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  1. #1
    Elite Four Member ShadowJay's Avatar
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    The Reuniting: The Untold Story of Giratina

    The Reuniting: The Untold Story of Giratina

    -:[Chapter One]:-

    It had been twelve years since my dad went missing. Rumor has it that there was a trainer who put an end to his ideals, put an end to his dream. Day by day the world was slowly becoming more imbalanced. Day by day time was slowing down and speeding up at unpredictable intervals. Space was becoming less and less stable; to the point where you couldn’t be sure of anywhere you took a step. Sinnoh was breaking down, and all because the shadowy Pokemon that kept the Distortion World in check had been captured.

    The Distortion World and Sinnoh were parallels; one could not exist without the other. But without the shadowy Pokemon to look after and care for the Distortion World, it was slowly disappearing, fading away. It was only a matter of time before the Distortion World became obsolete, and Sinnoh breaking down.

    This was all happening because Dad got a little too greedy with his idea of a perfect world. What he wanted to do was harness the power of the legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia. Using their powers of time and space, he would create a world without spirit. From what Mom told me, Dad used to be a good guy, but Grandma and Grandpa never thought he was good enough. The last straw was when I was born, and Grandma and Grandpa called me a disgrace.

    I’ve never met Dad, aside from when I was born. He left to pursue his dream of an emotionless world shortly after I was introduced to this world. Mom was sad to see him leave, but there was a deeper level of understanding between the two of them which allowed her to be okay on her own. I wanted to know my Dad. I wanted to be Daddy’s little girl. But I never got the chance, like other girls in Sunyshore did. They all had normal dads.

    I picked up the photo of Dad off of my bedside table and looked at it. The picture of him was fifteen years outdated, but it is the only memory I have of what he looks like. His icy blue hair was spiked at the top, and he was wearing a gray and black jacket that had a golden letter “G” on the top corner. He had a cold, emotionless expression on his face. I was disrupted from my thoughts when Mom called me.

    “Stella honey, it’s time for dinner,” she called.

    “Coming,” I groggily shouted back.

    My mom had a good job working at Hotel Grand Lake, so her income was enough to support the two of us. We had a house that was on the smaller side, but it was still spacious enough for Mom and me.

    “Thinking about Dad again, were you?” asked Mom.

    “Yep,” I started. “I just want to meet him so badly.”

    “I know you do honey, and I want to see him again too, but that’s a luxury not available to us right now,” she told me with a reassuring tone. After a little but more eating, an idea formed in my head.

    “Maybe we can see him Mom!” I exclaimed.

    “How so honey?” she questioned.

    “If I were to find the trainer who has Giratina in their possession, then find an entrance to the Distortion World, I could find Dad!” I explained excitedly.
    “Honey, that’s highly unlikely. No one knows where the trainer who captured Giratina is,” mom told me.

    “Hmm…” I pondered what she had said, and it was true, no one knew where the trainer who captured Giratina was. But then something occurred to me. “The trainer who captured Giratina later became the Champion right? Maybe Cynthia would have some information about him?”

    Mom thought that over. It seemed like she couldn’t come with an argument against my idea.

    “Great! I’ll head to Celestic Town tomorrow then. I know that is where Cynthia’s family lives,” I exclaimed.

    “Tomorrow?! Isn’t that a little soon?” asked Mom.

    “It’s not like I have anything else on my schedule,” I shot back.

    Again, it seemed like I had caught my mom without a rebuttal. When I finished my dinner, I ran up to my room with excitement, itching to pack for tomorrow’s journey. I grabbed the Pokeball that sat upon my desk and opened it. My Roserade popped out, and I told her of the good news. She let out a chant of excitement; it wasn’t very often that Roserade got to leave her Pokeball, but I decided that she would be accompanying me outside of her Pokeball on my journey. Just to be safe, I grabbed the remaining two Pokeballs off my desk and packed them in my mag. One Pokeball contained Sneasel while the other contained Vulpix.

    That night, I could barely sleep. It would be my first time leaving Sunyshore in a long time, and I was just itching to get going. I spent the whole night dreaming about the journey, what I would see, who I would meet. It was only to Celestic town, but for me, this was just the first step to an even bigger adventure. In the end though, everything was for the ultimate goal of seeing Dad.

    The next morning, I grabbed my previously packed bag, gave Mom a kiss on the cheek, and left for Celestic Town.

    To Be Continued...
    Lurking in the Shadows...

  2. #2
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Honestly, I was sold as soon as it turned out that Cyrus named his kid Stella. I can only wonder what names her siblings might have gotten: Nova, Andromeda, etc.?

    On a more serious note, I think that you really have done a good job crating a first chapter in leaving me as a reader with a whole host of questions, thus keeping me hungry for more. Seeing as how this is a sequel of sorts to the Sinnoh games, I wonder how the region has changed since the events described in Platinum. What has happened to Cyrus's goons now that he's gone? Has anyone taken up Team Galactic's mantle, either continuing Cyrus's ideals or perverting it for their own purposes? How do ordinary people view Cyrus, will Stella have to hide who she is as she travels? Will people be open to the idea of bringing Cyrus back from the Distortion World and is he willing to come back? It's alarming that Stella is aware of the effect that the Distortion World breaking down is having on Sinnoh, how obvious is it?

    In other words, great work, please, keep it coming. I never seem to see enough Sinnoh fics out there in the void.

  3. #3
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Oh, what a cool idea! It makes sense that things would change majorly if someone captured the Sinnoh legends. I look forward to seeing what's become of Sinnoh!

  4. #4
    Elite Four Member ShadowJay's Avatar
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    -:[Chapter Two]:-

    The minute I stepped foot outside of my house, I could sense that something wasn’t right. Despite being mid-morning, it was dark outside and the hustle and bustle that usually filled Sunyshore was gone. The darkness was a big problem for Sunyshore because it ran on solar power. The solar panel walkways we’re the key attraction, and power source, for the city, and the fact that they weren’t running meant that citizens of Sunyshore wouldn’t have any electricity.

    It didn’t take me too long to piece together what was happening; time in Sinnoh had been slowing down. What should have normally been the middle of the morning was still night time. I knocked on the door of an acquaintances house. I didn’t know her all that well, but I knew her well enough to justify knocking on her door in the middle of the night – err – morning. Her name was Melanie, and surprisingly she herself answered the door.

    “Stella?” she asked? She was still in her pajamas, but that didn’t seem to bother her.

    “Err, yeah, hey,” I started. “Come outside for a sec.” She seemed too tired to argue, and willingly followed me outside.

    “Does your house have power?” Melanie asked, before taking in the darkness of Sunyshore.

    “I didn’t even notice, but I’m guessing no. I’m also guessing that nowhere in Sunyshore has power either,” I explained. “Are you aware that Sinnoh is breaking down?”

    “Breaking down? Are you sure? I mean, things have seemed a little off for the past few years, and even more so recently, but are you sure you’re calling it breaking down?” she questioned.

    “Yeah, breaking down. A trainer caught Giratina, the one from the old legends, some time ago, and ever since then, Sinnoh has been slowly crumbling. The Distortion World is shrinking because of Giratina’s absence,” I said. I did the best I could to explain it, but Melanie still seemed a little hazy over the whole idea.

    “Wait! I remember my parents telling me stories about Team Galactic, and how their leader Cyrus tried to capture Dialga and Palkia to create his own world, without considering the consequences,” Melanie told me. She could tell my expression changed when she said Cyrus.

    “You okay?” she asked me.

    “Yeah, it’s just – never mind,” I said.

    “Well okay. But why are you telling me all of this?”

    “You’re a smart girl Melanie. I need you to help me restore balance to Sinnoh,” I requested. Restoring balance to Sinnoh was only half of it; I wanted so badly to see Dad.

    “Restore balance to Sinnoh? Sounds like a lofty goal for just a couple of fifteen year olds,” said Melanie.

    “That might be so, but I think it can be done. Can you help me by helping restore power to Sunyshore as soon as possible? I know you like to use Electric-type Pokemon,” I asked.
    “Uhh, sure. I’ll do what I can,” she said.

    “Great! I’m going to try and track down Giratina. We’ll need its power to restore Sinnoh,” I explained.

    “Okay, good luck!” she encouraged. Melanie was surprisingly friendly about the whole thing. I guess we were better friends then I thought. She invited me inside and upstairs to her room, where she put on regular clothes. When she was done changing and freshening up, she asked:

    “Okay, what do I do now?”

    “Find the place where the solar power is converted into electricity, and then have your Electric-types power it up until it becomes daytime again,” I instructed.

    “All right! Luxio, Magnemite, let’s do this!” she said excitedly as she grabbed two Pokeballs.

    “Good luck!” I told her, as we left her house and started going our separate ways.

    “You too!” she called back. I was quite satisfied with the outcome of that little get together. I headed toward Route 222, when I spotted a man in a brown trench coat muttering to himself.

    “The power is out in Sunyshore! Gah! What will happen next? I have to report back to International Police Headquarters…” he muttered. He headed toward Route 222 as well, but he didn’t notice me.

    Route 222 was shrouded in darkness as well, and the swimmers and fisherman that usually populated the route were nowhere to be seen. I wondered when it would become daytime. I hoped it would be soon, because it was quite hard to see in the dark. Surprisingly, despite being well aware that Sinnoh was breaking down, I didn’t anticipate a time situation like this one. I was unprepared for the dark, because I figured I could use my saved up Pokemon Dollars to find placed to stay at night.

    I spent some time while walking along Route 222 thinking about how much other people were aware that Sinnoh was breaking down. I mean, there were some obvious things, like this whole darkness incident, and times where it has been noticeably harder to walk. Every couple of weeks you would notice that your clock was hours ahead of the time of day it really was. So far, I haven’t noticed as many issues with space as I have with time. Hopefully that meant nothing more than sheer chance.

    Just then, there was a flash of light from behind me, followed by another flash. I looked back, and a bunch of lights in Sunyshore had been just turned on. Melanie had done it; she restored power. I wanted to hug her, but obviously I could do that at the moment.

    I had an uneventful walk along Route 222 from there on out, until I saw a man and a woman, each with teal, bowl-cut hair. They wore outfits that reminded me an awful lot like Dad wore in that one picture, but these outfits seemed a lot more aged.

    “Wait, you heard the professor say the lake is gone?” exclaimed the man.

    To be continued...
    Lurking in the Shadows...

  5. #5
    Hi! I'm gonna comment on errors before I start talking about the story itself. :D This is for the first chapter only. I'm yet to read more!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    Space was becoming less and less stable; to the point where you couldn’t be sure of anywhere you took a step.

    I think that this semicolon is unnecessary. I would put a comma there or get rid of punctuation altogether. :] It's a continuous sentence, which is why I don't think it needs a semicolon.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    It was only a matter of time before the Distortion World became obsolete, and Sinnoh breaking down.

    This doesn't make grammatical sense; if you remove "the Distortion World became obsolete, and" then it would say "It was only a matter of time before Sinnoh breaking down." x) Therefore it should say "and Sinnoh broke down." Or maybe "collapsed" would work better.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    “Stella honey, it’s time for dinner,” she called.

    Because of the way she is addressing Stella and calling her "honey," there needs to be a comma after "Stella." :]

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    “I know you do honey,

    Again with the comma before "honey."

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    “Maybe we can see him Mom!” I exclaimed.

    Same deal for this. She's addressing her mother, so a comma has to go before "Mom." Otherwise it could be read as "Mom" being a verb. 'Oh I love it when he moms.'

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    “If I were to find the trainer who has Giratina in their possession, then find an entrance to the Distortion World, I could find Dad!” I explained excitedly.
    “Honey, that’s highly unlikely. No one knows where the trainer who captured Giratina is,” mom told me.

    You forgot to separate these two paragraphs. :]

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    I pondered what she had said, and it was true, no one knew where the trainer who captured Giratina was. But then something occurred to me. “The trainer who captured Giratina later became the Champion right?

    The comma after "true" should probably be a semicolon, because what follows isn't a flowing sentence. It's separate. Also, the same comma thing applies at the end of the speech. I read that as someone became the champion right, just as someone could become the champion left. xD You need a comma to indicate the manner in which the word is meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    Mom thought that over. It seemed like she couldn’t come with an argument against my idea.

    I think that's meant to say "come up with" rather than "come with."

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    I grabbed the Pokeball that sat upon my desk and opened it.

    "Poké ball" is actually two words. I think this is a pretty unknown fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    I grabbed the remaining two Pokeballs off my desk and packed them in my mag.

    I love packing things in my mag.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    I spent the whole night dreaming about the journey, what I would see, who I would meet.

    Because "what I would see" and "who I would meet" are essentially two components of a list, I think that the first comma needs to be a colon. It could be debated that the second comma could be a semicolon but that's getting technical and it's probably a matter of personal stylisation.

    Okay! Finished the corrections. I'm excited to see two stories put up in one day. I want to get around to reading all of the ones that have cropped up in the past few weeks, because PXR is usually quite devoid of stories in this section. D: So thank you for posting something, and I'm keen to see where this goes. It's quite an interesting concept, although I have to pose the question: who else is trying to stop this tragic destruction? Surely authorities are on the hunt for the trainer who captured Giratina, and on top of that, I'd expect the trainer to have come forward and released Giratina. Either that or I'd expect Giratina to live up to its expectations and duties and escape from its trainer (unless it's been cooped up in a poké ball all of its captured life).

    I like that you've already established a plotline, and it's a pretty interesting one that I think you can do a lot with. I wonder why Cyrus bothered to have a kid at all if he was gonna stick around till the birth and then just vanish. xD Maybe he got crazier while the pregnancy occurred, and then left after Stella's birth. I wonder if she'll find her father again, and what she'll discover along the way. I also like that she has some pokemon already, and I look forward to hearing about them too, and how they got into her possession. x) And what her life in general is like. xD At the moment I'm not sure if she's in school or what... lel. Let's hope not if she's gonna randomly go to another town to pursue her own goals (and, really, the interest of the entire region xD).

    I have a lot of unanswered questions, but I look forward to reading more and seeing them answered. :D On the note of being a (possibly annoying) responsible mod, I wanted to remind you that it's polite to acknowledge and/or thank the people who have read and reviewed your story. Remember, people made an effort to set aside time to read and comment on your story. It's pretty rude not to say anything back to them... xD

  6. #6
    Elite Four Member ShadowJay's Avatar
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    Canada, eh?
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasm.Angel View Post
    Honestly, I was sold as soon as it turned out that Cyrus named his kid Stella. I can only wonder what names her siblings might have gotten: Nova, Andromeda, etc.?

    On a more serious note, I think that you really have done a good job crating a first chapter in leaving me as a reader with a whole host of questions, thus keeping me hungry for more. Seeing as how this is a sequel of sorts to the Sinnoh games, I wonder how the region has changed since the events described in Platinum. What has happened to Cyrus's goons now that he's gone? Has anyone taken up Team Galactic's mantle, either continuing Cyrus's ideals or perverting it for their own purposes? How do ordinary people view Cyrus, will Stella have to hide who she is as she travels? Will people be open to the idea of bringing Cyrus back from the Distortion World and is he willing to come back? It's alarming that Stella is aware of the effect that the Distortion World breaking down is having on Sinnoh, how obvious is it?

    In other words, great work, please, keep it coming. I never seem to see enough Sinnoh fics out there in the void.
    Thank you! I already have quite a bit of plot laid out for the story, but I also left myself room to explore. I wont spoil anything, but I will say that you should stay tuned if you want to have some questions answered ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    Oh, what a cool idea! It makes sense that things would change majorly if someone captured the Sinnoh legends. I look forward to seeing what's become of Sinnoh!
    Thanks! That is kind of a plothole in Platinum after all xD. Like you catch Giratina, so now who is responsible for keeping the distortion world in check?

    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Hi! I'm gonna comment on errors before I start talking about the story itself. :D This is for the first chapter only. I'm yet to read more!

    I think that this semicolon is unnecessary. I would put a comma there or get rid of punctuation altogether. :] It's a continuous sentence, which is why I don't think it needs a semicolon.

    This doesn't make grammatical sense; if you remove "the Distortion World became obsolete, and" then it would say "It was only a matter of time before Sinnoh breaking down." x) Therefore it should say "and Sinnoh broke down." Or maybe "collapsed" would work better.

    Because of the way she is addressing Stella and calling her "honey," there needs to be a comma after "Stella." :]

    Again with the comma before "honey."

    Same deal for this. She's addressing her mother, so a comma has to go before "Mom." Otherwise it could be read as "Mom" being a verb. 'Oh I love it when he moms.'

    You forgot to separate these two paragraphs. :]

    The comma after "true" should probably be a semicolon, because what follows isn't a flowing sentence. It's separate. Also, the same comma thing applies at the end of the speech. I read that as someone became the champion right, just as someone could become the champion left. xD You need a comma to indicate the manner in which the word is meant.

    I think that's meant to say "come up with" rather than "come with."

    "Poké ball" is actually two words. I think this is a pretty unknown fact.

    I love packing things in my mag.

    Because "what I would see" and "who I would meet" are essentially two components of a list, I think that the first comma needs to be a colon. It could be debated that the second comma could be a semicolon but that's getting technical and it's probably a matter of personal stylisation.

    Okay! Finished the corrections. I'm excited to see two stories put up in one day. I want to get around to reading all of the ones that have cropped up in the past few weeks, because PXR is usually quite devoid of stories in this section. D: So thank you for posting something, and I'm keen to see where this goes. It's quite an interesting concept, although I have to pose the question: who else is trying to stop this tragic destruction? Surely authorities are on the hunt for the trainer who captured Giratina, and on top of that, I'd expect the trainer to have come forward and released Giratina. Either that or I'd expect Giratina to live up to its expectations and duties and escape from its trainer (unless it's been cooped up in a poké ball all of its captured life).

    I like that you've already established a plotline, and it's a pretty interesting one that I think you can do a lot with. I wonder why Cyrus bothered to have a kid at all if he was gonna stick around till the birth and then just vanish. xD Maybe he got crazier while the pregnancy occurred, and then left after Stella's birth. I wonder if she'll find her father again, and what she'll discover along the way. I also like that she has some pokemon already, and I look forward to hearing about them too, and how they got into her possession. x) And what her life in general is like. xD At the moment I'm not sure if she's in school or what... lel. Let's hope not if she's gonna randomly go to another town to pursue her own goals (and, really, the interest of the entire region xD).

    I have a lot of unanswered questions, but I look forward to reading more and seeing them answered. :D On the note of being a (possibly annoying) responsible mod, I wanted to remind you that it's polite to acknowledge and/or thank the people who have read and reviewed your story. Remember, people made an effort to set aside time to read and comment on your story. It's pretty rude not to say anything back to them... xD

    Yikes, I need to more thoroughly edit my work it seems. And I'm pretty sure not too many people even go to actual schools in Pokemon, based on the fact that there is usually only one Pokemon School in a region. I'd just assume people are homeschooled xD.

    Thank you all for leaving contents. Stay tuned if you want to see your questions answered!
    Lurking in the Shadows...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowJay View Post
    Yikes, I need to more thoroughly edit my work it seems. And I'm pretty sure not too many people even go to actual schools in Pokemon, based on the fact that there is usually only one Pokemon School in a region. I'd just assume people are homeschooled xD.

    Thank you all for leaving contents. Stay tuned if you want to see your questions answered!
    Ah, it's okay. xD I miss my own errors all the time. Yeah, I have no clue either. xD The issue was never raised in the anime or games or anything. Fair enough. XD

    No worries. x) Yay! I'll read the other chapter soon!

  8. #8
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    I'm kind of hoping that all of this talk about time being wonky means that Saturn, Cheron, or some other ne'er do well has captured Dialga, but I've got a feeling that it's more like Dialga is the peanut-butter and Palkia is the jelly and without Giratina as the bread, you've got a mess instead of a sandwich. I don't know how much I trust this Melanie. That Stella is already hiding things from her does not bode well in my mind.

  9. #9
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    The whole of Sinnoh sounds pretty crazy if time is slowing down so much. It reminds me a bit of a dystopian novel I read where the earth's spinning started slowing down so the days and nights were longer. I do wonder who else is getting involved in all this too, and whether it's effecting the whole planet or just Sinnoh.


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