Does Restrain count as one of the two skill-actions we can learn, like Forge, Escort/Protect, or Rescue/Escape?
I'm worried I might be going over budget by trying to learn a new one, which means we'd need to shift some things around.
Does Restrain count as one of the two skill-actions we can learn, like Forge, Escort/Protect, or Rescue/Escape?
I'm worried I might be going over budget by trying to learn a new one, which means we'd need to shift some things around.
Everyone can do Restrain. It's not something you have to learn or use up as one of your Learned Abilities. As per the rules, "Restrain can be used by any and all Emissaries to imprison any NPC."
The only thing you need is a Holding Cell if you want to Retrain anyone besides Orin. Just keep in mind that it will knock down Rapport levels with them.