Holy crapsack, Gemma, that Litten is AWESOME!!! What a gorgeous job you did on that! :D
Great teamwork, guys! :3
Holy crapsack, Gemma, that Litten is AWESOME!!! What a gorgeous job you did on that! :D
Great teamwork, guys! :3
I'm not sketching. xD I assumed it was a new person.
@Neo Emolga Thank you! >u<
Am I too late? Here's a new sketcheroni!
Oh my god, that is adorable. XD *dies*
I'm at work so I can't contribute right now, but I look forward to seeing how this one turns out! :D
So cute! I call lineart this time. xD
EDIT: done!
Last edited by Chibi Altaria; 01-24-2017 at 02:53 AM.
Omg I'm so sorry that I forgot to say that I loved how the litten turned out! OO: You know when you think something, but then you forget to say it? XD It was really awesome, from the sketch to the lineart to the awesome end product! :DD
I'll definitely join in at a time I can sit down and do it. :D Whether it's with this torchic or whatever comes next.are we doing all the fire type starters
Aww! Nice lineart Gem! Someone colour this baby! :D
Words can not express how happy I am! Yaaaayyy, Lunar Latias! We've got to get some color action going on here! <333
Last edited by Chakramaster; 02-18-2018 at 03:28 AM.
You did great! The highlights look quite good to me!
And yeah, having a gallery in the first post with the names of who did what part would be cool. :3