Hey all! I'd like you to join me in congratulating
Neo Emolga
on his promotion to
Even if you've only been here a short while, you would have seen our friendly resident Emolga around the place! He's here daily being his usual welcoming and kind self, and also working hard behind the scenes to bring you amazing games like the Pikachu Survivor Game and more recently the Stalkers RPG!
Neo puts so much time, effort and love into everything he does for us here at PXR, there was no way we could not promote him! He will be joining myself and @Suicune's Fire on the Senior Admin team. While there may not be much practical difference between Admin and Senior Admin, we felt that Neo deserved this promotion to recognise all of his contributions to PXR.
Congratulations @Neo Emolga and thank you so much for making sure we always have something fun to do here on the forum!