Mini Challenge #2
A Poetic Valentine~!
Send out a poetic Valentine to your pair~! This can be in the form of a haiku, limerick, acrostic, rhyme, or maybe some kind of witty, cheesy poetry. It's entirely up to you! Just make sure to let your partner know that you admire them. :D You can either post your poem in this thread or, if you don’t want what you write to be public, just make sure you send a copy in a PM to either
Chakramaster or
Chibi Altaria, so we know that you’ve completed it!
Mini Challenge #3
Pokemon Partners!
Time to draw your partner as a Pokémon! Maybe you’re in an awesome Mystery Dungeon team together! Or Super Secret Agents?! If they have a pokésona, you're welcome to use that. If not, draw them as what you think works best! This doesn’t have to be anything fancy; just a simple sketch is fine! If you want to, though, you can gladly go all-out and do a digital, or traditional, artwork. Don’t forget to share it here, or send it to your partner! Again, if you’re not comfortable with sharing, please send a PM with your artwork to
Chakramaster, or
Chibi Altaria.
Mini Challenge #4
Valentine’s Crossword!
This is an easy one! Each pair will be given a Valentine’s crossword -- with only half of the questions! It’s your job to each finish your half and then work together to complete any you don’t know! Each person in the pair will send a PM to
Chakramaster, or
Chibi Altaria, with a screenshot of their finished half and the completed crossword once you’re both done. c:
Mini Challenge #5
Where's My Pair?!
Each pair is given a Pokemon and its counterpart to locate somewhere within a post! For example, say Chakra has Minun and I have Plusle. Chakra will have to search the forum to find a Plusle that's hidden at the bottom of a post, and I'll have to try to locate Minun! So it’s your job to find your lost pair! Once you’ve found your Pokemon, simply send in a PM with a link to the related post.
Be sure to read the notes below so you aren't looking in the wrong places!
- You're looking for a Pokemon Shuffle icon (like the ones in the header above).
- The icon will be hidden in threads at the bottom of a person’s post.
- Icons will not be hidden past the first two pages in a thread.
- Icons will not be hidden past the first three pages in a section.
- Icons are not hidden in staff forums, or those not seen by the public.