Originally Posted by
Neo Emolga
Hmm, thanks for the tips and that definitely makes sense. I'll give that a shot and hopefully it works. :3
Also, offhand, did those doctors ever look into the condition of your gallbladder? I have a coworker that was having similar ache issues and after Google searching it, there are nausea symptoms that can be linked to it as well. Thankfully it's an organ you can live without, but it could be the culprit behind everything that's been causing all those medical issues you've been having and maybe they just haven't looked into it.
Still, hang in there and thanks for great birthday wishes. You guys will always rock in my book. :3
Hmm I don't think they really looked into it. I know that bile reflux can be a thing, and antacids don't help with that. They found a polyp near the entrance to my gallbladder a while ago when they did investigations, but they just left it. They didn't seem overly concerned. I don't recall them doing any extensive testing into how it ran or anything. Something to look into I suppose, or it would be if I could afford it. Sadly I'm a little too broke right now. 3: But I might ask anyway.