Whether it's making progress on a book, taking a self care day to play video games, or getting work done on a big project, we want to know! What did you accomplish today?
Whether it's making progress on a book, taking a self care day to play video games, or getting work done on a big project, we want to know! What did you accomplish today?
I learned to play a couple of new songs on my ocarina. :D (Dawn Song from Dragalia Lost & Equilibrium from FFXIV)
Just got through the last day of my internship. Now to relax with some video games.
I woke up and ate toast. xD It's still early here so I'll update later.
Yesterday I did half of an assessment and power-leveled in Skyrim.
Sorting out more of my Pokemon TCG cards. We are almost done with it but got it mostly done.
Currently Playing: "CHRISTMAS!!!!"
By Neo Emolga
Today I finished a 170+ hour playtime Nuzlocke run that I started months ago.