Welcome to the Word of the Day thread! Once a day a word will be posted here along with it's definition. It could vary from interesting, to dark, or just out right crazy! Who knows what word will pop up tomorrow. There's so many out there many of us don't even know is a word. So a little word trivia could be fun, who knows. So let's get this started, have some fun, and maybe even a few laughs from this. Oh and double points for whoever uses the word of the day on the forum and links us to it here!
This thread was originally intended to be run by Noble. If she wants to take back the reins once she gets back from a trip she's taking soon then that's fine! I'll hand it back off to her. Plus it may change up the style of how it's run and the word choice will be a little different. Which would be interesting too.
Today's word is!... Ineluctable
Definition: certain or inevitable; unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable.
Used in a sentence: Some events in our life are just ineluctable.
Log of Words2016Spoiler: