Still the early stages of the story :)


Be there no hesitation in the direct and vengeful manner to which we must now conduct ourselves. For this course of action represents the only to which our children and our children’s children are guaranteed any semblance of a livable future.
“These words represent the dangers of allowing a fearful man make bold discoveries in the name of science.” Professor Nathan Jefferies said flipping through his notes.
He only paused from his daily routine of re sighting his own notes to attach some sort of emotional connection to the content material. It appears that today’s lesson is that in the moral fortitude of said author. As I jot down Jefferies words I stop suddenly and blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.
“It’s not cowardice to reflect on the world around you when you facing your own destruction.” I say taking a deep breath.

It’s only after I stop shouting that I realize that I am now standing with all eyes focused on me. My outburst has attracted the attention of everyone in the room. This includes the now visually annoyed Professor Jefferies. He attempts to be a good sport about the challenge and speaks up.
“Isn’t this a little out of your depth Lucian? Seems that you only poke your head up from your notebook when the ancient tribes are mentioned. I am interested though why did my opinion on these texts bother you more than any other day?”
“Great” I say to myself. This is just what I needed.

“What’s so special about what was said? Maybe, it’s the lack of empathy when you speak about someone whose last moments on earth were spent sending a message. His life and story etched into these words. All that’s left to his whole existence is this. Maybe we should be focusing on what drove him to this point.” I say reaching for my notes.

“ We already know based on the other findings the where and when. We just never seem to get to the what or why. I don’t believe you would have just picked this one passage if your only intentions were to mock it.