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  1. #11
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Looks good Winter! We'll start once everyone gets their SUs in.

  2. #12
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Got an update; no need to alter your character DM, I changed my mind and decided lasers are cool with a k. Also, still gonna start when we get all the SUs up!

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  4. #13
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    Took me long enough... I will probably bring in more squadmates, and possibly a Wivarrk companion. If you want a comparison to the relationship between the two species, look at how the Elites and Grunts work in the Halo series, as I based it a bit off of that.

    Name: Herr’ton
    Nicknames: Pinkie, Tiny
    Title: “The Pink Dwarf”
    Age: 123 (Adult)
    Gender: Male
    Species: Fyrgunn

    Personality: Herr’ton, in a few words, is insecure and compensates by trying his best to do what he can. He is bothered by his short height and haunted by bullying in his youth that, even into the military, did not ease up. He is hot tempered as a result, disliking any comments on his height and is quick to strike first, ask questions later when enraged. When he isn’t, he’s fairly decent with strategizing, although not a genius by far. He’s far handier with keeping guns maintained, however. The only problem with what he does is that he tries too hard, which often leads to exhaustion, illness, and injury. At the very least his dogged work ethic has earned some respect, and if anyone ever has a problem they need help with, he’s one of the first dragons to go to.

    That’s another thing about Herr’ton – he loves helping people out. It gives him a sense of power, true, but at the same time, he adores being thanked. He likes to feel needed, and people asking him for help and then thanking him for it is akin to one of the best rewards possible. On that note, flattery is something he simply cannot get enough of. It might make him blush a little, but you’d never know due to his skin color! All in all, he’s a decent guy that wants to make a difference, but can sometimes be a bit too hot tempered for his own good.

    Appearance: Reptilian and draconic, Herr’ton stands at roughly 5’6”, and weighs in at around 180 pounds. He has a pointed muzzle filled with razor sharp teeth and a forked tongue, along with an ebon pair of horns that reach back from his head for a foot. He is bipedal, obviously, although digitigrade (he walks on his toes… think werewolves for an easier comparison) with four toes and a dewclaw that, in normal use, will not contact the ground but allow for holding onto opponents more easily when pinning. He is covered in scales and has amber, snake like eyes. His scales, as you might have garnered, are a rather bright pink, and he has a large pair of wings that fold tightly to his back, possessing a clawed thumb on each. Yes, he does have a tail that is about a meter and a half long, and yes, it does end in a pointed tip – this “arrow” shape is curved outward, creating a bladelike appendage that cuts when it strikes something.

    He has small black spikes running down his head and to his tail, which add in absorbing heat as well as being a deterrent to attacks from behind. His outfit consists of brown leather armor, which is thick enough to stop bullets and tough enough to withstand a few bursts of plasma. It allows them to comfortably regulate their body temperature, as well. He has a standard mace for close combat, and a simple solar powered rifle that fires concentrated bursts of light shards.

    History: To skimp on early childhood details since we know he was bullied, Herr’ton enlisted in the military at the age of 95. From there, he began to travel in rank slightly faster than most other Fyrgunn – not as fast as prodigies but enough to make some notice – before finally being allowed to go on higher priority missions. He was assigned to the cruiser known as Crimson Crasher, and from there they both protected merchant ships as well as quelled Wivarrk uprisings.

    The reason they’re on Promethia was not by choice. Their ship was ambushed by several pirate ships, and in fending them off, took critical damage. While the merchant ship was able to get away safely – the pirate ships suffering their own casualties – the Crimson Crasher was failing, and in a last ditch effort ejected escape pods to the planet before its core exploded. While most of the ship was destroyed, the bridge remains in a decaying orbit about the planet. Now Herr’ton is trying to find the others in his squad, as well as either finding a way to connect to the ship’s computer or find it when it eventually comes crashing down to the planet. Otherwise they have to wait weeks for his homeplanet to realize something happened, or for them to get lucky and have the merchant ship both survive the remaining trip and also report them missing.

    Abilities: Good aim, and good with his weapons. Needless to say he’s a soldier, and a darn good one at that (which isn’t saying much – his race is rather well known for their fighting prowess), and being more or less a dragon, he can indeed breathe fire produced by Acetone and a spark in his mouth which ignites the thin, flammable liquid. The acetone is produced by the body in a natural process, and stored in a special organ which connects to two glands in the mouth – however, it is sparingly used because it is a precious resource. Many Fyrgunn drink alcohol, not to become “drunk” (in fact, it is very hard for them to become drunk!) but due to the fact it is broken down into acetone near the end of the metabolizing process.

    Naturally, flight and increased physical strength come with his species, but flying does consume energy especially if there aren’t any updrafts to take advantage of. Their great strength and size means they aren’t as fast as others, but they certainly are bulkier.

    Fyrgunn are cold blooded by nature, reliant on the sun to keep their body temperatures in check. As such, cold locations with very little sun will shut them down and potentially kill them. Cold areas with plenty of sun they can survive in with proper clothing, but they prefer warmer locations.

    Equipment: Leather armor – As stated above, it allows enough maneuverability for him to be comfortable, while stopping some bullets and a few plasma shots. It also has the bonus of being comfortable and allowing him to regulate heat.

    Mace – A simple steel mace covered in spikes, with a leather wrap to hold it. Yep.

    Solar Powered Rifle, AK A “Light Needle Mk. 2”– Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, as far as rifles go, it really isn’t. Ammunition is plentiful as long as the sun shines, keeping the battery charged. However, once the sun goes down, it will rapidly deplete its battery. It works by crystallizing light into concentrated shards which fire, stick into an object, and the force of that impact makes it explode seconds later. Granted, it is by no means a large explosion – even saying it is “small” is an overstatement, but it does leave a tiny burn. The danger comes when multiple shards stick close together in rapid succession – the explosion is much larger as a result of the chain reaction, and this is where it can kill. As far as individual strength goes, a single shot might be able to embed easily into skin at long range, and moderately well into leather at medium range, it has to be very close to start sinking into metal armor – and power armor will deflect the projectiles as long as the shield is up. Again, this is a gun where the advantage is in groups , as all Fyrgunn have them equipped as a standard weapon. And why a Mk. 2? More efficient, and they explode less when handled…

    Claws – Good for rending, tearing, slicing, and in general causing pain. Also handy for opening cans.

    Wings – Powerful enough to keep him airborne for a few hours with a good breeze, lack of a breeze makes it much harder for him to stay up, cutting it down to 30 minutes – 1 hour if lucky. They aren’t a pushover in battle, though, as while they prefer not to use them, a solid smack from a wing will send any human tumbling to the ground. The thumb claw can also pierce if angled right.

    Tail – Good for a nice thumping, the naturally sharp arrow on the end will deal a lot of damage if you are hit by it. It’s easier for them to aim the tail if they are on all fours – which increases its range as well – but that doesn’t mean you should doubt its use when they are standing on two feet. They’ve learned to angle it and smash bones.

    Other: Ages… 180+ is Ancient. 150-180 is Senior. 120-150 is Adult. 90-120 is Young Adult. 60-90 is Teenager. 30-60 is Child. 0-30 is classified as Infant/Baby. Seems like a huge amount, but compared to our planet, theirs has a significantly shorter year and day system, thus, this “stretches out” their life compared to a human. I’d give you an exact formula, but I don’t have their planet and everything figured out, which makes it harder to make said formula.

    Fyrgunn are a male only species. They court females of other species – and before you think it isn’t a meaningful relationship, it is! However, they tend to be overprotective, which can cause issues with the relationship in the long term. Couples who work through it cannot ask for a better partner due to their loyalty, however. Just some interesting trivia for you!

    Herr’ton is carrying the bridge nameplate of the Crimson Crasher, which denotes when it was commissioned and sent into service, as well as its name and model. This isn’t just sentiment – the ships are treated with just as much honor as the soldiers whom they carry, as in the end, the vehicles are also soldiers. In the event of destruction, it is customary for them to take this nameplate so that the ship may be honored for its service.

    Fyrgunn typically reach 6’ to 8’ in height. In other words, Herr’ton is pretty short in comparison.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  5. #14
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    @Winter, @Dragon Master Mike, Robotnik's laptop died a while back. That's why he hasn't been on. Dunno when it'll get fixed, but I figured I'd let you guys know so you realize he's NOT ignoring you. Technical difficulties say "lolnope". I hope this helps!

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  6. #15
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Lol, I was actually wondering where he went, though I thought maybe work was being demanding or other aspects of life got to him--thanks for the heads up, though!

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  7. #16
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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  9. #17
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Yes! Will try to post soon!

    Also: For anyone who is reading this that hasn't should totally consider joining us. XD

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  10. #18
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Whoops, I forgot to approve Grassy! You're approved! Go do space dragon stuff!

  11. #19
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    I'm working on my post. Slow but steady. Been doing things in ASB so my writing has been slow. I do have...two paragraphs done, I think? XD

    EDIT 1/18/2015: Continue on without me. I may join in the future, but... yeah. Just assume my guy is in a coma. I don't have the desire to finish my first post, which is already two pages long.
    @Winter @Dragon Master Mike @Robotnik
    Last edited by Grassy_Aggron; 01-18-2015 at 11:07 PM.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~


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