Minor update, I've contacted Azura Evley since Zirlion has requested to be skipped.
Minor update, I've contacted Azura Evley since Zirlion has requested to be skipped.
Azura Evley requested to be skipped since they're not very interested at the moment. Liokora has been MIA for a while now so we're moving on to @Rival Max. You have a month to do the next update for this comic if you're interested. If you're not able to, please let us know promptly so we can move on to the next person. I'd really like to get this back going again since it's a lot of fun when it's active.
I hate being the only one posting here but two notes:
1) The recent Smackjeeves update is very bad. Just... really really bad. The pages on SJ aren't loading, the server is lagging very badly, etc. So Neko and I are setting up a mirror for PMD: Crossroads on ComicFury since that's where most of the SJ comics are headed. If you guys want to make an account there and apply to be a co-author y'all just let me know and I'll invite you, but no pressure if you don't, I can handle uploading the pages there. You can find that here: https://comicfury.com/comicprofile.php?url=pmdxr
2) Since we haven't had an update in so long and Max hasn't responded, NeonUmbreon has volunteered to fill in for him if I don't hear back from Max by this Friday, so hopefully we'll have a new page soon.
Okay so just a general update, Neko is currently working on the next page and should be done with it soon. She's also pulled together an updated cast and plot summary document that I will use to update our resources here soon. That way you guys can quickly reference everything without needing to reread all the pages for ilke names and what not. I will also be updating the participants list with our updated list. Right now I'm just keeping it in order of people who responded but if you would like to be moved in the list line up, please contact me.
I know I'm not terribly active on PXR anymore. Life's busy and I've been in and out of anti-social episodes. I still care very much for this project and REALLY appreciate Noble stepping in to get things moving again. If y'all need to contact me quickly for PMDXR related things please use discord! I'm more likely to notice that before any mentions here! I'm still more than happy to help with anything related to this including helping finish up pages and whatnot. I'm just more of a lurker around here these days.
Here's the quick reference/info sheet on characters, places, plot summary, guilds, important things, etc. so far for anyone who wants it!
If Neo's next does that mean we've restarted the list from the beginning again? Cause it was going to be my turn next... :(