding, "They're lost to those shadows anyway..."

    You take a few more steps forward, ensuring that you don't spook her, but offering yourself as a shoulder to cry on if need be. She seems to take this well, and turns back to you, wiping her face with a leaf.

    "I'm sorry... I-is there any way I can help you today?" she asks, although you can tell that she's hoping you will say no. Instead, you lead with an offer to help her, and her face lightens up just a tad. "O-oh, yes...I...actually, I have a friend. His name is Kior and he went missing a few days ago. I would be ever so grateful if someone could look for him. I don't know what I would do if..." She stops herself there, closing her eyes for about five seconds as she breathes in deeply again and then releases her breath. She meets eyes with you again. "I would be very appreciative if you did this for me. He is a yungoose."

    You recognise that pokémon species. At once you let her know that you and your companions found an injured yungoose, and just today, he was rescued from the clutches of the shadows in the farm, and he is currently at Black Dart Apothecary. Balene gasps and hope returns to her.

    " are serious?" she breathes, and tries to hold herself together before she breaks down again, flying straight into you and crying against your bulb for a few seconds. "I'm so relieved!" she tells you, a hint of a smile in her expression. "Thank you. Thank you so, so very much. Oh, thank you."

    She pulls back, telling you to wait where you are, and rushes into her house. A minute or so later, she rushes back out with a large basket filled to the brim with berries.

    "Please take these for you and your friends. And tell your friends - all of them - that they may have a fifty percent lifetime discount at my shop!" She sets the basket down and gives you a hug, wrapping her leaf-arms around you as her soft, cloud-like body presses into your side. It truly is like hugging a cloud.

    SIDE MISSION FOUND...AND COMPLETED: "Consumed by Darkness"!
    Reward: x5 [Oran Berry], x3 [Sitrus Berry], x5 [Starf Berry], x5 [Spelon Berry], x2 [Lum Berry], x1 [Enigma Berry]

    All reward items added to the Team Inventory.

    Shop: Berry House discovered! Added to the Item Directory.
    (7) Berry House
    1. Oran Berry: $20 SP$
    2. Sitrus Berry: $50 SP$
    3. Enigma Berry: $30 SP$
    4. Spelon Berry: $30 SP$
    5. Starf Berry: $30 SP$
    6. Lum Berry: $40 SP$

    "Please take care of yourself, Mistee. Please. And do visit me anytime. But for now, I must go and see Kior." She gives you a bow and then rushes away, yelling another thanks over her shoulder.

    You are left with the basket of berries, and can't help but smile a little.

    Mistee the Bulbasaur (M: Grass/Poison)
    Health: 10/10 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 8/10
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Technical

  7. #107
    The sun has set in Salvage Keep
    Submit your Day 2: Night Cycle actions now!

    Time Remaining:


    (17th August, 10PM AEST)

    Remember to pick a trait if you haven't already! It might help you this round.

    @Bulbasaur @Noblejanobii @Chakramaster @EmeraldSky @Neo Emolga @Scytherwolf @Morzone @HorusMyDude @Arrow-Jolteon @Lychee @sammy0295 @Truly @ARandomTool @LKWayvern @Dragon Master Mike @arnisd @Shruikan

  8. #108
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Scenic 'the Void'
    I'd like to use Seinaru to purify the Corruption's Eye at Bizzie's Fruit Farm!
    Avatar made by Neo Emolga.

  9. #109
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    After that last experience. I need a little break. So let's go visit and search the (49) Salvage Theatre!

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  10. #110
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!
    I will investigate Fabulous Furnishings and see if my vision pointed me in the right direction.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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