Again, you rock the house with the character expressions! Everything about this is very colorful and lively.
Definitely another great job! And that's one very angry-looking Raichu. XD
The guy that was supposed to be delivering pizza!
Just kidding, but great job on the new addition! Again, the character expressions and the art really sell this strongly. :3
I keep meaning to post here. xD I keep forgetting though.
Anyway, better late than never! I caught up with your comic finally a week or two ago! I love the direction is going. I was surprised to see what appears to be the main characters evolved after the prologue- I was certainly not expecting that! The typical PMD story tends to stick with basics! Of course, this clearly isn't shaping up to be your typical PMD comic, is it? xD
I'm curious about Atok and what it's really like. All indications so far haven't been very positive.
Lastly, the facial expression in the 3rd panel of the last page. Perfection.
Also, it's almost Friday in my timezone. -waits impatiently-
adfgadfg LASTLY FOR REAL THIS TIME: Do you have a SJ mirror I can favorite? xD I'll probably post here more than there, but I'd love to add it to my faves (and maaaaybe give you a little shotout from PRS over there. Get some more people your way!)
Haha, it's okay. XD
And thank you! I'm glad you like it. And haha, nope, not really a typical PMD comic. The idea came from me thinking about what things were like for the random teams you see in the games with evolved pokemon that aren't supposed to be important. I wanted the comic to focus on the perspective of pokemon like that. xD
Nope, and we'll see Atok in...if what I have goes to plan, chapter 4.
Haha, thanks. That's one of my favorites. xD
It's barely Friday in my timezone so I might as well post the page! (Now that I think of it, posting at midnight seems better than the middle of the day whenever I get around to it...I'll try to start doing that. XD
Yes! You can find it here! And oh wow, that would be awesome if you did so! Speaking of which, I'll go favorite your comic over there too.
Anyway, here's the next page!
For those curious, I always had it in my mind that the normal pokemon world was a separate dimension from the PMD world, and that's what I'm going with for this comic.
Yay! New page!
Hah, neat idea- perspective of the random background teams who aren't the 'chosen ones' - I'm just getting some silly ideas from that. xD I'm really excited to see where this goes.
And remember: Nothing is another word for boring!
So hopefully it's not nothing. =P I wonder what that Gardevoir is going to pick up. Keep it up!