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  1. #11
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    If I might humbly make a request, I would love to see your take on Emolga with this incredible style of yours. And if you could have him winking, smiling, and making a peace sign with his fingers, that would warm my heart so many infinite times over.

    I would press the Like button on that so fast that it might tear a major rift in time and space. And Dialga and Palkia would just have to suck it up and deal with it. >:D

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  3. #12
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    If I might humbly make a request, I would love to see your take on Emolga with this incredible style of yours. And if you could have him winking, smiling, and making a peace sign with his fingers, that would warm my heart so many infinite times over.

    I would press the Like button on that so fast that it might tear a major rift in time and space. And Dialga and Palkia would just have to suck it up and deal with it. >:D just made me laugh way louder than I should have at 1:40 in the morning. I probably woke up the neighbors...and they live in the house next door! (not in an apartment)

    I mean I have an idea I miiiiiiight request, but there's 2 floating in my head. One personal, but the other more friendly based....=3 that and it all depends if Gem wants to/feels like it or not as well.

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  4. #13
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Well throughout elementary school (year 2-5 I guess that is outside America?)I made a friend who I learned had an amazing art talent. Seriously, one of the last things he he gave me (if I could find it I'd post a picture of it) of Goku from DBZ. Literally, the picture turned out like something you'd see the DBZ creator make. I know there's many artists out there like that, you included! Once we hit middle school he was in a separate class than me. So we barely got to talk after that. When I did I asked if he could still drawn things like he used to. When he tried it didn't turn out as well so he told me he "gave it up." I mean yeah, now being older I know better ways to handle drawing anything, but it still ends up pretty bad =3

    That was one thing I never worked on as much because I could never have the image fit proportionately to a good design haha. So I found shading pointless to try at least til I got any better. Which it never did back then.

    Some people are kinda just born with the talent. It makes it hard to explain. Some just have the desire for it which pushes them to better their art. Tutorials help, but to certain points.

    Yup! Those 'pushes' could really help with creativity honestly. Oh, by the "shy" on the requesting thing it's just an old habit. Ever since I've been on forums. Sigs/banners have been created for me by other people. First 5 years I had to ask others to help make them and I always never wanted to bug anyone about it. So it's an old habit I have still =3. I might be able to think of something though! =D
    Yeah, we have Primary School, which is Prep, then Grade 1 - 6. :p Then Year 7 - 12 is Secondary College. Cause we're weird like that haha. That's cool! But lots of people just do it as a hobby, myself included. I don't have the motivation to make illustration an actual thing. xD I mean I could sell my works, but I don't draw enough for that, and what I do draw are usually sketches. I'm just fine drawing for myself and for friends, I don't need to make money, or a name for myself, out of it. You should draw something sometime. I'd like to see! c:

    I tried to explain drawing to my younger step siblings and they just didn't get it. xD Then I showed them on a piece of paper and had them try, but they STILL couldn't do it. I couldn't figure out what was so hard about it, but then I suppose it just comes naturally to me, and I have a different understanding than they do. I kept telling them to NOT push the pencil so hard into the page and create a LIGHT outline in case they had to erase it. Well their 'light' outline wasn't light enough and the poor page suffered bruises. </3 Ah well. xD

    That's true about tutorials. Even I can learn to a point, but then it's really all about practice. They can teach you HOW to do certain things, but that doesn't mean you'll be any good at them.

    Sure can! Fair enough, I have habits that I can't break either. xD I'm shy as well, but in person, not so much online. I HATE talking on the phone. Awkward silences will be the death of me. x.x;; I tell all my friends (and it says so in my sig), that anyone can ask for an artwork. And I'll accept it if I want. :3 Generally I don't turn people down, though. I can be too nice for my own good. n.n;;

    And if you ever need a new sig or avi, I don't mind if you ask me. :D

    Quote Originally Posted by Speed-X View Post
    Hahah, I think you know how I feel about all of these! The realistic one though, is by far my favorite. You really surprised me with that! Did not expect that one bit. Its nothing short of fantastic!

    Please keep us updated, can't wait to see what else you post! o W o

    Yes please do moar Square Enix chars pl0z 8D

    Uh, that is, if you want to. XD

    Also, if you want to dabble in coloring and digital art, maybe itd be best to go with a really simple line art that isn't 100% refined and work from that. Its a lot better than working from something you already refined, then feeling like you ruined it when you went to color and shade it and therefore losing any motivation to try the medium at all. Gah it happens to me so often!!!

    If I think of another request, it will definitely try to keep your interests in mind. After all, there IS such a thing as a good requester. Requests are usually taken to practice and try new things, so it's wonderful to have someone that requests that has your interests and skill level in mind.

    I usually surprise a lot of people when I bust out something other than Pokemon cause they're not expecting it. XD Thank you, Sarah!

    I sure will! :3 I should have another character for my upcoming fanfic drawn soon, then I plan to do some more LiS artwork (due to popular request and cause I love it so much 8D). And who knows what after that!

    Ah no, see I NEVER colour my sketches. xD That is, indeed, what ruins them. If I go to make a digital work, yeah, I usually start from scratch and draw the entire thing on the computer. It's just easier that way. I did TRY to colour my sketches once, but that doesn't work at all and I kinda rage quit - short of stabbing my Wacom with the pen. XD That's probably why it's been soooooooo long since I've done any digital works at all. Actually the last one I did was a LoZ request for one of my friends on Facebook. Imma share it here cause I can. Spent so long on this. xD SO. LONG.


    Oh thank you. :D I do like people who consider my interests, but feel free to request stuff outside of them, as well. That's what makes me better. c: Although don't request some epicly detailed drawing that's gonna take me 3 days to complete. You request that and I WILL charge you lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    If I might humbly make a request, I would love to see your take on Emolga with this incredible style of yours. And if you could have him winking, smiling, and making a peace sign with his fingers, that would warm my heart so many infinite times over.

    I would press the Like button on that so fast that it might tear a major rift in time and space. And Dialga and Palkia would just have to suck it up and deal with it. >:D

    I love it! Emolga is so sickeningly cute I would totally love to draw it! Especially as it winks and smirks in mischief while holding up a peace sign. "Peace. For now," Emolga says. xP

    Yup. Totally doing this. And if PXR ever installs a Like button, I will know who broke it. XD

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  6. #14
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    Hey, @Neo Emolga, how do you like your mischievous flying squirrel? ;3

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  8. #15
    Oh my gosh, Gemma! That looks incredible. :D I love your shading style. c: Awesome picture!

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  10. #16
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar Latias View Post

    Hey, @Neo Emolga, how do you like your mischievous flying squirrel? ;3


    Okay, so here I was lying in bed at 5:30AM (I typically wake up at this time naturally for no bloody reason at all), and I just decided to whip out my tablet to browse PXR. Ah, I got a mention, let's check it out. I tap the link, and WHAM, there's this masterpiece, and I'm fumbling with the tablet keyboard trying to reply and said "you know what, screw it, I'm getting my butt out of bed, hopping on my computer, and writing a proper response to this one.

    I TOTALLY ADORE IT, it's beyond incredible and I really love the mischievous grin! You captured all the cool, fun, and mischievous things I love about Emolga flawlessly. I was feeling a bit down yesterday, but this definitely made me smile this morning, and for that much-needed happiness, I thank you a lot. You made this WAY faster than I had expected, and did an absolutely amazing job on it! Like Xanthe said, the shading is amazing, the pose and expression is unique and super cool and cute, and it totally captures the charm that makes your art so lovable. I swear, the more I look at it, the more I smile.

    Hope you don't mind, there was this blah empty space on the back wall of my desk, so I printed it out and filled that pesky empty void with this lovable guy. This is definitely a keeper.

    (I really need to clean my desk off, but eh, whatever).

    A++, double thumbs up, 100%, platinum trophy, and all that lovely jazz! Gem, you ROCK, what an epic job!

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  12. #17
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Oh man that was SUPER fast. That's amazingly well done. Like the others already said, that shading is amazing! You really capture Emolga's impish grin/cuteness factors in this really well. Your art style is really super special Gem!

    Edit: ok I can't stop looking at it now xD. Keep finding myself coming back here to see it again.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 02-26-2016 at 11:37 AM.

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  14. #18
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Edit: ok I can't stop looking at it now xD. Keep finding myself coming back here to see it again.

    Emolga used ATTRACT! Chakramaster fell in love!

    And this is also why I printed it out. The grin! It compels you!

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  16. #19
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post

    Emolga used ATTRACT! Chakramaster fell in love!

    And this is also why I printed it out. The grin! It compels you!

    Well the Enolga from the anime IS female and it does have that appeal (I swear it LOVED doing it too). It was hard NOT to smile at it when seeing it. Same goes for the one Gem drew. She captured it perfectly!

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  17. #20
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Well the Enolga from the anime IS female and it does have that appeal (I swear it LOVED doing it too). It was hard NOT to smile at it when seeing it. Same goes for the one Gem drew. She captured it perfectly!
    I was already really liking Emolga a lot even before seeing the anime episodes where Iris's Emolga appears. And then when I saw those and was laughing at all the mischievous and naughty things she does and all the hilarious expressions she has, I was like "YES, THIS IS DEFINITELY THE POKEMON FOR ME!"

    Ah, what a fun and totally cool Pokemon.

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