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New Pokemon Duel Update! New Mega Evolutions!

Pokemon Duel
A new Pokemon Duel update is here!

Trainers in Pokemon Duel have several new toys to play with in the game. The new update has now included Mega Evolutions from Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire. There are also several new figures such as Pokemon from the Alola region.

Read below for a full list of details.

  • New Look, New Feel: In addition to an all new look in the app’s home screen, the game now has an improved UI and a combined information and messages box, making in-app navigation easier for players.
  • New Mega Evolutions: New Mega Evolution figures for existing figures of Sceptile, Blaziken, and Swampert.
  • New Items, [UX] Rare Metal, [UX] Ingot, and [UX] Cube: With the introduction of UX materials, figures can more easily be powered up. Players will be able to further strengthen their existing figures even faster or make their Mega Evolution figures even more powerful.
  • Improved Fourth Booster Case Slot!: The fourth booster case slot that players can open through purchase will now also be guaranteed to drop materials. With the addition of the above UX materials, players will be able to boost their figures even faster.
  • Commemorative Update Login Bonus: In addition to the regular login bonus, players can also receive additional diamonds, items, and/or figures.
  • Improved Featured Duels: Players will now be able to browse by category making the feature easier to use.

Watch the video below to get a sneak peek of the update.

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