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    Lost in time Apollo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    England, UK

    Pokemon Crossroads Community Rules

    Pokemon Crossroads Community Rules

    Welcome to PXR! We are a relaxed and friendly community of Pokemon fans who love discussing Pokemon, chatting and having a good time! As long as you're considerate of others and use common sense when posting, we're sure you'll have no problem fitting right in and making lots of new friends!

    Posting Rules

    No SPAM
    (Stupid, pointless, annoying messages). Try and stay on topic within a thread or your posts may be deleted!

    No trolling
    (Posting deliberately provocative messages with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument). This is a fun community and there's no place for people being rude, annoying or harrassing others!

    No double posting
    If you are the last one who posted in a thread and you need to post again, edit your previous post. This rule does not apply in some boards, for example the art or writing boards. Please check the rules of those boards for more details.

    Thread revival is okay
    You may post in old threads, but please do not post in threads that are no longer relevant (eg. a thread about an event that is finished or guessing something about a game that already came out).

    No foul language
    Any foul language directed at another member will result in an infraction. Do not attempt to get around the bad word filter. Using * to indicate cussing is allowed but please try and keep this to a minimum. You may be asked to tone it down if you use this excessviely, and you may not direct it toward a member.

    Keep the content of all posts at PG-13
    Some leeway is allowed in the art and writing boards. Please refer to the rules of those boards for more details. However, we still do not allow anything overly violent or sexual on the forum.

    You may not distribute/share links to illegal content
    This includes TV shows, music, games (including raw ROMs) etc., but discussion of ROMs and links to ROM hacking projects are allowed.

    No flaming, harrassment or bullying
    Being rude or mean to other members will not be tolerated and may result in an immediate ban with no warning.

    No plagiarism
    We pride ourselves on our creative community! Do not claim other people's artwork or stories as your own or post them here saying you created them. Doing so may result in a permanent ban from the forum. We'd much rather see your real talent and are happy to help you get involved or improve at something!

    Advertise appropriately
    We'd love to see your work! If you'd like to make a thread to share something you've made, including stories, articles, videos or artwork, please post the actual content, not just a link to another website or forum. Similarly, please keep advertising of other websites and forums (including your own) to the Website/Forum Advertising thread or your signature.

    Warnings, Infractions and Bans

    For a minor first offence you will usually be given a warning. No official action is taken, it is just a reminder of the forum rules.

    For more serious offences or for repeated offences, you will be issued infraction points. These points are retained on your account. If you accumulate too many infraction points in a short time frame, you will be temporarily and eventually permanently banned from the forum.

    For receiving too many infractions, or for very serious offences, such as posting inappropriate content or harassing other members, you may be temporarily or permanently banned. Forum bans also apply to the official Pokemon Crossroads Skype, Discord server, Showdown server, and other off-forum activities.

    Disputing an infraction or ban
    If you believe you have been unfairly infracted or banned, please contact a Senior Administrator by email or instant messaging service to discuss it. While we are open to giving second chances under some circumstances, making a new account to try to circumvent the ban or harassing staff members will result in a LIFELONG ban.

    Having an old infraction removed
    We understand that people make mistakes and don't believe you should have the black mark of an infraction on your account forever if you've turned your behaviour around. If you fit the following criteria, you can apply to have an infraction removed from your profile. Please note the infraction will still be recorded in our staff forum and may be used to determine future punishments if relevant. It will just no longer be displayed publicly. If you would like to have an old infraction removed from your profile, please contact a Senior Administrator by PM to find out if you are eligible. The following conditions apply: the infraction must be at least 2 years old, you must not have received another infraction for the same thing, you must not have received an official warning or infraction for anything within the last year.

    Avatar and Signature Restrictions

    Size restrictions
    We are quite relaxed about these, however if your signature is ridiculously large it may be removed without warning. Your signature should not be over 500px high or 800px wide, MAXIMUM.

    Content restrictions
    Signatures and avatars must be PG-13 and may not contain any foul language, derogatory, sexual, prejudice, or otherwise inappropriate content displayed in the image itself or in the text. They will be removed without warning and you may be infracted.

    Forum Staff and Getting Help

    Moderators are in charge of specific boards of the forum. Moderators may be contacted for any issues within the forum they moderate. For example, if you want a thread to be locked or deleted, if you have a disagreement with a member in a thread or if you want to know whether it is okay to post in an old thread within that forum. Moderators have green usernames.

    Senior Moderators
    Senior Moderators have moderator powers over every board of the forum. They may be contacted for any issues within any forum, or for reporting any issues with other members. Senior Moderators have blue usernames.

    Administrators are in charge of running the forum and have access to powers that allow them to change how the forum looks, forum permissions, forum themes, etc. Administrators may be contacted for any of the issues mentioned above, and for any technical issues. Administrators have purple usernames.

    Senior Administrators
    Senior Administrators are the heads of the forum. They may be contacted with any forum issues at all, but for minor things like locking threads, try contacting a moderator first! Senior Administrators have teal usernames.

    Forum Staff List
    A list of all Pokemon Crossroads staff can be found by clicking here. This includes site and RPG staff. A list of all forum staff members, their positions and contact information can be found in the Forum Staff List and Information thread.

    Questions and Suggestions
    If you don't want to contact a staff member directly, or have a suggestion that would benefit from community input, you may post in the Suggestion/Question Box. Our staff regularly check this forum and we love feedback and new ideas!

    What now?

    We're glad you decided to join PXR! Why don't you make a thread in the Welcome Lobby to introduce yourself, and check out Things to do at Pokemon Crossroads? You should also check out our Current Events thread and join in for lots of fun! We hope you enjoy your stay! If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact a staff member!
    Last edited by Suicune's Fire; 03-18-2016 at 02:35 AM.


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  • You may not edit your posts