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  1. #21
    @ant2011 it SUCKS that stupid Imageshack did that. I'm so frustrated at them that they remained free and then "OH NO SORRY LOL WE'RE A PAYING SITE NOW." Just stupid. >.>

    Nice new comic! I can't believe I didn't see it till now. x__x I'm shocked that Jon gave himself up, but I suppose he had no choice. =/ I'm sort of confused why the gym leader didn't try to step in and figure anything out, or yell at these people to leave the gym...ahaha. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what comes next!

  2. #22
    Well I'm back again, the chaos of the holiday season kept me busy with little free time, followed by the death of a close family member. Life has returned to some semblance of normalcy though, and I am proud to present you with #143 for your viewing pleasure.

    Just click right here yo

  3. #23
    Oh my! This is a turn potentially for the worse. I'm rather shocked! Ant, nuu! D: It was cool to see him snap like that though. WHAT A TWIST!

    Welcome back. <3

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Oh my! This is a turn potentially for the worse. I'm rather shocked! Ant, nuu! D: It was cool to see him snap like that though. WHAT A TWIST!

    Welcome back. <3
    Thanks, it's good to be back :D

    Originally he was supposed to snap later on, but the mood seemed right and I felt like it was time to end part one, it had been dragging on for far too long and I needed to help push the story into a higher gear without sacrificing much. (All that was going to happen was pointless banter on the way to Contesta City)

    But you know what that means right? Part one is done and part two is nice and new!


    Oh hey, I haven't seen you guys in a while. It's been what, about two years? Gee, time sure flies lol. Oh hey look, it's the newest page, #144

  5. #25
    Ace Trainer Fistodragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    ah snap

    Be sure to check my comic weekly! I also have some other ideas for future comics so stay tuned.

  6. #26
    That's understandable, Ant. :] I think you made the right choice!

    Oh my, two whole years passed! O: And wow... Poor Ant. D: His blastoise will be lucky to be able to remember him by this point, if that organisation brainwashed him for all this time... :C And I wonder who that trainer with the mashtomp is. I love how he berated the villains without a shred of fear. XD

  7. #27
    Wow nice new chapter ant! Very interesting can't wait to see more!

  8. #28
    Boop. Hey look, #145. Sorry it took me so long, I kinda dove headfirst into some Yu-Gi-Oh stuff but hey, I'm here now right?

    Was there anything I was forgetting?

    Oh right, new page.

  9. #29
    Awesome chapter! Looking very cool can't wait for more.

  10. #30
    Wow, 23 days is long enough to not update. Sorry, been busy at work and spending the 2-3 hours that I have where I'm not eating/sleeping/working with leisure activities. But hey, here's #146!

    In other news I decided to update some character info and add Casey to the protagonists section.


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