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  1. #1

    Character List and References

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Crossroads
    Character References

    All characters and some basic information will be listed here as they appear in the comic. I'll be working on getting some more formal references later on when I get time, but for now, just a quick image from the comic and the color palettes used for the character. If you add another character, please be sure to send me an image of their flat colors so I can update this page!

    A list of labeled color swatches for some of the existing characters can be found here: Color Swatches

    Character Categories

    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 09-27-2021 at 08:40 PM.

  2. #2
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Main Characters

    Edgar (Quagsire/Male)
    Edgar is the main protagonist of PMDXR. He's a bit smarter than your average Quagsire, but has a hard time interacting with others. He's got a few habits, such as impulsively organizing things and pointing out flaws. He has panic attacks underwater for unknown reasons. His tongue tends to stick out when he's not talking/eating/etc. He’s from a different dimension.
    Edgar was visiting Seaspire city in order to find and join the Crossroads Guild. However he bumped into Natalya and the two of them got caught up in helping a Goomy save his friend (in order to help Natalya pay for some repairs). Together they go to Twisted Cave where
    Known Moves:
    - Mud Bomb (01-21)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - From another Dimension. (01-03)
    - Was suspicious of Goomy’s request for help (01-06)
    - Unwillingly went with Natalya drag him on rescue mission (01-10)
    - Trying to join Crossroads Guild to form an Exploration Team. (01-16)
    - Something happened on his way to start his entry exam (01-16)
    - Has some sort of prior history with Norkal (01-17)
    - Took the Starcaller Crystal from Team Shadowlash at some point (01-18)
    - Told Natalya to find Goomy’s friend while he stood his ground to fight Shadowlash (01-19)
    - Stands his ground but loses to and captured by Shadowlash while protecting the Crystal (01-23)
    - Shadowlash took his bag (02-01)
    - Got bag back off panel but Shadowlash took the Starcaller crystal from in it (02-08)
    - After learning Shadowlash’ plan to use the Time key vowed to join the Crossroads Guild to get the help and resources to stop them (02-08)

    Natalya (Zorua/Female)
    Self proclaimed master prankster who loves to break rules and is politically incorrect. She does what she wants and lives life to the fullest! She's got a good sense of adventure and likes excitement. Despite her feisty personality, she's a good 'mon at heart!
    After bumping into Edgar in Seaspire city, Natalya gets caught by an angry Buizel demanding she pay for the repairs. In order to do so she drags Edgar along on a mission to help a Goomy’s kidnapped friend.
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Seemingly from Seaspire or has lived there a while (01-02)
    - Is aware of the existence of other dimensions thanks to Edgar (01-03)
    - Very much a troublemaker. Apparently everyone is always after her. (01-08)
    - Owes an unnamed Buizel money for repairs to fix unknown damage she caused. (01-10)
    - Lied to Aurelio about her and Edgar’s names. Lois and Rusty were the names she used. (01-12)
    - Dropped a tree on Aurelio to escape his ‘game’ (01-14)
    - Rushed in head first to fight Norkal (01-16)
    - Was told to run and find Goomy’s friend by Edgar (01-19)
    - Nearly for burnt to a crisp but was saved by Jangmo-o (01-21)
    - Did not take well to almost being killed (02-08)
    - Said to look exactly like Yggdra (02-14) (02-21)
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  3. #3
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Guardians of the Tree of Possibilities

    Aurelio (Carnivine/Male)
    A Carnivine who at first seems to be just a little crazy. However in truth he is a failed Guardian driven to madness by Shadowlash.
    Known Moves:
    - Razor Leaf (01-13)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Not the most sane Pokemon (01-11)
    - May or may not think Edgar and Natalya’s names are Rusty/Lois. (01-12)
    - Tried to stop Edgar/Natalya from entering Twisted Cave (01-13)
    - ‘Helped’ Edgar and Natalya reach Twisted Cave but Natalya dropped a freaking tree on him in order to escape (01-14)
    - Was defeated by Shadowlash some time ago / before Ninetales evolved (02-04)
    - Shadowlash is responsible for his mental state (02-04)
    - Went after Natalya/Edgar in Twisted Cave to help despite being tricked (02-04)
    - Saved Jangmo-o from Norkal (02-05)
    - Was called ‘another failed guardian’ by Shadowlash (02-05)
    - A poor aim (02-06)
    - Failed to save Edgar and Natalya (02-06)
    - Knows where Guildmaster Ignis is (02-09)
    - Is a friend of Guildmaster Ignis (02-10)
    - Has been missing for months (02-11)
    - Still believes Edgar and Natalya's names are Lois and Rusty (02-13)
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 09-27-2021 at 05:33 PM.
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  4. #4
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Members of the Crossroads Guild

    Ignis (Volcarona/Male)
    Guildmaster of the Crossroads Guild
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Guildmaster of the Crossroads Guild (02-03)
    - Gave Shiny Ninetales the scars (02-03)
    - In possession of the Farseer's Geode (02-03)
    - Friends with Aurelio (02-10)
    - Mistook Natalya for Yggdra (02-14)

    Rai (Rotom/???)
    Member of the Crossroads Guild
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Member of the Crossroads Guild (02-11)
    - Researching Yggdra's Last Mission (02-16)
    - Preparing rooms for party (02-16)
    - Discovered that Yggdra was looking into the Tears of Fatewelding (02-23)

    Sable (Diggersby/???)
    Member of the Crossroads Guild that was assigned to Edgar and Natalya's team by Guildmaster Ignis
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Assigned by Guildmaster Ignis to help Edgar and Natalya (02-19)
    - Had leg bitten off by wild Salamence (02-19)

    Toucannon (Unnamed)
    Member of the Crossroads Guild
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Saw Natalya transform into Rai (02-17)
    - Forced Natalya to transform back (02-21)
    - Remarked that Natalya looks like Yggdra (02-21)
    - Refused to disclose information on Yggdra (02-22)

    Raichu (Unnamed)
    Member of the Crossroads Guild
    Known Moves:
    - ???

    Yggdra (Presumably Zorua/Female)
    Member of the Crossroads Guild that is currently missing
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Said to look exactly like Natalya (02-14)
    - Possibly skipped through dimensions in an unsafe manner (02-16)
    - Last mission was centered on the Tears of Fatewelding (02-23)
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 09-27-2021 at 06:01 PM.
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  5. #5
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Norkal (Accelgor/Male)
    Members of the Shadowlash Guild.
    Known Moves:
    - Norkal: Protect (01-23)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Followed Edgar all the way to Seaspire across dimensions. (01-18)
    - After the Starcaller Crystal that Edgar took from them (01-18)
    - Took Goomy’s friend hostage to get Edgar’s Attention (01-19)
    - Defeated and Captured Edgar and Natalya (02-01)
    - They have half of the compenents of the Time Key (02-02)
    - Plan on using Starcaller Crystal to surprise attack (02-03)
    - Really stink at making cages apparently (02-06)
    - Decided to cease pursuit of Jangmo-o and left with Edgar’s Starcaller Crystal (02-08)
    - Called the Best Shadowlash Team (02-08)

    Shiny Ninetales (Unnamed)
    Members of the Shadowlash Guild. Ninetales has two scars on his left cheek.
    Known Moves:
    - Shiny Ninetales: Flamethrower (01-20)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Followed Edgar all the way to Seaspire across dimensions. (01-18)
    - After the Starcaller Crystal that Edgar took from them (01-18)
    - Took Goomy’s friend hostage to get Edgar’s Attention (01-19)
    - Defeated and Captured Edgar and Natalya (02-01)
    - They have half of the compenents of the Time Key (02-02)
    - Ignis gave Ninetales their scar- they want revenge (02-03)
    - Plan on using Starcaller Crystal to surprise attack (02-03)
    - Shiny Ninetales was present when other Shadowlash members defeated Aurelio (02-04)
    - Shiny Ninetales may be related to Alolan Ninetales (02-04)
    - Really stink at making cages apparently (02-06)
    - Decided to cease pursuit of Jangmo-o and left with Edgar’s Starcaller Crystal (02-08)
    - Called the Best Shadowlash Team (02-08)

    Floatzel (Unnamed)
    Member of Shadowlash
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Present when Aurelio got defeated (02-04)

    Alolan Ninetales (Unamed)
    Member of Shadowlash
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Present when Aurelio got defeated (02-04)
    - May be related to Shiny Ninetales (02-04)
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 09-27-2021 at 06:02 PM.
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  6. #6
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Seaspire Residents

    Goomy (Unnamed/Male)
    A Goomy seeking help from Edgar and Natalya.
    Known Moves:
    - ???
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Is aware of the existence of other dimensions (01-04)
    - Friends with a Jangmo-o who got kidnapped by Team Shadowlash (01-05)
    - Offered to pay Natalya’s debt if they helped rescue his friend (01-10)

    Buizel (Unnamed)
    A Buizel from Seaspire.
    Known Moves:
    - Water Gun (01-09)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Seems to be in a position of authority of sorts. (01-10)
    - Natalya owes him/her money (01-10)

    Jangmo-o (Unnamed)
    Kidnapped friend of Goomy’s.
    Known Moves:
    - Protect (01-21)
    Running Plotlines/Info:
    - Kidnapped by Team Shadowlash to get Edgar’s Attention (01-05 / 01-19)
    - Managed to escape their cage and save Natalya (01-21)
    - Overheard some amount of Shadowlash’s plans (01-23)
    - Went off to warn ‘the others’ about Shadowlash but got pursued (02-02)
    - Saved by Aurelio (02-05)
    - Scared of Aurelio (02-05)
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 09-27-2021 at 06:02 PM.
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire


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