How do Americans pronounce 'herbalist'? Without the 'h' as well?
Panoptic is one of the coolest sci-fiesuqe words. Fun fact, there's a prison design coined by Jeremy Bentham known as Panopticon, where by all the inmates under one watchman' eye, without them being able to tell whether they're being watched or not. So dystopian~
Word of the Day: Collude
1. To work with others secretly especially in order to do something illegal or dishonest.
1. "I argued that when markets are free, and when government does not collude with business, greed is useful."- Fitting In at Fox Lloyd Grove December 5, 2009
2. "Collusive labor makes it easier for employers to collude to extract maximum rents from customers." -New York City Bus Strike: A Cosy Cartel, Running Out of Gas Megan McArdle January 16, 2013
3. "Nor, Cortazzo said, did he collude with the geologist to rip off Roy." -‘Sex Rehab’ Star Duncan Roy’s Jailhouse Blues Christine Pelisek March 24, 2012
Word of the Day: Peradventure
1. Chance, doubt, or uncertainty
2. Surmise
3. Archaic. it may be; maybe; possibly; perhaps.
1. "It must demonstrate beyond peradventure that it exists only to aid and assist the onward march and progress of all worthy causes ..." -Stewart C. McFarland, "Will Rotary Survive?" The Rotarian, April 1921
2. "Well, as luck would have it, he stumbled on the missing link in the process which poor Sprenger had been searching for ... and proved it beyond a peradventure on the very night when Bronson Jane had dined in Kensington Palace Gardens." -John Buchan, The Gap in the Curtain, 1932