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Starter Evolutions for Pokemon Sun and Moon

Staters EVOs

Now that the starter Pokemon for Sun and Moon have been revealed, it makes sense that artists are going out to create their own speculations on what the final evolutions of the starters will turn out to be. “Top 5 Leaked Starter Pokemon Evolutions for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon” by Jethrotex takes five of these speculations and compiles them into a video to discuss them and decide whether or not they would be considered fake.

The fifth option involved all three of the starter evolutions being bipedal. For Rowlet, this makes sense. It’s a bird with two feet. It doesn’t make much sense for Poppolio, who looks to be a seal, but it could still be viable. Litten’s involved it going from being a quadripedal Pokemon to a bipedal Pokemon, however, much like other Fire type starters like the quadripedal Fennekin from X and Y becoming the bipedal Braixen (and later, Delphox).

The fourth option involved each of the starter evolutions having Mega Evolutions. This raised the question of whether or not Game Freak will eventually give all of the starters Mega Evolutions, like they have for the Kanto and Hoenn starters. Aside from the Mega Evolutions, these starter evolutions seemed the most viable and most fitting for the Pokemon.

The third option had all of the final evolutions be creepy or odd. They were the kind of evolutions that you would see if Pokemon took a darker turn. It’s highly unlikely these final evolutions would be featured in the actual games.

The top two seemed more like jokes than legitimate final evolutions, but they were still amusing nevertheless. The #2 option had the final evolutions turn into anime styled humans, which is extremely unlikely and definitely fake. The #1 option featured crossovers with Rowlet evolving into the owl from Animal Crossing and Litten evolving into Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic.

How do you think the final evolutions of our Sun and Moon starters — Litten, Rowlet, and Poppolio — will turn out?

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