Pokémon Crossroads

#ElderlyVideoGames on @Midnight. Pokemon for the Elderly!

Late last night, Comedy Central’s @Midnight Program’s #HashtagWars asked its guest and the world what sort of elderly video games might you see, based off of current video games… like Grandma Theft Auto, Soup or Mario Brothers?, Halo… Halo… I can’t hear you? or Left 4 DeadWreck it Ralph (or Sugar Rush in Japan) presented us with Hero’s Duty, a play off of Call of Duty.  If you ever hear a child go to the bathroom, they might be doing the … doodie.

Given that the internet has been given a pun challenge, the internet responds with force.  Here are some of the best ones that we found about your favorite Pokemon Game:

Check out more after the break! Or join the fun with us at @PKMNCrossroads and with the internet with the hashtag #ElderlyVideoGames @Midnight. Check out the clip from @midnight after the break as well.

The full clip for your laughs:

#HashtagWars – #ElderlyVideoGames

And more tweets for your fun: