Pokémon Crossroads

Creatures Opens Official Instagram

What a chance to see the Pokemon TCG in a new way?

Then we suggest you follows Creatures on Instagram!

Wait? Who is Creatures? You have actually seen this name since the start of Pokemon. Their name is included in each Pokemon. They are one of the three companies that have ownership in Pokemon. Though, in relating to this article, they are the ones who creature and design cards for the Pokemon TCG.

As a way to highlight the “charm of the Pokemon world, they have opened an Instagram account called “Poke_Ca_Artlife“. They are posting several pieces of Pokemon art that has been made by various TCG illustrators to show case what it is like to live with Pokemon. The most amazing part is that all of this art was used in various TCG cards. Though, the big difference is that there is no text!

You heard correctly! No text Pokemon TCG cards!

If you follow the Creatures TCG art account, they are currently posting art from the upcoming Pokemon TCG, Scarlet & Violet TCG set. Below we are posting some images that have been posted on Instagram.

Source: PokeBeach