*insert snazzy banner here*
In association with the
Writer's Guild.
Welcome to the RP Cafe! Here is a general discussion about RP itself, not a particular Role Play you are participating in. Those should have their own threads for their respective RPs. Here we can discuss the makings of an RP, asking for assistance on ideas, looking for a particular kind of RP, and a meet and greet on RP projects, so on and so forth. Everyone from the new to the seasoned crew and everything in between. We're also here to help teach, improve or clarify on what Role Playing actually is, how it works and how to help others get better. Another aspect of the Cafe, is help working on regular articles to post on the PXR site to help bring people in to our neck of the forum, as well as some RP spot lights. Who doesn't love free advertisements? The only catch is that it's gotta be Pokemon related for the free advertising, with us being a Pokemon site and all. However, this does not stop non-Pokemon related material from applying to the rest of the Cafe!
Let's break down into more detail:
Role Play General Discussion:
We discuss about Role Play itself. Regarding aspects of Role Playing, what terms mean, experiences via Role Playing so on and so forth. New and need some advice? Pull up a chair, and fellow members [and of course myself] will be happy to assist you in any way we can. The more the merrier they say, and the more you have, the more you can give! Got an RP that you see could use a few more members, or are looking for something specific? This is the place to ask. Got a question for a Mod? You can ask here too! Remember though, appropriate public questions only. Wondering if an RP is appropriate for the boards? You can ask here too. Please put all large wall's of text in SPOILER tags for easier navigation of the thread.
Role Play Forging:
Back in ye olde days of PE2K, in a galaxy far far away... there was what we called the RP Forge. Well we've converted it into a nice corner where people who are looking for RP creation assistance, be it character or story, can come in here and ask for some advice. Remember, we are all respectful of each other here, so constructive criticism here, no being rude. Here's a nifty little form for you to follow:
- RP Idea/Post: Is it a plot, story, or a character? Explain what it is you're working on! Is it a written post that could use more work? Need help knowing how to fix a shaky response? Explain!
- Assistance is needed with: What is it you're needing help with? Explain is as much detail as you'd like.
- What you're aiming or: This helps with those who are looking to give you some advice to better pin point ideas in how to help you
- Anything else?: Anything that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Role Play Tutoring:
Of course, RP isn't something everyone understands how to do right off the bat. Role Player's work together to make an awesome story, and we love helping others out. Want some help getting started with the basics? No problem, we have member[s] that are willing to give you a hand via PM Tutoring. Most are learning by doing types, but if you have a particular area you'd like help in, feel free to ask for it here! Want to help the cause? Certainly! We'll sign you up on the board to help you help those that need help and help help helpity help help help.
Role Tips and Spotlight, RP related Articles for PXR:
Here's where we get more user involved. Role Tips is a soon to be existing, regular PXR article on what Role Playing itself is. Since Role Play is a huge part of the Pokemon fandom, it might help those that aren't apart of the PXR forums out with these regular looks into the wonderful worlds we create. Each two weeks there will be a theme in this post, including an index of what topics we cover. The articles final draft will be organized and written by me, but since Role Play involves a multitude of people, a multitude of people should give some input! All you need to do regarding submitting something for the article itself, is put "Article Input" at the top of your post, in a bright colour preferably so I don't miss it, and wrap QUOTE tags around what you would like to input for the article. I'll try to fit in as much as I can for the theme or topic of the week, and the types of articles aren't set in stone, some might range from giving advice, to Q and A's!
Spotlights work a similar way, only it's taking a look at one Pokemon related Role Play, and giving it some front page fame on PXR. I'll try to spotlight some really good ones and try to get to everyone. Remember it must be Pokemon related. I'd love to give a spotlight for them all, but Pokemon ones go on the main site. All you need to do is give me the following info:
RP Title:
Banner/Image for the RP: [This entirely optional, I can even make you one if you like!]
Summary of the RP:
Other Info you' like to include:
RP Cafe Code of Conduct:
- Be respectful to everyone here. No flamming, spamming, etc. All forum rules apply.
- If you have an inquiry to a mod about something specific that might be sensitive, please PM myself about it instead of posting it here.
- Remember, constructive criticism, and do not put others idea's down. We're here to help, not hinder. This includes if you are an RP tutor.
- Have fun here, we're all kindly and good natured here!
- If anyone is found breaking the rules, they will be removed and unable to participate in the RP Cafe for a length of time determined by the severity of the incident.
- Submitting content for articles or a Spotlight entry must all be appropriate. Inappropriate content will not be used. All content must be your own as well. All advice and quotations will be credited by those who post them. Theft and plagiarism is not tolerated, and will be dealt with accordingly.
Role Tip's Article Topic: The Basics
First article, and everyone should start with the basics. We'll be explaining the basic bits of role playing, such as going over the terms most commonly used, as well as asking for advice from you, about how new, upcoming role players should start out on their adventures. [This does not include Role Play creation, as that is another subject for another time.]