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  1. #171
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    The Diamond Ladies
    Safe House LZ
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine @Chakramaster @Noblejanobii
    (Bunnying Jirachi with Chakra’s permission)
    (Also, pretty sure I have Desolate Divine’s clearance to do this for Alyssa, but if you change your mind or this wasn't handled the way you wanted it to be, just let me know and I’ll tweak this. No worries. :)

    Jimmy had explained that in order for the plan to work, the Ladies needed to be present, or at least appear to be. He also explained that keeping the Ladies as Pokémon would keep them safe, but then to Cassandra, it seemed like that part of the plan would only make sense if they stayed behind and didn’t try to confront “Karma” and whoever else was involved directly.

    “…stop it.” Jirachi mumbled.

    Jirachi’s sudden abrupt displeasure in the whole back and forward dispute made it clear the frustration was getting to him. Cassandra had looked at him as he had gotten very unhappy. And when Jimmy realized this, he had tried to confront the small wishmaker Pokémon, trying to assure him it would be okay.

    And then Jirachi outright snapped.

    Jirachi had smiled impishly and snapped his fingers, insisting it was time to have some fun. Before the whole group had even a chance to respond, Jimmy had begun to glow in front of everyone and then just vanished into thin air.

    “No one leave this room without MY permission,” Jirachi snapped his fingers, engaging the room’s lock.

    Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet were surprised and speechless. Did Jirachi just betray his own trainer? At first, Cassandra thought it was a bit comical that Jimmy had next to no control over Jirachi and it was annoying Jon to no end, but now she had a feeling Jon had a solid point with his concerns and the almost nightmare-like scenario unfolding before them was driving that point home.

    “Ladies first as some humans I’ve heard say,” Jirachi told Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet as he wore an impish, mischievous smile. “How about you?”

    “Whoa, holy cow, little buddy, calm down…!” Jarena replied, never expecting Jirachi to suddenly do this.

    Avery had protested against Jirachi’s sudden intrusion, looking angry, but a bit concerned trying to act against a mythical Pokémon with so much power might be a very risky idea.

    “We can discuss this,” Avery insisted. “We can lay out a better plan. It doesn’t have to resort to this.”

    And then Avery mentioned this wasn’t something a friend would do, only an enemy, insisting that if need be, Avery would protect themselves from Jirachi if it got to that point.

    “So much squabbling…” Jirachi shook his head, still smiling with carefree demeanor. “Can’t agree on this, can’t agree on that. Wow. Since when did all of you forget to have fun? I think party time’s been put off long enough, yeah! What do you think!?”

    Cassandra suddenly had a feeling she knew why Jirachi had snapped, even though to others in the room, he looked like he was acting like a complete brat. She theorized that after asking Jimmy and the others repeatedly for some playtime, which would have taken no more than fifteen to twenty minutes of their time, it had been put off and denied again and again, even after Jirachi had done them plenty of enormous favors in the form of wishes. For a moment, Cassandra felt terribly guilty. Jirachi had, after all, granted her a promise of happiness and the Ladies sixty million in assets to pay off what would have been a crippling debt to the League… and yet they had not even given Jirachi five minutes of simple fun and play despite it being the only thing he had asked for in return…

    Before Cassandra could say anything, a Ditto had materialized, and immediately got to work on transforming itself into Jirachi. Trying to neutralize the real Jirachi, Alyssa had called upon the Ditto to try and make Jirachi fall asleep…

    “I wish for Jirachi to go to sleep for a while…” Alyssa had requested.

    The Ditto had tried to replicate this wishing power, but couldn’t quite grasp it. While it had copied Jirachi’s moves and attacks and appearance perfectly, it was Jirachi’s signature trait that it couldn’t replicate.

    “Aww, that’s not very nice…” Jirachi shook his head, cynically faking his disappointment despite still smiling. “You wouldn’t like being a victim of identity theft, would you? See, no one can grant wishes like I can!”

    But before Jirachi could take action, Alyssa’s Ditto had tried to drawn upon the only trace of power it could wield, able to save and defend its trainer by dashing toward Alyssa and teleporting her and itself out of the room, vanishing with a quick flicker of light beyond what Jirachi could target. Where they were now, no one in the room was sure, but they had escaped from what Avery had deemed a “wishmaker gone rogue.”

    “They’re no fun,” Jirachi commented, disappointed they had found a way to flee from the sticky situation. “Now then… where were we? Oh, that’s right!”

    He had spun around and then turned to the Ladies with a mischievous smile, and suddenly Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet felt a ping of fear they weren’t expecting to ever have from Jirachi’s presence. All of them were backed into a corner and they essentially couldn’t escape. Even Victini had taken a step back, wearing a nervous smile.

    “Vic-ti-tini…” (“That look in his eyes… that can’t be good…”) Victini warned them, trying to keep optimistic in the face of certain panic.

    “Look, I’m… sure it’s just a misunderstanding, that’s all,” Cassandra smiled, trying to ease Jirachi’s feelings and hopefully reason with the mythical Pokémon. “No one meant to make you upset, Jirachi. People just… sometimes don’t agree, that’s all. But no worries, we can still be friends, right?”

    “Of course!” Jirachi beamed a happy smile. “Friends make each other happy! And friends know how to have fun! And you know what would make me really happy right now and would be a ton of fun? Ooh, take a guess!”

    “God-dammit, we’re screwed,” Violet muttered.

    But there was a moment of concerning silence…

    “Tick-tock, time’s almost up!” Jirachi laughed.

    And then, nervously, Jarena had raised her hand, thinking this was like a quiz game show to Jirachi and if they didn’t answer in time, it would be bad news.

    “Okay, I know the answer, but… it’s… maybe… let’s just not do that right now,” Jarena smiled sheepishly. “Later, okay?”

    “Later later later…” Jirachi sighed, sighing but smiling. “It’s always later later later with humans. ‘Let’s play later.’ ‘Busy now, yada-yada-yada.’ Boring! Time’s up!”

    And then Jirachi snapped his fingers again, and the three of them started to glow. Cassandra had recognized this kind of glow before, and it was all too familiar…

    Here we go again...

    “Bye bye now, see you soon!” Jirachi waved to them as suddenly everything went white for the three of them, leaving a very panicked and deeply concerned Victini behind, backed into a corner…

    The Diamond Ladies
    Central Park (Poke Park)

    Cassandra had awoken, but after opening her eyes, she immediately closed them again upon realizing what had happened, sighing and figuring she might as well go back to sleep instead of facing what would come next. It didn’t even take her two seconds to put it all together. And she already felt it. All around her, in the form of familiar brown and beige Eevee fur. To her, this truly wasn’t worth getting up for.

    “Bun-earr…” (“Hey, Cass, you awake!?”) Jarena asked her, nudging her a bit with her paw. “Bun-ee-arry…” (“Uhh… yeah, we’ve… got a situation here…”)

    “Fur-rreet…” (“I give up, I swear to god I give up.”) Violet growled before looking to Cassandra. “Furr-etttt…!” (“Cass, you getting up? Wake up already!”)

    Cassandra didn’t budge, though. To her, this was worse than waking up on a Monday morning with a brutal hangover from spending all of Sunday night drinking. And right now, it felt like waking up was just going to put her through more madness.

    “Eeveee…” (“Wake me up when this stupid cruise is over with…”) Cassandra mumbled to the two of them.

    In the meantime, Jarena had looked off to the side of the PokéPark Playground, seeing a Pikachu get surrounded and poked at by a group of unknowing children. As she felt sorry for the electric mouse’s quandary, she felt there was something familiar about him. And then, she looked back to Cassandra, still trying to pretend to be a sleepy Eevee.

    “Bun-bun-earry…?” (“Wow, what do you think made Jirachi go bananas like that?”) Jarena asked.

    “Furr-rret!” (“Because he’s a complete brat with insane powers, that’s what!) Violet replied, looking like one very fed-up Furret.

    “Evee…” (“No…”) Cassandra replied with a frown, finally ‘waking up’ and sitting upright with her long Eevee ears still drooping down. “Eev-vee-vee…” (“It’s because all he wanted was a little playtime from bickering, angry, violent, selfish people. And you’d think after granting heaps of wishes, including my wish of happiness and your wish of sixty million in financial assets to pay off our stupid debt, and even completing the aggravating transfer paperwork for you to make your life easier only to be criticized for it, we could have at least spent a simple half-hour having fun with him at the pool or at the arcade which would have been a good time for all of us, but no. That was just too damn much to ask for, wasn’t it? That’s what made him snap.”)

    And then there was cold, hard silence among the three of them…

    “Bunn…” (“I feel like crap right about now…”) Jarena sat down, having a feeling Jirachi would be arriving very soon.

    “Fur-ret…” (“I… take back what I said.”) Violet replied, sighing. “Furrettt…” (“Yeah, I would be pissed too.”)

    Cassandra looked to her, and nodded. She knew there was a lot at stake right about now if Jirachi were to go further over the edge.

    “Eev-vee-vee,” (“Listen, Jirachi’s not a homicidal monster.”) Cassandra told Jarena and Violet, trying to come up with a plan to deal with this. “Ee-veee-vee,” (“When he comes, let’s have a good time, forget about anything else we’ve got on our schedule for today or if it feels like we’re hostages right now, and make up for the time we owe him. You even wanted this, didn’t you Jarena?”

    “Bun..earyyy…” (“Uhh, yeah, kinda,”) Jarena giggled, flushing with embarrassment.

    “Ee-veee…” (“Good, I think we’re all set.”) Cassandra smiled.

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  3. #172
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Jon and Alyssa Drake
    En Route to Central Park
    Affected RPers: None

    Jon had left Ethan who remained at the Battle Arena to train for his battle against Avery this evening, and was walking back towards Safe House C, a little outside of Central Park, when he heard Alyssa's voice.

    "Wait, Carbon!" She shouted, before looking around and realizing they had teleported. Jon was shocked to see Jirachi floating next to her until it clicked she called it Carbon. Ditto had needed to copy Jirachi... Why.

    "Liss, what happened?" Jon asked, as Alyssa looked around frantically.

    "Jimmy lost control of Jirachi!" Alyssa said, looking around desperately at the people who were starting to stare, both at her being upset, and the Jirachi floating next to her.

    "The idiot never had control of it to begin with..." Jon muttered.

    "When you and Cassandra were gone, they were trying to come up with a plan to catch out the person who has been harassing her. Jimmy had this idea, of having his Rotom wait in her phone for the stalker to message her and to ping the stalkers GPS when he contacted her." Alyssa explained, "The problem was the next bit. For some reason, he was hell bent on having the Ladies turn back into Pokemon to spy on him, and some of us masquerade as them to lure the stalker out."

    "What the fu-" Jon started, "If you pinged the GPS, you could use the room keys location tracking and the security system, we could narrow it down..."

    "That's what I told him. First I told him that we shouldn't make plans involving the Ladies without Steven or Cynthia's okay, since the three of them are technically detained, and that if we think the stalker is an operative watching through the security system, they just heard his entire plan through the security camera in the safe house. Violet was against getting directly involved because she needed to start arrangements for paying off their debt to the league." Alyssa explained, "At this point the only person who was on board with the idea was Jarena because she wanted to be a Pokemon again, but Jimmy wished that we were all in a location where we wouldn't be overheard, with Steven, Cynthia and Avery, and that the footage that left the room since we all arrived was My Little Pony. We were all teleported to this room that I have no clue where it is on the ship, and Jimmy still kept pushing this stupid idea about the girls turning into Pokemon. Avery was there and he was trying to rope them into it."

    "What did Steven and Cynthia think?" Jon asked, "Surely they didn't okay it..."

    "They did..." Alyssa explained, "But here is the thing. Violet said she didn't want to be involved because she was needing some time to organize the money transfer, but without being asked, Jirachi made that happen. If Jirachi did that without telling anyone, because it meant Violet's reason for not being on board with it would go away..."

    "You think it influenced Steven and Cynthia?" Jon asked, growing more angry by the second.

    "I don't know that it didn't." Alyssa explained, "I raised that concern and basically told the Ladies it was their choice whether they go ahead with it or not, I had said my piece and if they went ahead with it, I would just go and help Steven weed out Lance's guys. Violet and Cassandra agreed and talked Jarena out of it, but Jimmy just kept pushing and wouldn't take no for an answer. Then Jirachi snapped."

    "He teleported Jimmy out of the room, locked the doors, and made it abundantly clear that we were doing Jimmy's plan whether we liked it or not." Alyssa continued, "Avery tried to reason with it, so while it was distracted I had Carbon copy Jirachi, hoping I could get at least one wish out of him. I wished for Jirachi to fall asleep."

    "It didn't work..." Jon said, realizing how bad things were.

    "I think he could do a small wish, but putting a mythical Pokemon to sleep was too much for a copy." Alyssa said, "He teleported me out, to you, but everyone else is still locked in with that deranged little s**t!"

    Jon quickly let Latios out of its Pokeball. He figured if Jirachi had snapped, this whole ship could be its playground. Which meant he and Alyssa might be in danger of being affected by the sociopathic Wishmaker. It also meant that a certain someone who couldn't be allowed to escape could quite easily if Jirachi's Pokemon Transforming Fetish extended past the mystery room the others are locked in.

    "Climb onto Latios' back, and see if you can find any people who have been turned into Pokemon." Jon explained, "Latios should be able to see them freaking out from a distance and identify them. Try and round them up."

    "Okay but where are you going?" Alyssa asked, as she climbed onto Latios back, calling Carbon back to his Pokeball.

    "Lance is in custody, but if Jirachi turns people outside the room into Pokemon, he might be able to escape." Jon explained, before making eye contact with the Eon Pokemon.

    "I lied. Fly Alyssa as far away from here as you can whilst still maintaining a telepathic link." Jon thought, knowing Latios was listening. "If Jirachi comes anywhere near Alyssa, kill it. It talks about being friends, but it is not our friend. Understand?"

    "Wait, Jon, I know what you're doing, don't -" Alyssa began as Latios departed the ship, flying upwards and away.

    Now Alyssa was out of danger, Jon began making his way to the infirmary, thinking about the choice words he was going to have with Jimmy, assuming they all hadn't been erased from existence before then...

  4. #173
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Central Park (Poke Park)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga

    also indirectly affected: @Shruikan @SlickSlack @Noblejanobii

    This post is following through with what I posted the other day. After some discussions. If you DO want to take action on this then you can create a post using Jirachi's action that will be mentioned in this post to move your character to the Central Park (Poke Park). You can just move your character or move them and have them transformed. It's totally 100% up to YOU. You do NOT have to take part if you do not want to. This is just to take one last shot at some fun, silly, and mischief before this story winds down. Please do not take this as you HAVE to. You do NOT HAVE to. Join the fun if you want. Now is the time and you can freely move your character to our location to have fun with everyone else!

    Ugh, how did I get stuck in this mess. Jirachi really is gonna be a handful to train. Jimmy though. Jimmy closed his eyes before hearing a familiar voice.

    "Piiiika! Pika-Pika Chu!" (Hey! Hey over here! Look!). Pikachu standing to the side looking friendly and happy toward the kids. Like he wanted attention too. The kids dropped Jimmy and he fell to the ground. The kids began to pet Pikachu and play with him as all eyes were on him now instead. He looked to Jimmy and yelled out.

    "Pi. Pikachu. Pi-Pikachu!" (Well. What are you waiting on? Go now!"). Pikachu knew what he was doing. His been used to this attention his whole life. He's been a Pokemon since the day he was born. Protecting Jimmy was his top priority. He was his trainer after all.

    "Pikaaaa! Pikapika! Pi-KA-chu. Piiii-ka!" (Go save the others and of course our friend Jirachi. We just have to take the time to train him. As all of our other friends! Now go!)

    Jimmy nodded and ran off. He'd been turned into a Pokemon before. Having been a Pachirisu. He had learned to run on all four like a Pokemon. Only now he had been turned into a Pikachu. It was a little different. He didn't have the big bushy tail. He didn't know where yet, but he was running. Noticing to the side. 3 Pokemon looked frustrated, confused, one happy and eager another and just as much defeated and lost.

    Jimmy quickly took a tumble to the ground. Recognizing the three. One thought came to mind. "Jirachi" Jimmy said quietly. He must've turned them into Pokemon and tried going through the plan regardless. I...didn't realize how strongly Jirachi was. He wanted to really help with the plan I suggested. Jirachi....I hope you're not causing too much trouble.... Jimmy thought to himself before getting back to his feet and running to the group of Pokemon.

    "Hey. That you Cass, Violet, Jarena? What happened after Jirachi sent me away? I'm...sorry he's causing so much trouble for everyone." Jimmy said as his ear dropped to his sides, but quickly composing himself again and looking more confident. "We've gotta make it back to Jirachi and the others!"

    "No need!" a voice said from a short distance. "I am here!" Jirachi conidently float by them. "I even got a few others connected to everyone here. I felt how strongly they wanted to have fun too! So I added a little extra of my power to bring them along to have fun too! Not everyone may have wanted to be a Pokemon as strongly as others, but they're here all the same!" Jirachi said happily.

    "Yay! Finally! Play time! Fun time! hahahaha!" Jirachi cheered happily along the group as it float around.

    "Jirachi..." Jimmy looked to him.

    "Yay! You're back to being Cuddles! What's your orders Captain Cuddles?!" Jirachi looked to Jimmy with a confident smile and salute.

    Jimmy was stuck on for what words to say. Jirachi was way too friendly. A Pokemon above his caliber. It was really poor timing to meet such an incredibly powerful Pokekmon. What the Diamond Ladies needed spells and items for. Jirachi could do with the blink of an eye and much much more. Jimmy looked down. He didn't wanna lose the friendly and cheerful Pokemon he felt so lucky to befriend, but he knew he has to step up as it's trainer.

    "Jirachi. I see now. You just wanted to have fun. Everyone you met here this past day. You've considered friends to you. Sadly, not everyone will want to be your friend. Sometimes a friend is someone you just come to know for a short time and pass on the street as a stranger the next day. Others may be a friend in a short period of your life. Then there's friends for life. Those are the kinds you can come to know, love, and care for. Sadly....not everyone will want to be your friend. You can't force them to either. Using your power should be only in very special cases. You can't go using it as you want. So for now. Until I can help train you to be the best you can be. Please don't use your power unless I tell you it's okay. Jimmy looked to the Ladies in their Pokemon forms. Then to Pikachu in the far distance.

    "Like Pikachu and myself. I raised him since he was hatched from his egg as a Pichu. It took some time, but we became really close friends. Much like I hope to with you Jirachi."

    "But we are friends Jimmy! Friends friends! hahaha!" Jirahci played with his hair between his ears. Messing with it as usual.

    "I know we are, but I've gotta step up more as your trainer. Take more responsibility. I'll need you to change everyone back here soon. We have a job to do, but since you're so eager. While we're like this. Let's let you have your fun. okay?"

    Jirachi seemed a little confused. Not really smiling, but he seemed to understand. As he nodded and smiled.

    "Okay Jimmy.....I mean...Captain Cuddles." Before giggling and flying over to the Ladies.

    "Yay! You're back to being Pokemon! Isn't it great?! Let's have some fun! Fun fun!" Jirachi giggled again before tugging on Cass's Eevee ears playfully then circling the other two. Looking over to where he also said the others were that would be joining them if they decided to join. Hoping they would still decide to have fun before their journeys together ended. Jirachi really wanted the best for everyone. Someone anyone could count on even if it cost himself in the end. Though he has a lot to learn. Jirachi's potential could be endless. Once properly trained. For now. Jimmy looked to Jirachi to give him the time and fun he deserved before getting back to business.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  6. #174
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    The Diamond Ladies
    Central Park (Poke Park)
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster

    Before Jirachi had arrived, the Ladies tried to think of how exactly they wanted to handle this. It was a unique and new kind of predicament unlike anything they had ever been in before, but to get through to Jirachi, Cassandra just felt they needed to think like him. Play, be playful, be creative, don’t take things seriously. As if they were young kids again.

    “Bun-eary…” (“Uh, yeah, I don’t even know what kind of game Jirachi would want to play.) Jarena shrugged and smiled bashfully. “Bun-eary? Bunn…” (“Hockey, baseball…? Yeah, we don’t even have the gear for that.”)

    “Eev-vee-vee,” (“Nah, it doesn’t need to be anything formal like that.”) Cassandra smiled, casually brushing it off with her paw. “Eee-veee…” (“Think back to recess when you were just a kid. Invent a game, make up rules as you go along, then break them anyway.”)

    “Furr-rett,” (“Been a while since those days…”) Violet remarked, looking off as she tried to reminisce back to when she was just a young girl. “Furr-ret…” (“I’ll follow your lead…”)

    Cassandra was confident she had a good idea of what kind of play Jirachi wanted. She figured Jarena would catch on quickly, and while she assumed Violet was probably thinking too hard on it and trying to structure something intricate, Cassandra decided something sporadic and spur of the moment in style might be more effective and would be exactly the kind of thing Jirachi was looking for.

    And then a voice called out to them.

    “Pi-pika?” (Hey, that you Cass, Violet, Jarena?”) Jimmy had called out to them. “Pika-pi-kachu!” (“I'm...sorry he's causing so much trouble for everyone. We've gotta make it back to Jirachi and the others!”)

    Cassandra figured it was probably too late for that, and she hadn’t remembered the path from Central Park’s PokéPark playground to where the LZ Safe Room was. But rather then try to go to Jirachi, she had a feeling Jirachi would…

    “No need!” he called out, floating in front of them. “I am here! I even got a few others connected to everyone here. I felt how strongly they wanted to have fun too! So I added a little extra of my power to bring them along to have fun too! Not everyone may have wanted to be a Pokémon as strongly as others, but they're here all the same! Yay! Finally! Play time! Fun time! hahahaha!”

    “Bunearryyyy…” (“Yep, he’s definitely very lively.”) Jarena giggled, covering her mouth with her Buneary paw.

    While Jimmy chatted with Jirachi with a one-on-one, out of the corner of her eye, Cassandra had noticed a Minccino, lying face-down only a short distance away from her. She had approached her, having a feeling she knew exactly who it was. Meanwhile, Jarena and Violet had gathered around, having the same feeling.

    “Min-cii…” (“I swear I’ve never taking another job like this ever again…”) Sami grumbled, looking up to see she was surrounded by other Pokémon… as she realized she was now a Pokémon herself.

    “Eev-vee-vee,” (“Hey, Sami, welcome to the party.”) Cassandra told her with a smirk, having a good idea of what she was thinking right now, but assuring Sami that she had a good idea of how to handle this unusual situation. “Vee-veee…” (“This is going to sound crazy, but just play along with the shenanigans.”)

    “Min-cici-no…?” (“Are you kidding, why should we do that?”) Sami asked, unconsciously waving her new brush-like tail. “Minci…!” (“Look at what delinquent did to us! Please tell me your crazy witch magic can undo this!”

    “Bunearyyy…” (“Probably not.”) Jarena smiled, shrugging as she knew this kind of transformation wasn’t a hex-based affliction.

    Sami had just sighed, rolling her eyes before slouching with her eyelids drooping. She had then looked over to Jirachi and Jimmy having a conversation about friends and Jimmy’s Pikachu.

    “Minci-no…?” (“Okay, so what exactly is your plan to handle this pest?”) Sami asked.

    “Eve-vee-vee…” (It’s not complicated…”) Cassandra explained. “Eeve-vee…” (“Jirachi’s a bit wild and childish. We know that. Thing is, we owe him big time. He helped wish away our massive debt only to be criticized for it. Meanwhile, he’s been wanting some playtime for dozens of hours only to be told it would come later over and over and it never did. Even though he did some amazing favors for people, including us. And then when we were bickering over that whole plan to get ‘Karma’ and how best to do it…”)

    “Mini-ci…” (“Yeah, I see what you’re getting at.”) Sami nodded, looking over to Jirachi. “Min-Minccinoo…?” (“It got ugly down there and I was barely even involved. So you think giving Jirachi the playtime he wants might get him to cool off a bit?”)

    Cassandra had nodded, thinking she might have the answer. But before she could reply to Sami, she heard Jirachi giggling as he flew over to them.

    “Yay!” Jirachi cheered with a giggle, tugging playfully with Cassandra’s Eevee ears. “You're back to being Pokémon! Isn't it great?! Let's have some fun! Fun fun!”

    “Ee-vee-vee!” (“Hey there, those are my ears!”) Cassandra shouted back at him, smiling mischievously to play along with the antics. “Ee-vee-e? Veeee…!” (“Well, guess what, Twinkle? You just got yourself into a world of trouble!”)

    “Bun-earry…!” (“No one messes with the Ladies!”) Jarena laughed, following Cassandra’s lead. “Bunearyy!” (“And you know what rhymes with ‘trouble?’”)

    Then, Jarena had cast a simple Shadowcraft spell, suddenly encasing Jirachi in a giant, squishy bubble. She knew it might be a bit tricky to break out of, but overall, it would be harmless fun for him to try.

    “Min-cino!” (“Oh my god, you guys…!”) Sami exclaimed, nearly laughing at the sight of what they had just done to Jirachi.

    Meanwhile, Violet had looked upon them, slyly smirking at the ruckus that was unfolding. While it was very childish behavior, even she felt poking a little playful mischievous fun at Jirachi might be enjoyable for a while. And now she was curious to see if they could actually wear him out and outplay him. She began to see it as a challenge.

    “Fur-rett,” (“Tsk-tsk, Jirachi, you know what getting bubbled does,” Violet shook her head derisively in a playful, scheming manner. “Furrett…” (“That gives us five-hundred Cool Points while you have… zero. That’s uncool, Jirachi. What are all your fans going to think?”)

    “Bun-eary!” (“Your fans are gonna be our fans!”) Jarena teased him with an impish smile. “Bun-buneary!” (“And you’ll just have… a bubble. Ha ha ha!”)

    Even Sami couldn’t help but giggle at the silliness. She had to admit, this was a very interesting and unusual way of dealing with what could have been a problem, but she was curious to see how it was all going to go. And she had to admit, that childlike desire to get in on this mischief was suddenly seizing her, too…

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  8. #175
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Luneth Tarot
    Central Park > Central Park (Poke Park)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Chakramaster

    As she arrived back at central park, Luneth found herself at a loss as for what to do. By now she’d done just about everything there was to do here. Window shopping seemed boring now that she’d seen real life magic. She could go look online for that shadowcraft tome again, but something told her it would take a long time to find one, if anyone was willing to sell them now with the recent news.
    Luneth sighed. It was a pity she hadn’t caught up to that Jirachi earlier. But what’s done is done, well, unless you know a Celebi. Or Dialga. Oh, or maybe there’s a shadowcraft spell that can turn back time-
    Everything happened in a flash. First she heard a faint voice in the back of her mind, beckoning to her, then a flash of white, and Luneth was gone, leaving Glimmer frantically looking around, trying to figure out what just happened to her trainer…

    * * *

    Luneth opened her eyes blearily. Where was she? She felt like she had just been dragged out of a deep sleep, and the world had yet to come into focus. She went to stretch her arms, and promptly fell flat on her face. Looking down, She could see that her arms, or now forelegs, were covered it white-green fur. They looked like…
    Luneth experimentally tried to move her tail, and found to her delight that she could. Real tail (Well, tails to more be accurate), white fur with patches of grey-green, quadrupedal, she had somehow become an Alolan Vulpix.
    Was this a dream? She’d dreamed of being a pokemon before, but no, every time it’d just been her normal state, if this was a dream she probably wouldn’t remember being a human. So this must be more magic. Did the diamond ladies do this? Or was there another magic user on board the ship? But as she considered, the why quickly became uninteresting, compared to the fact that she was a real life pokemon now!

    Luneth jumped around excitedly, both to get a feel for her new body, and at the sheer joy of being an actual Vulpix. As such it took her a few moments before she noticed where she was.
    Instead of the entrance to central park, like she’d been a moment before, It looked like she was now in the subsection of the park where young kids could play with pokemon. In fact, there were some playing with a Pikachu a short distance away.

    Aside from the Pikachu, there were several other pokemon nearby, most of which were being ignored by the kids in favour of the Pikachu. Three of them, an Eevee, Buneary & Furret looked eerily like the diamond ladies. And there was the Jirachi that was with the ladies earlier, talking to another Pikachu.
    From what she could gather, this Pikachu was called Cuddles, and wanted to turn everyone back to normal? And that it was Jirachi that had turned some people into pokemon, just like the diamond ladies had yesterday? No magic then, Luneth was slightly disappointed to find.

    Either way, the Jirachi seemed to have used it’s “Magic” because it wanted to play with everyone. It didn’t look like this was a dangerous operation like last time. Especially from the way the possibly-the-diamond ladies were acting. It seemed that they really were just playing like kids.

    Luneth gave as close to a shrug as her Vulpix form was able. Well, it’s not like she had anything planned for today, and playing with a Jirachi wasn’t exactly an everyday occurrence. Plus, if this Jirachi was responsible for her current form, then the favour was worth repaying.
    Luneth bounced over to the Jirachi and lightly shoved the bubble they were entrapped in. “Vul,”(”Tag,”) she said mischievously before skipping back a few paces as the bubble rolled slightly from the push.
    Even if this was only temporary, be it due to Jirachi turning them back later, or if it was just a dream after all, she was going to make the most of this regardless.

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  10. #176
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
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    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Shruikan
    and anyone else that still wanted to join

    Jimmy had met back up with the Diamond Ladies who had been transformed back into their Pokémon forms. His Pikachu allowed him to get away from the kids. Although still in his own Pikachu form. He realized what needed to be done. Jirachi had to be calmed, but before he got too tired. They needed to be changed back. For now, they needed to work together to calm him. Let him have his fun. Anyone else Jirachi brought here could do the exact same.

    Even Sami had been turned back into a Pokémon. The same Minccino as earlier. The ladies and Sami discussed this probably couldn't be undo by their magic. As this wasn't a hexed based transformation. Having to rely on Jirachi to change them back. Then discussing what needed to be done.

    “Minci-no…?” (“Okay, so what exactly is your plan to handle this pest?”) Sami asked.

    “Eve-vee-vee…” (It’s not complicated…”) Cassandra explained. “Eeve-vee…” (“Jirachi’s a bit wild and childish. We know that. Thing is, we owe him big time. He helped wish away our massive debt only to be criticized for it. Meanwhile, he’s been wanting some playtime for dozens of hours only to be told it would come later over and over and it never did. Even though he did some amazing favors for people, including us. And then when we were bickering over that whole plan to get ‘Karma’ and how best to do it…”)

    It's true. Jirachi was far more childish than they knew. Jimmy had realized that. Having tired to get some information from Avery earlier on what best to do to raise Jirachi. It's still going to take time. Like Avery and Cassandra have. Jirachi is also a mythical Pokémon. Even Jon has his Latios and it's a legendary. It's no easy task to raise a very unique Pokemon. Right now only time will fix this. Jimmy will just have to learn what works with raising Jirachi. Without upsetting him or upsetting balance of day to day life with others. Only time will fix that as no one can fully train a very special Pokémon in just a few hours.

    Jirachi had begun to try and play with them. Having float over to Cassandra and tugged on her ears.

    “Ee-vee-vee!” (“Hey there, those are my ears!”) Cassandra shouted back at him, smiling mischievously to play along with the antics. “Ee-vee-e? Veeee…!” (“Well, guess what, Twinkle? You just got yourself into a world of trouble!”)

    “Bun-earry…!” (“No one messes with the Ladies!”) Jarena laughed, following Cassandra’s lead. “Bunearyy!” (“And you know what rhymes with ‘trouble?’”)

    Jarena had cast a Shadowcraft spell of simple sorts to encase Jirachi in a giant squishy bubble.

    “Fur-rett,” (“Tsk-tsk, Jirachi, you know what getting bubbled does,” Violet shook her head derisively in a playful, scheming manner. “Furrett…” (“That gives us five-hundred Cool Points while you have… zero. That’s uncool, Jirachi. What are all your fans going to think?”)

    “Bun-eary!” (“Your fans are gonna be our fans!”) Jarena teased him with an impish smile. “Bun-buneary!” (“And you’ll just have… a bubble. Ha ha ha!”)

    While Sami began to giggle. An Alolan Vulpix came up and bounced into the bubble Jirachi was in. Yelling out "tag!" As the bubble moved back and slightly into the air.

    "Yay! Hahaha bubbles bubbles! Bubbles are so fun! You should join too! Fly in the air like me!" Jirachi winked and giving just the most adorable smile. Making very similar bubbles appear around the area. Many bubbles to fill the area they were in. Even encasing the others here that had surrounded Jirachi. "So much fun to be had! Why not join me up here!" Jirachi giggles playfully as it followed the bubble as it bounced once more of the ground and back into the air. Bouncing like it was it's own personal bouncy ball.

    Jirachi looked to the ladies. Having encased them in the similar bubbles as well. "If you got five-hundred Cool Points I must have just got like a bazillion! Just look at all the pretty bubbles!"

    Meanwhile even Jimmy had been encased in a bubble by Jirachi. "Piii-kaaaa!?" (Whoa whoa WHOA! Now I'm supposed to fly too?! How do I control this this thing?!)

    Jirachi bounced over and made its bubble bounce over into Violet's bubble. Giggling before saying, "TAG!" Bouncing away while still giggling before letting out a gentle yawn.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  11. #177
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    The Diamond Ladies
    Central Park (Poke Park)
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster @Shruikan

    What had started off as a prank had turned into a full-fledged game of tag, with bubbles and all kinds of rampant mischief. Luneth, as an Alolan Vulpix now, had shoved the bubble that Jirachi was in, declaring tag and that Jirachi was now “it.” Then using his power, Jirachi had let loose a swarm of bubbles throughout the park, enveloping Cassandra, Jarena, Violet, and Sami as well.

    “If you got five-hundred Cool Points I must have just got like a bazillion!” Jirachi laughed. “Just look at all the pretty bubbles!”

    “Eevee-vee!” (“We’re just getting warmed up, Twinkle, just you wait!”) Cassandra teased him.

    Jimmy had soon become enveloped into a bubble as well, and was having trouble controlling it. The whole while, Cassandra and Jarena were just laughing at Jimmy’s comical floundering inside his bubble.

    “Piii-kaaaa!?" (“Whoa whoa WHOA! Now I'm supposed to fly too?! How do I control this this thing?!”) Jimmy called out.

    “Bun-earyy…!” (“Take it easy, don’t move around so much, you goofball!”) Jarena replied with a giggle. “Bun-eary!” (“Push it along gently!”)

    And then, Jirachi had charged into Violet’s bubble, shouting “TAG” as he was giggling and then tried to bounce away. Violet tried to feign shock and Cassandra and Jarena tried to play along with the acting.

    “Furr-RET!?” (“You DARE!?”) Violet shouted back at him. “Furrr-ret!” (“You don’t know who you’re messing with!”)

    Conjuring up a gust of wind behind her bubble, Violet pushed her bubble toward Jirachi’s, and thanks to the wind gust, it was faster and closed the gap sooner. She then used a Scratch attack to break open her own bubble and then landed on top of Jirachi’s. Flashing a menacing grin, she then struck Jirachi’s bubble with a Slam attack, using her long furry tail to send Jirachi and his bubble toward a nearby basketball net, landing Jirachi and his squishy bubble right in as Violet deftly landed on the ground and smirked with confidence.

    “Bun-eary!” (“Holy crap, that was awesome!”) Jarena laughed hysterically.

    “Fur-rettt!” (“Oh, and Jirachi, you’re IT by the way!”) Violet winked at him.

    Deciding to make things even more of a fun challenge for Jirachi, Cassandra had used some of her Shadowcraft magic. While Jirachi was fumbling to get out of the basketball net, suddenly a misty, foggy smoke wafted about the room and within just a few seconds, suddenly the park was flooded with a thick dark-gray smoke and fog, making it tricky to see and find anyone. It was bound to make Jirachi’s search for someone to tag become a lot more difficult.

    “Min-ci!” (“Hey, what gives, we can’t see anything!”) Sami cried out, still floating about in a bubble of her own.

    “Ev-vee-vee!” (“That’s right, and neither can Jirachi!”) Cassandra laughed. “Vee-Vee!” (“Now keep your voice down, let’s see how long it takes Jirachi to tag someone else now!”)

    Cassandra had to admit this foggy spell was particularly effective when trying to make a quick getaway and disappear into a crowd, which helped her in the past, though she never expected it to be used like this one day. Right now, she was expecting Jirachi would use some of his wish power to counter the effect, but she had some further ideas in case that happened.

    For now, like Violet, she had dived down with her bubble and broke it open when it came close to the ground. She couldn’t see where Violet and Jarena were due to her own fog, but she figured Jirachi would most likely be trying to search through the smoky fog in the air above, looking for an unsuspecting Pokémon’s bubble to tag.

    Meanwhile, Violet, realizing Cassandra’s plan to cloak all of Jirachi’s opponents with a thick fog, whether they liked it or not, had decided to stay grounded as well. While some of the other Pokémon had trouble keeping their bubbles steady and going in the direction they wanted, she still felt it was faster to be on the ground rather than slowly floating along in the bubble.

    As for Jarena, she decided to stay in her bubble, but use her magic to allow her voice to carry throughout the fog cloud, which was be confusing and disorienting to Jirachi.

    “Bun-earryyy…” (“Hey Twinkle…!”) Jarena’s voice called out to Jirachi, carrying around and about throughout the room like an echo bouncing from all directions. “Bun-buneary…!” (“Betcha can’t guess where I am! Am I here? Or there? Also, you’re WAY behind on Cool Points! We’ve got an infinity times infinity with an exponential infinity times ninety-nine jazzillion Cool Point lead over you!”)

    While Sami was impressed with the kinds of witchcraft antics they were conjuring out, at first she decided to hold her tongue, knowing any kind of sound might give her location away to Jirachi. However, after thinking about her options, she came to realize she could replicate Jarena's voice echoing effect using Echoed Voice, a natural move a Minccino like her could use.

    “Minc-ci-no!” (“Hey Jirachi, let’s see you wish your way out of this one!”) Sami taunted him as her voice echoed throughout the room in a similar way that Jarena’s voice had traveled and bounced around. “Min-cino!” (“How long is it going to take you to find us, huh Twinkle!?”)

    Meanwhile, she was slightly getting the hang of how to control her bubble. As she found out, it was more about gentle pushes and strokes rather than trying to swim in the air. All the while, she was quite curious to see what Jirachi was going to do to get back at the crazy trickery the Ladies were putting him through.

  12. #178
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Avery Miller (They/Them)
    Safe House LZ => Central Park
    Affected RP'ers: @Desolate Divine

    As Avery tried to reason with Jirachi, Alyssa tried to use a Ditto to counterwish against the Wishmaker. But it didn't go as planned, resulting in the Ditto and Alyssa teleporting out of the room. At least they had managed to get away, Avery supposed. Perhaps they could try the same with Acacia while Jirachi was distracted?

    However, as the coordinator began to fumble with their pokéballs, suddenly Jirachi appeared in front of them. He looked a bit... disappointed. "I don't want to hurt you. Please do not be upset. I just want to play! So I will let you go now, ta ta!" Jirachi snapped his fingers and suddenly everything went white around Avery. Panic ceased up in Avery for a split second before they felt themselves land on the floor somewhere else in the ship. Groaning, Avery rubbed their head and sat up. They glanced around and realized they were in Central Park. So Jirachi really hadn't meant them any harm?

    "Kid could really work on his presentation," they mumbled before standing up. Miraculously, they had managed not to spill their coffee during the whole ordeal, so Avery quickly chugged it before tossing it in a nearby trashcan. Probably not the best thing for their nerves but it felt like a waste to toss a full cup like that. As they ate the croissant from the bag they had been carrying, Avery contemplated what to do next. Part of them just wanted them to say "screw it" and be done with this whole mess. But they supposed they owed Jirachi an apology, if nothing else. Plus they wanted to locate the others and figure out exactly what had become of the rest of the party.

    It was then Avery spotted Jon and Latios. Latios quickly disappeared, flying off somewhere. Jon looked angry, headed off somewhere on a mission. Quickly scarfing down the rest of their breakfast, Avery chunked the to go bag and ran after Jon. Perhaps they could help? "Jon!" they called out as they ran over trying to catch up, "What's the situation? Anything I can do to assist?"
    / / / / / / / /
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  13. #179
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Jon Drake
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    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii

    As Jon was making his way towards the infirmary, he was in Central Park when he heard someone call out his name.

    "Jon! What's the situation? Anything I can do to assist?"

    Jon looked back and saw Avery making their way over.

    "You escaped?" Jon asked, "Alyssa will be glad to know. I had Latios get her off the ship until we know it's safe."

    "Right now, you know the situation with the deranged wishmaker better than I do, but I am worried that Jirachi wanting to turn people into Pokemon might go further than the room you were all locked in, and if that's the case, it could prove a good opportunity for Lance to escape." Jon explained, " So I'm going to guard him myself, then go and have a nice little chat with Cuddles about Jirachi... You're welcome to assist in either."
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 03-23-2021 at 09:00 PM.

  14. #180
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    Luneth Tarot
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    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Chakramaster

    Shortly after Luneth had tagged Jirachi, the mythical pokemon let loose a wave of bubbles of it’s own, trapping everyone around them, Luneth included.

    Inside the bubble it felt like she was in one of those inflatable castles at kids parties. Luneth testingly jumped, and found that it was light enough to bounce around, despite it’s occupant’s weight. After bouncing on the spot for a few moments, Luneth decided to try and move it. She slamming her weight against the bubble, intending to nudge it in the right direction, but she misjudged the force, causing it to move much too fast and out of her control, rattling Luneth around inside it as the bubble bounced around the room like a pinball.

    From the blur as she bounced around, Luneth saw the room go darker, like it was fogging up, though she couldn’t make out why.

    Feeling very disoriented, Luneth tried to burst the bubble with a move. Instinctively knowing how to use powder snow she went with that, but instead of the bubble freezing then shattering like intended, the ice just froze the bubble into a hardened sphere, which dropped to the ground with a jolt, but otherwise kept up it’s momentum, continuing to roll around the floor, along with it’s rattled occupant.

    Ok, maybe it was time to ask for help.
    “Uh, hey, can someone give me a hand with this bubble? I’m a bit dizzy in here.”


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