“You’re sure they’re up here?”

“Positive. And to be honest, I’m not entirely sure the four of us will be enough to stop them from whatever they are doing.”

“Glad we have the vote of confidence.”

It was freezing cold. It always was on this god forsaken mountain, at least according to the two members of the four man team that was trying to climb it at this point in time. Sloane did not care much for their opinions when it came to temperatures, but for once they had been correct about Sinnoh’s climate. She shivered a little, having only taken a thin black jacket for this adventure. Ah well, lesson learned for never in the future.

A blizzard began to stir as the four hiked to the peak of the mountain. The ascension would not have taken this long had two of the inner tunnels not been collapsed. Fox and Dylan were convinced that whomever was trying to reach the peak of Mt. Coronet was behind the destruction of the tunnels. What did not seem to concern either of them, however, was why they had collapsed the tunnels. Sure, to deter followers, but with Mt. Coronet being such a difficult climb, no one without reason would ascend the mountain. If Sloane had to guess, their enemies knew they were being tailed.

“How much further did you say the peak was?” Sloane glanced over at her twin sister, Lantern, who was shivering quite a bit. It was kind of amusing how similar the two sisters were, yet they had only met a month or two before. Lantern had assumed her ranger uniform would be enough against the Sinnoh cold, but oh how wrong she had been. Almia’s winters had nothing on Sinnoh.

“Not too much further,” Fox replied, tugging on her rope a little. “It’s hard to see but we’re almost to the next ledge. From there we should be able to find a cavern that will lead us straight to the peak.”

“To Spear Pillar,” Dylan added. Fox shot him a glare, obviously not wanting to jump to that conclusion yet. Though there seemed to be little other reason to reach the peak of Mt. Coronet. Sloane opened her mouth to ask what the plan was when the mountain began to shake like a magnitude ten had struck it, except worse. Then a bright light pierced through the blizzard, nearly blinding all four team members. “I told you!” Dylan shouted as clicked the heels of his boots together, then slammed into the side of the mountain. Spikes grounded him to the mountain, preventing him from losing his footing. Sadly, only he and Fox had that innovation. Lantern and Sloane were all on their own.

Sloane didn’t waste any time, releasing the rope and unlocking herself from the harness. Sending a quick prayer to the Lord Ho-oh, Sloane was suddenly sent tumbling into freefall. She could hear the shouts of her fellow companions as she tumbled through the blizzard, smirking at their unwarranted concern. Surely they knew better by now. Sloane’s fingers found the only dusk ball on her belt and plucked it from its holster. She enlarged the dusk ball, then threw it high into the air. There was another flash of light and then a large black bird came into sight. The honchkrow dove down below Sloane, ceasing her descent, then shooting back up towards the peak.

“Come on, Noble! We have to reach the top,” she explained. The honchkrow cawed and forced his way through the chilling blizzard. Sloane adjusted the goggles over her eyes, Lantern and the others coming into view. “Lantern!” she shouted, “unhook yourself!” Lantern seemed startled at the suggestion, but did not argue, unhooking herself. Right as she began to fall, Sloane grabbed her arm and pulled her onto Noble’s back. Leaving the two PBI agents behind, Sloane and Lantern clung to Noble’s black feathers for dear life as the big boss pokemon fought through the storm. The light seemed to decrease as they drew closer to Spear Pillar, but visibility was truly limited, and this was not more clear when they almost collided with a pillar. Noble managed to pull out of the way in time, but not without causing himself to crash into the mountain, above their original destination. The twins were thrown from Noble’s back and sent tumbling onto the snow covered ground. It made their crash easier, but not by much.

“Ow… I’m not sure that was worth leaving the harness,” Lantern complained. Sloane pushed herself up and spit some snow to the side. Figures she’d say something like that.

“Don’t whine, just come on. There’s an opening up ahead. I bet it leads to Spear Pillar as well.” Sloane returned her Honchkrow to her pokeball then helped her sister up. The two ran to the cave entrance and scanned the inside before entering. It was eerily quiet and very dark. It was suspicious is what it was. Staying on the balls of their feet, the two charged forward, descending through the tunnels towards Spear Pillar. “I see some light ahead,” Sloane hissed back to Lantern. The two slowed their pace and approached the opening quietly. It was a side opening in the tunnels, not really leading anywhere but acting as a sort of window into the mountain. Sloane and Lantern leaned around the corner and both sucked in a breath in shock.

“We found two of them, madam.” A tall man with dark skin with short cut black hair and muscles the size of grapefruits threw Dylan and Fox onto the ground before a woman. The woman, whose back was to the twins, stepped forward to look down at the PBI agents.

“Where are the other two? I distinctly remember being told there were four people chasing us.” The man fumbled for a second before rubbing his arm nervously.

“Their harnesses were empty, madam, we believe they escaped. Where to we are not-”

“Find them!” the woman shrieked. “We cannot afford to be interrupted when we summon the Lord of All Pokemon!” Lantern and Sloane exchanged a look, both thinking the same thing. They were going to summon Arceus?

“Is this crazy?” Sloane whispered, “Can they actually do this?” Lantern scratched her head and nodded ever so slightly.

“Yeah, actually. Um… when I took a mission in Oblivia I had to handle a case where a rogue admin from the villainous team of that region tried to summon Arceus. And he uh… well he succeeded. But it backfired exponentially. He ended up being dragged off to Arceus’s dimension for judgement, and no matter where we have searched, we have not been able to locate any signs of him since.”

“So you’re saying they can…” Sloane looked back as more members from this mysterious team filled the room. “Oh no. Lantern we have to stop this now!”

“I don’t think so!” Lantern cried out as both she and Sloane were grabbed by the collars of their outfits and lifted off the ground. “We can’t have any strays interrupting our grand scheme.” Sloane tried to kick out at the man but it was no use, any time her foot connected with his body, he did not react at all. The two were escorted down to the floor of Spear Pillar and tied up. Dylan’s eyes widened, filled with shock and sorrow, as Sloane and Lantern were thrown with he and Fox. Arms tied behind their backs, the four were forced to watch as the woman snapped her fingers. A grunt came up to the woman with starking red hair, pale white skin, and black suit. She reached into the bag that he clutched with shaking hands and produced a purple flute.

“Now watch closely, children,” the woman jeered, “this is how you become the ruler of the world.” She pressed her lips to the flute and began to play a specific melody. Transparent glass-like stairs began to form in front of the group, leading up and out of sight until suddenly a golden ceiling to Spear Pillar shimmered into existence. The mountain shook again, as if crying in praise as the tune. The four young adults were forced to their feet and led up the stairs alongside the woman and her grunts. Sloane kept her eyes to the sky, not daring to see how high they had gone as the ceiling drew ever closer. None of them even tried to fight, knowing they could just as easily be thrown from the steps if they rebelled. The only sounds now was the wind and the echo of that horrendous flute.

After an indeterminable amount of time, foot was set on the ceiling. A quick glance over the top showed… nothing. It was just an empty plain. Sloane stifled back a laugh as frustration crossed the woman’s face. Then the fabric of reality opened and a large white leg with a golden toe stepped onto the ceiling. It was a terrifying sight, watching the god of Pokemon step into existence right before you. Sloane looked over at Lantern and saw the girl trembling with fear. Unlike Sloane, this was not both scary and awe-inspiring, this was just horrifying. Even so, the woman leading this whole quest seemed to experience no peradventure at the sight of the ruler of Pokemon.

“Do it,” she commanded as she signaled her grunts. Four grunts ran forward, carrying something that looked like a coffin. Positioned like pallbearers, the four charged at the god and struck it. Arceus let out a loud cry, its golden aura twisting in an unnatural manner before being sucked into the coffin-like container. As soon as it entered the container, the aura became pitch black. Arceus struggled, trying to pull away, but it appeared that the god was trapped. The woman began to laugh as all anyone could do was watch. The container quickly filled, snapping shut after it reached maximum capacity. Arceus collapsed, its golden aura barely visible now. The four grunts started to retreat as the woman looked at her four captives. “Seems you failed your little mission. Now, I, Lady Godiva, shall rule this world with the power of a pokemon god.” Suddenly, all Sloane could see was red.

“No!” she screamed, leaping to her feet. The grunts did not know what hit them as Sloane tackled one of them. It was obvious the weight of the case could not stand with only three people beneath. The coffin began to tip. The grunt Sloane had taken out grabbed her roughly and threw her, but Sloane merely tucked and rolled before bouncing back to attack another guard. This time though, she suffered dire consequences. The grunt saw her coming and moved out of the way. Sloane could not stop her momentum and was thrown off the side of the ceiling of Spear Pillar. However, because of the grunt’s rash decision, the plate was sent tumbling after her.

Sloane!” Dylan cried, racing to the edge. Tears ripped themselves from Sloane’s eyes as she curled into a ball, hoping death’s embrace would be quick. But it never came. She just kept falling and falling, sinking into darkness.


2 weeks later…

Kyo Writer sat in a pokemon center in Saffron City, waiting for her pokemon’s health to be fully restored. She was currently catching up on her news through the Saffron Chronicles, and much to her dismay, it was exactly as depressing as the last time she had picked up a newspaper. Ever since the explosion that had destroyed Spear Pillar two weeks prior, that’s all the news had been.

Kyo was unsure of what exactly had occurred, but she knew a few things. A group of people calling themselves “The Society of Purple Eyes” had scaled Mt. Coronet with the intent to summon Arceus and steal the god’s power. However, someone tipped off the Sinnoh Branch of the Pokemon Bureau of Investigation and a team had been sent in to investigation. Whether the team was actually successful is debatable, but one thing was for certain, the team had returned in complete shambles. Supposedly a rescue dispatch had to be sent in to retrieve everyone after the explosion. Currently, of the team sent in, two members were still in critical care, one was missing, and the other was rushing through rehab like nobody’s business. In addition, of the perpetrators, only grunts had been located. All the admins that had been described by the surviving members had escaped. Most importantly though, rumor had it that Arceus was in captivity as well. It was all quite interesting. Of course, that’s not what the Saffron Chronicles had to say about the events. They couldn’t release that kind of information to the public. Kyo only knew the information she did through the White Rocket grape vine.

“Kyo Writer?” Kyo looked up as her name was called. She spotted a Nurse Joy holding her six pokeballs. She was pretty cute too. Bummer, since Kyo was already tied to someone else. Kyo walked up and took her pokeballs from the Nurse Joy. As she clipped them to her belt, her phone began to ring. Kyo unlocked her phone from her holster and exited the center to answer.


“Kyo, report to base location Delta Alpha Epsilon. It’s urgent.”

“Why? What’s up?”

“We’ve found her, the missing member from the PBI team.” The call ended with a click but Kyo did not hesitate. Unclipping a pokeball from her belt, Kyo sent out Spangle the Braviary.

“To base Delta Alpha Epsilon,” she commanded as she climbed onto the Braviary’s back. Spangle cawed before using its large wings to launch itself into the air. While the exact location of the base will remain unnamed for secrecy reasons, it did not take long at all to reach the base. Spangle made a gentle dive as the ground opened up to allow the operative inside. Spangle flapped his wings two more times before landing. Kyo dismounted him and returned the Braviary to his pokeball before exiting the hangar and walking inside the base.

The base itself was quite alike an underground bunker, with cement walls, no windows, and lots of people. Mainly scientists, White Rockets raced back and forth all over the place, but Kyo was unconcerned with them. Hanging a right down the first hall then a left down the second hall, Kyo entered the hospital wing of the base. She walked up to the receptionist and cleared her throat to get his attention. The man looked up and nodded in attention.

“What room is the recovered female, Sloane Jackson, in?” The receptionist looked over at his computer and typed a few words before returning his attention to Kyo.

“Hall E Room 323. It has a fingerprint scanner requirement, agent.” Kyo waved her hand in dismiss of the receptionist and walked on to Hall E. After five doors she located the room 323 and pressed her hand against the scanner on the wall to the left of the door. A green light swiped her hand twice before a beep was heard and the door unlocked. Kyo reached over with her right hand and opened the door.

The hospital room was quite dim, but otherwise it looked like all the other hospital rooms in the building. The floors were hardwood, the room was small. There was a bathroom to the right and the bed was straight ahead. The heart monitor beeped quietly next to the chairs with the IV drip on the other side. The only other sound in the room was the inhaling and exhaling of the oxygen machine. In one of the chairs, another operative(the one who had called Kyo) was scribbling on a clipboard. On the other side of the bed, a doctor was checking the patient’s vital signs. Kyo stepped forward to confirm what she had been told. This was indeed Sloane Jackson, the missing operative from the PBI team.

“How is she?” Kyo asked, drawing the doctor and agent’s attention.

“She is alive and steadily recovering,” the doctor said, “Other than her body suffering some high stress related injuries and oxygen deprivation, she is fine. Though, we are unsure how long she was without oxygen, so we do not know how much damage she has suffered. If that is the case, she might be in a much worse condition that our equipment can detect.” Kyo gave a short nod before looking at the agent. The officer stood up and opened the notebook in his hands.

The officer was an attractive male, someone Kyo wouldn’t mind dating if she were straight. He had long brown hair that hung down to his shoulders and a deep tan from his mass amounts of time spent in the more tropical areas of the region. He was not very buff but his build was sturdy, and what he lacked in brawn he made up for in brains. His name was Second Lieutenant Oliver Sanders.

“I have been studying her since she was brought in. They are testing her blood work and DNA right now. I am anxious for their return, since, though I am not sure why, I feel uneasy about this girl. Her aura seems to be giving me chills.” Kyo opened her mouth to see if she could get Oliver to elaborate when another doctor rushed back into the room.

“Ah, good, First Lieutenant Writer, you're back. We have just finished running her blood work and DNA. Her blood work is fine, healthy as can be from what we can tell. Her DNA, however, is very… unstable.”

“Define unstable,” Kyo demanded.

“Her DNA seems to have been corrupted, though we are not quite sure now. From what we do know, though, her DNA is not solely human anymore, but also contains some Pokemon DNA as well.”

“And what exactly does that-” Sloane groaned and shifted in her bed, causing everyone to turn their attention to the girl. Sloane opened her eyes and started to lift her hands only to find an IV in one. Her eyes grew wide and she looked around frantically, trying to figure out what was going on.

“Wh-Where am I? Who are you people? Are you going to hurt me? Why am I here? Please don't hurt me. I don't know why I'm here or what you want from me but please I just want to go home!” Kyo walked over to the shaking Sloane and gently placed her hand on her shoulder, causing Sloane to flinch.

“Shh… it's okay. You're safe. I am First Lieutenant Writer of the White Rockets, Kanto’s military. We found you in a comatose state so we were just making sure you received proper care. It's all right. I promise nothing here is meant to hurt you.” As if specifically planned to prove Kyo wrong, the alarms in the building began to blare, causing Sloane to suddenly drop through the bed to the floor. Kyo stared at the empty bed in shock for a second before looking underneath to see the trembling Sloane. She was about to coax Sloane out when a soldier came rushing in.

“Lieutenants! We are under attack by the Sinnoh Angels and PBI. You are requested at the comms!” Kyo sighed and gave Sloane one last look before heading with Oliver to the communications room. As they entered the room, contact was just being established with one of the helicopters in the attacking fleet. There was static as the connection solidified, then a picture came into view of a helicopter cockpit. The majority of the screen was filled with a striking young woman. She had golden blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin was a vivid peach, her face frozen in a solid frown. Her uniform was blue with the logo SA on her front left breast. It was also possible to see her ranking given her shoulder pads. There was a star that was missing three spikes, the two visible spikes being pink and blue. She also had two golden stripes at the end of the shoulder pads. This meant she was a major in the Sinnoh Angels, so she technically outranked Kyo. However, a quick scan of the room showed that Kyo was the highest ranked person at the base. How embarrassing.

“This is Sinnoh Angels Major Freya Merriweather reporting into White Rocket base Delta Alpha Epsilon. We are currently holding our fire for the possibility of negotiations. Who is currently in charge at the base?” Kyo stepped forward so that she was in view of the screen.

“That would be me, White Rocket First Lieutenant Kyo Writer. I request you state exactly why you think you can attack us and then try to negotiate and what exactly you are seeking?” Instead of answering, Major Freya simply laughed and smiled at Kyo.

“Now what makes you think you can boss me around, Lieutenant? I outrank you.”

“True, but we can hardly negotiate without this information, now can we?” This snarky response did not seem to please Freya. She growled at Kyo and snarled out,

“Fine. Our scanners have detected that you currently have the missing plate of Arceus with you. We demand to have it this instant!” Kyo noted that it seemed Major Freya did not know that Sloane was present here as well. That could be good or bad. Kyo would just leave that point there for now. Better not to mention it if they really did not know it.

“I see. Well, even if this were true, which it may or may not be, international law states that anything in the custody of the military of a region has stay inside that custody for a month before it may be required to be placed elsewhere. More specifically, this was implemented through the Act of Regions in 19XX Chapter 8 Section 3 Subsection II. But surely you know that, don’t you, Major?” The major’s face flushed a violent red.

“How dare you! This is a matter beyond your ranking, soldier! Now hand over that plate or else I'll-”

“Major!” Major Freya stiffened and looked over her shoulder.

“Y-Yes, Brigadier General?”

A large man stood up from behind Major Freya. He was broad shouldered and muscular, with short cut brown hair and cold green eyes. His skin was a cooked brown and his uniform identical to Major Freya’s other than the ranking on his shoulder. Kyo felt slightly offended that she had been attempting to negotiate with a major, such an act was a slap in the face if a higher ranked officer was present, but she put this aside because of the identity of this officer. This was no ordinary man, this was Brigadier General Phoenix Alca.

“I apologize for my major’s temper,” Brigadier General Phoenix said as he adjusted the camera to focus on him inside of the major. “Despite her ice specialization she has quite the fiery temper. Now, you wish to have an explanation as to our reasoning for requesting the plate, yes?” Kyo merely nodded, still somewhat reeling from the fact that she was speaking to one of the most hailed military officers in the world. “Well, in short, the rumors are true, Arceus is in our possession. And even worse, it's dying.”

Tension filled the room within the flick of an instant, everyone stunned to silence. The creation deity, Arceus, was dying? That could not be! Arceus did not die! Kyo’s mouth twitched and drew into a tight line. Was he lying? No one as great as Brigadier General Phoenix would do such a thing, right?

“I can see you have some reservations, but I assure you, I am telling the truth. Arceus is missing one of its plates, the plate representing the ghost typing. We believe that the power of this plate was drained, causing the plate to shatter and the false plate to become its replacement. According to ancient Sinnoh legend, it is this very plate that gives Arceus its immortality. Without it, Arceus will perish, and the order of the universe along with it.”

“It all makes sense then,” Kyo mumbled to herself. She turned her attention to the screen and replied, “In light of this information I see no reason why we should withhold this plate from you. As acting commander of this base I will order the transfer immediately. However, there is something you must know, sir.” Kyo paused and closed her eyes to take in a deep breath. “The girl, we located her as well, and it seems like she absorbed some of the plate’s power.”


Sloane drummed her fingers nervously as the statue of a man inspected her like a piece of meat. She felt like the prey to his predator, and not in the good way. First Lieutenant Writer had introduced him as Brigadier General Phoenix from the Sinnoh Angels, but that did not give Sloane much comfort. She scrunched her nose and crossed her arms as best she could, trying to display her discomfort with his starring as much as possible.

“So you are saying she has been infused with the Spooky Plate’s power?” the Brigadier General asked First Lieutenant Writer. Writer nodded, opting for a wordless reply for now. Phoenix turned his attention back to Writer and sighed. “This complicates things. From my research into the legends of the deities of this world, there have been other cases where a legendary’s DNA has been infused into another being, but none quite like this, and none more recent than several thousand years ago. The last case that we know of happened in Unova, when supposedly the twin princes were infused with the DNA of the ultimate dragon to become Reshiram and Zekrom. The only truly confirmed case we have of something like this happening are the deities known as Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.” Sloane’s eyes widened and her breath stopped short in her chest.

“You’re not saying what I think you’re saying, are you?” Sloane questioned in a soft voice, not wanting confirmation on what she had just heard. The way the Brigadier General looked at her was the only yes she needed.

“She’s turning into a legendary pokemon,” Second Lieutenant Sanders whispered as the realization came to him. Sloane covered her mouth with shaking hands. She closed her eyes and then suddenly she crashed onto the floor again below the bed. All attention returned to her, and Sloane sighed.

“Not again,” she mumbled, crawling out from beneath the bed.

“Again?” Major Freya repeated, speaking for the first time since she had arrived in the building. Sloane sighed softly and waved her hand in the air.

“Yes, again. It happens whenever I am in shock or upset or something. I don’t know. This is just the third or fourth time since I woke up that I’ve fallen through the bed.”

“She’s developing intangibility,” Phoenix surmised. Kyo tapped her finger against her chin and gave a slight nod of her head in agreement. It made sense, especially if she was turning into a ghost type.

“Is there any way to reverse this?” Sloane asked in a somewhat begging tone. It was not hard to feel empathy for her, given that she had just realized she was slowly turning from a human into a pokemon. As amazing as that sounded in concept, in reality it would be devastating unless all your human memories were wiped in the process as well.

“I think it might be possible.” All attention turned to Oliver. He hesitated when he realized all eyes were on him, but he continued. “Maybe Arceus can reverse this. If we return the plate to it, as the Creation Deity, it might be able to reverse Sloane’s transformation.”

“I think it is the only choice we have right now.” Phoenix looked over at Sloane. “It is your choice, my dear. What do you want to do? Do you wish to seek council with the great one to see if it can reverse what has come upon you?” Sloane closed her eyes in thought before opening them, her brown irises alight with determination.

“Yes. If there is even a chance that I can return to being a human again, I want to take it. As amazing as being a legendary pokemon could be, I don’t think I could bear to leave behind all the relationships I have made in my more recent years.”

With that, it was settled. A fleet of White Rocket jets was assembled to escort Sloane, Kyo, Oliver, the Sinnoh Angels, and the PBI team back to Sinnoh. They arrived within an hour, but already it was easy to see that Sloane was changing. On top of her intangibility, her eyes were becoming a glowing green color, and her skin was growing a ghastly pale. Her body also seemed to be fading from existence and her hair was started to blend together. As soon as they landed, Sloane and the replacement Spooky Plate were rushed into the underground fort of the Sinnoh Angels, Sinnoh Fort India Oscar Victor.

On their way down, Sloane seemed to change even more. At some point, she began to float, no longer touching the floor. Her teeth began to sharpen into fangs and she grew slightly taller. Her hair brightened in color, turning a platinum blonde and moving towards white. By the time they reached the containment area for Arceus, her eyes were completely green and her hands had begun to grow into claws. Kyo, Oliver, and two Sinnoh Angel grunts entered the containment cell with Sloane, the four carrying the large plate. Arceus lifted its head as they approached, noting their presence immediately.

Have you come to return what is rightfully mine?” All five party members paused at Arceus’s voice, but Sloane quickly seized the opportunity to speak.

“Great Lord Arceus, we have brought you the Spooky Plate in hopes that your immortality may be restored. However, my Lord, in the process of trying to protect your plate, I seemed to have absorbed some of its power, and it is turning me into what I can only assume is a legendary pokemon. As humbled as I am at the opportunity, I do not think that I am the correct one to be chosen for such as a role, and so I request that, if possible, please reverse these effects on me.” Sloane lowered her head and closed her eyes, hoping it was enough to convince the god of pokemon. There was a tense silence before Arceus replied.

I remember you. You tried to save me in the Hall of Origin. Palkia and Dialga managed to save your life, it seems. This pleases me. The absorption of my power is a side effect that I must apologize for. It was unintended. If you had so wished, I would have allowed the transformation to continue as thanks for saving me. However, since you have requested for the change to be halted, I will do my best to stop it. First though, I require the return of my plate. If you could please.

Kyo took that as her signal to move forward and led the other three members to Arceus. As they drew closer, the plate seemed to grow lighter, until it finally lifted off their shoulders. Suddenly, the other plates shimmered into existence and the Spooky Plate fell into the gap that had been held. The ring spun around Arceus as the legendary let off a golden glow. It stood up and the plates spun faster until they were a blur. An arrow of light shot out from the circle and struck Sloane. Suddenly, a ray of shadows began to leak from Sloane, wrapping around the arrow and returning to Arceus. When it was completely drained, the arrow and golden glow all faded, allowing Sloane to collapse to the floor. Arceus looked over the group of heroes and lowered its head a little.

I am in your debt. Should you ever require my help again, I will be glad to assist you. Merely say my name and I will hear it. Please apologize to the researchers for me though, I cannot stay any longer. The universe will go into too much unbalance if I do not return to my duties as a deity. Though, I will advise, if they wish to learn more about the legendaries as a whole, my advice would be to investigate the Sinjoh ruins.” With that, a bright flash of gold filled the room and Arceus disappeared.


Many weeks later...

Kyo Writer sat in a pokemon center in Saffron City, waiting for her pokemon’s health to be fully restored. She was currently catching up on her news through the Saffron Chronicles, and much to her delight, it was not as depressing as it had once been. Upon Arceus’s advice, exploration had been increased in the Sinjoh ruins and many new details of legendaries, universal creation, and much more were being discovered. The four man team that had been on Mt. Coronet was almost completely recovered, with Sloane and Dylan already exploring the world once more, and Fox and Lantern almost ready to return to their work. The land was peaceful for now, and Kyo could genuinely say she had an experience that no one else had. But there was one question that lingered in her mind. Arceus had implied that one day she would need its assistance, but what exactly had it meant by that? Oh well, it was something only time could tell.