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  1. #1
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Poipole's & Palkia's: D&D Style Game THE TECHNICAL DISCUSSION

    Poipole's and Palkia's
    Do you like D&D? Do you like Pokemon? Do you think you would like them both? Well excellent news, I have a proposition for you. In my absence I've been running a few D&D games. I thought it may be fun to make a simplified version of D&D, Pokemonize it, and make it forum friendly, somehow. I'm a crazy person so I'm writing up some things and transposing others based on what I know of D&D and Pokemon. This is not a sign up, this is a discussion and interest gathering project.


    Handbooker Helper: Dice 101 AKA What are the dice for?
    Handbooker Helper: Ability Scores AKA What are Ability Scores?
    Handbooker Helper: Ability Checks, Proficiencies & Saving Throws AKA What is all this technical jargon I keep seeing?
    Handbooker Helper: Death Saving Throws AKA Wait I can DIE? How does that happen? What are the rules for that!
    All Ressurection spells detailed in this video will be altered slightly, but will work more or less the same as class features instead of spells.

    This is the Abilities document. THIS IS COMPLETE BUT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

    This is the Type Racials document. IT IS COMPLETE BUT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

    What D&D edition is this based off of?
    It will be based on 5th Edition D&D, as that is the one I know best and am familiar with most of the rules.

    How many things will be the same from the 5E rules?

    The core rules and most mechanics will be intact, as well as things like Conditions, though may be modified or have new ones added in for that Pokemon familiarity.

    How would this play out?

    Similar to Mystery Dungeon, you would play a Pokemon. As you would level up, your character would evolve, grow stronger, gain new skills and what not. Various systems involving that are being written up. You would form a party with other players characters and go on text written adventures with combat, RP, puzzles and what not. I would be the DM, acting as the universe you all play in and a story for your characters to live and be a part of.

    Will there be classes?
    Yes, sort of. I plan on simplifying the classes, due to the nature of there being well over 800+ Pokemon, I would have to make some racial stats for a lot of Pokemon. I already have some guidelines based on types, and while you my get bonuses for being that type, or combination of those types, you will also gain specific things for being a particular Pokemon. The class system will help assist in choosing your stats, flavour your combat and what types of attacks you would have. For example, if you were to be a more Clerical Pokemon, you would have access to more of your support abilities. If you were more, a Barbarian style Pokemon, you would be a much more melee style brawler, with of course the Rage mechanic we can't take away.

    What about stats?
    While I won't be adhereing to the base stats Pokemon have in the game, certain Pokemon will fit roles better than others. However I don't want to deter anyone from trying anything they would like to try. They will be based on the ability score stats of D&D, and work out pretty well considering there are 6 Pokemon stats and 6 ability scores in D&D.

    How would combat work?
    For those unfamiliar with D&D, when combat begins, initiative is rolled to see the turn order of events. Then during your turn, you have a set number of things you can do. What those are is usually determined by your class skills and the like. Normally there is a map with mini's, and while I am trying to figure out a simple map system, theater of the mind may have to do for now.

    Can characters die?
    Yes, they can, but this is a D&D style game. If your character dies, they can be revived. It would be a difficult task depending on how far along your character is, but it is doable. Plus it makes for great character development and storytelling.

    Can I see what -insert Pokemon here- abilities would be before I would commit to a character?
    Due to the fact there are a ton of Pokemon, I will make racial abilities and what not, on demand. There will be staples, such as Poison Pokemon being unable to be under the Poisoned Status.

    How will Pokemon Attacks translate into combat?
    This is another one of those transposing projects. Which attacks your character would get will depend on what class you pick. What passive abilities will also be taken into consideration. As for how some things will work in combat, I will transpose some skills into the D&D format. Some spells already existing in the D&D universe are quite similar to Pokemon attacks, so those may get translated. I will try and divide attacks into two categories, to make a simplified version of the spellcasting system in D&D, but not as restricted. Other than that, the D20 attack system will be in play. I will make some kind of compendium for reference.

    Will I have to know a lot about Dungeons and Dragons to try this out?
    It would certainly help, but nope! No previous experience necessary. I will be writing the basic rules out once I work out a bunch of technical stuff, and posting it for your ease of access.

    Will this be role play heavy?
    Probably. This is why I put this in the RP forums and not the games section. A quest may involve no combat, a hostile situation could be solved with words, or you may mock a ghost to death. It's all about how you play and what you'd like to do! Also if the dice like you, that's a real important part. There is going to be a lot of dice rolling.

    How will we roll dice on a forum? We aren't all a a table.
    I don't know if PXR still has it, but I could have sworn there was a dice rolling widget. If not, I'll figure something out. I will hope that everyone won't try to cheat the game if I have to let you make your own rolls on a dice roller. That or I may roll the dice for you and post the results. Again, technical stuff I'm working out.


    Will equipment matter?
    While I won't have weapons such as swords and pikes, I may use armor and cloaks and other magic items. Of course I'll transpose some Pokemon Items as well. Fear not! I have something in mind to help the Fighter/Rogue/Barbarian/Ranger and other melee based classes who do rely on that sweet sweet loot.

    Shiny Pokemon?
    There will be shiny Pokemon, however, being a shiny or earning it will come as a reward for a great feat in the world. You can earn it through the course of the many adventures as your character levels up.

    Do I have to dedicate a ton of time to this? Can I drop in and out? Do I have to stick to one character?
    No you don't, and yes you can! While I'm sure your party members would appreciate if your character didn't disappear in the middle of a dungeon run, sometimes life doesn't always work out. You can swap characters every so often between adventures, dungeons and other things going on. As a DM if someone needs to vacate their character because of an emergency, I will essentially control that character until they can get to a place of leave. Of course I will make sure things are okay with said player and made retcons if necessary.

    Do we have to follow a story, or can we do whatever we like?

    Both! I as a DM will have a story within a story no doubt, however your approach to how it goes is all up to you. I've had players in my previous games make beer draft business deals with dragons, make a PR stunt out of a tavern party in a recently ransacked village, or decide to go to the hot springs for that anime filler episode. That's the beauty of how Dungeons and Dragons works.

    How will character creation work?
    Everyone will choose a basic, non legendary or legendary esque Pokemon. I'll make a list. Then everyone will roll for their stats, AKA ability scores. Then they can put those in whichever stat they see fit, using the base stats as a guideline. I will explain the ability scores in the google doc I'm working on. I will help each and every player make a character sheet, as I'm going to have to approve them all anyway! Then everyone can make a post that they can edit, as people will have to maintain inventory, HP and all that stuff.

    Any further important questions you may have will be edited into this post for ease of reading. Thank you for taking the time to give this a look!
    Last edited by Saraibre Ryu; 11-05-2018 at 04:10 AM.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  2. #2
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    You're welcome.

    And this is something I'd be keen for!

    @Suicune's Fire?

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  4. #3
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    Count me in! If Pikachu counts as a bard class, I would so make a minstrel Pikachu.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  5. #4
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    Count me in! If Pikachu counts as a bard class, I would so make a minstrel Pikachu.
    Here's the best part! You can be a Bardic Pikachu, or a Wizardly Pikachu, any kind of Pikachu you want. Your class would basically determine how your moveset worked out. For example Bards would get some support and utility skills, and of course the ever important Inspire mechanic, and the ability to just, well be the Bard TM. XD

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  6. #5
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    If you guys go ahead with this, I am making a Pika-bard.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  7. #6
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I would definitely give this a shot. It seems very interesting and fun to try. :3

  8. #7
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    Ever since I started watching Critical Rol, I've been wanting to play D&D, but timezones & not having any RL friends has continually thwarted me. This idea to me is like a dream come true. Forum based, pokemon themed D&D? Definitely count me in.

    Now to figure out what kind of cleric I'll end up as. It will happen; one way or another, I always end up playing the healer. :P

  9. #8
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    As someone who plays a cleric, it can be a little stressful, but also fun! I will most likely be including domains to pick from, but not get too fancy with all the subclasses and archetypes. I don’t want to scare anyone who doesn’t know a thing about DND. XD

    Also feel free to ask any kinds of questions! Examples of racial abilities, and what not, go for it.

    I have thought of not including weapons in this game style for simplicity’s sake, but fret not, I do have an idea so that the non spell slinger classes aren’t cut out of the fun.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  10. #9
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Saraibre Ryu

    Would singing to cast a spell be too outlandish for a bard to do?
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  11. #10
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    @Saraibre Ryu

    Would singing to cast a spell be too outlandish for a bard to do?
    Absolutely not! That's basically the idea of a bard! Singing to weave the magic and arcane wonders is how they get by in life! In D&D 5e there are plenty of different kinds of bards, and they typically go to colleges to learn their craft. Some are know it alls, some learn to sing with a blade, some to be sneaky and whisper fear into others, the list goes on. This game probably won't get that specific into sub classes, but the idea is still there. And of course, what is a bard without their trusty instrument? Besides, outlandish tends to be a Bard's go to bread and butter.

    I have also updated the first post with a few questions I thought would be important to note!

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168


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