Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Crossroads
Pages and Updates
This thread is purely for the posting of PMDXR comic pages. Please be sure to keep all discussion to the appropriate threads.
Posting Guidelines
- Be sure to upload the comic page elsewhere and use the proper image tags to post. Do not use attachments!
- When you post your page, please be sure to mention the next person in the rotation so they know it's their turn!
- Posted pages must be 800x1200px.
- All pages will be uploaded to the ComicFury mirror as well! If you have an account there, feel free to apply as a co-author! You may upload the page there yourself if you would like. If not, I (NobleJanobii) will do so when I get the chance.
Current Artist Rotation
- Neon Umbreon
- FedoraEevees
- enderman-lover
- Nekomata
- Neo Emolga
- Noblejanobii
- Shruikan
- Zirilon
- Arnisd
- Scytherwolf
- Suicune’s Fire
- Venami
- MajorLeeMan
- TheAlolanPokeNerd
- RussianVesper
- Espeon Person
- Chakramaster
- Somerandomguynumber1
- CosmaComix
- Mango Cat