Pokémon Crossroads

Announcements from Worlds 2013

There were many great battles at Pokemon World Championships 2013 but there were also a few announcements. These announcements relate to Pokemon XY and the location of the next world championships.

Click below to view all the announcements.

Revealed during the closing ceremonies was the other three Mega Pokemon that were shown in the CoroCoro leaks a few days ago: Mega Ampharos, Mega Mawile, and Mega Absol. Mega Ampharos was shown to use an unidentified move in the trailer shown. It was also shown that Mega Mawile looked to have used Hyper Voice.

They also confirm that the Torchic being distributed with the Mega Stone, Blazikenite. This Torchic will be at level 10 and know the moves: Scratch, Leer, Ember and Focus Energy.

The last thing to be announced at closing ceremonies was that Worlds 2014 will be hosted in Washington DC in the United States.

During the opening ceremonies, a few announcements were made including the reveal of Mega Kangaskhan. While in this form, Mega Kangaskhan gains the new ability called Parental Bond. This ability allows it to attack twice during the same turn using it’s child.

It was also announced that the Pokemon XY soundtrack will be available for purchase on iTunes featuring 220 tracks. No price was mentioned.