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  1. #21
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Central Park

    As the Diamond Ladies moved on. Jimmy stared at the green stone in his hand. Knowing well what it was. His Pikachu not too fond of it either.

    "Yeah I know buddy. I won't get this anywhere close to you."

    Jimmy sighed as he placed the thunderstone in his bag.

    "Well if that wasn't a big waste of time. I got nothing from that and nowhere to gain. At this point it's almost pointless to do too much. Either this whole thing is a bust or we're all just being too cautious. Being nice in that conversation really got us nowhere and didn't go how I envisioned at all."

    Jimmy relaxed a bit in the park bench next to his Pikachu. Looking up towards the sky as his linger on in his thoughts. He pulled out a list he jot down from when they first arrived on the ship. Of what events were planned and when. Trying to look for anything they could spent time until the find more news or until something new happens. The big highlight was the match planned later that night.

    "We could always do more scouting, but we don't wanna be over zealous either."

    Still his mind just caught up in thoughts. Thinking back on things now of what and how the Diamond Ladies acted in his encounter with them.

    "So for one they don't get anxious. I dunno how true that is. Everyone can get a little intimidated at times."

    "One that really gets me is she said to "be ready for anything." That's a really....wild pitch with words. It's like it answered its own question.

    "ugh, I still can't believe she thought I needed a thunderstone. Like I'd ever forcefully evolve you buddy." Jimmy said as he gave his Pikachu a few pats on the head.

    "Piiii~" his Pikachu said

    "I guess the real question is. Where do we look next?" Jimmy said pulling out a map of the place and beginning to mubble to himself on what he thinks they should do and where to go.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  2. #22
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    The Diamond Ladies
    Central Park
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (And possibly others around the Park)

    Cassandra had decided to move on to go do some shopping, as Jimmy’s Pikachu wasn’t at all what she might have suspected, but spending the extra few minutes to make sure nothing odd was unfolding still seemed to be worth the time.

    Something still didn’t settle right with her, however.

    As she approached the Windjammer Marketplace, she had overheard the happy cry of an Alolan Vulpix, looking cheerful as her trainer, Alyssa, had been likely scratching her behind the ears. Out of the corner of her eye, Cassandra could see Alyssa was shooting odd glances at her, which seemed unusual, as if to imply Alyssa was more interested in her than the Vulpix.

    It seemed off to her, but she figured maybe it was due to her fame. Cassandra just decided to dismiss it, thinking maybe it was just from recognition. She had to expect that considering the kind of names the three of them made for themselves.

    But then, she felt it. A sudden tingling sensation that only she felt. It had occurred right when she was only a few feet away from Alyssa and the Alolan Vulpix. And while the arctic fox Pokémon had initially caught her eye, Cassandra suddenly slowed down in her walking and then stopped, surprising Jarena and Violet a bit. They completely stopped behind her, wondering what was going on.

    “You’ve got to be kidding me…” Cassandra growled under her breath.

    She knew what the tingle meant. Someone had triggered the trap on the pillow. It meant someone was in their room again, trying to go through her belongings, and came into contact with it and were likely now a Pokémon. She knew housekeeping wouldn’t have bothered to check under the beds, so it ruled out that possibly.

    “…Again?” Jarena asked, thinking she figured it out.

    “…Yeah,” Cassandra muttered, glancing back toward their room. “I can’t believe it, what the hell’s going on? We’d better go back to the room.”

    “This shouldn’t have happened again already,” Violet remarked. “That’s twice in less than 24 hours.”

    “Come on, let’s go,” Cassandra told the other two.

    She decided to turn around, heading back to the room with Jarena and Violet closely behind. She decided to walk a little faster, briskly walking to get there quickly, but not suddenly dash into a run that would look out of place here.

    As soon as they were back in the hallway where the guest rooms were, Cassandra decided to pick up the pace now that there were fewer people. Jarena couldn’t help but speak up as they made haste to get back to see what was going on.

    “Ladies, I think they’re onto us,” Jarena told the other two, feeling a bit anxious while still trying to keep her cool. “We’ve never had two incidents like this happen so close together, so we’d better start coming up with a plan to either bail off this tub or… I dunno, something.”

    “Are you kidding, I still have a tournament to win!” Cassandra countered, surprised Jarena would even consider that. “If I don’t show up tonight, I forfeit the entire match to Avery Miller, which there’s no way I’m going to let happen. Also, we’re out in the middle of the ocean right now, there’s nowhere to run to!”

    “I was afraid of this,” Violet replied. “But Jarena’s right, we need to do something.”

    “We’ll figure that out later, let’s just get back to the room first to see what’s going on,” Cassandra told them.

    After lightly running down a few more hallways, they soon approached their guest room. And unlike the many other rooms, they saw the door was wide open though Cassandra distinctly remembered shutting the door, which also meant to get in, they would have needed the keycard as well, which Cassandra thought only the three of them had. She gave the signal to keep quiet as she slowly approached the open door and looked inside.

    The inside of the room was a mess with drawers pulled out, bedsheets thrown around, and their suitcases dumped out with all of their clothing scattered about on the floor. It was clear this time around, they were foregoing being subtle and now aggressively trying to uncover evidence. Last night’s incident with them being stopped by the operatives after dinner was one thing, but now this was something a whole level higher.

    Jarena’s jaw dropped in shock at the sight of all of her things thrown around, but she didn’t make a sound. They knew whoever raided their room like this had been waiting and watching for the moment they left to head in, turn the place upside down to find something, and now, they sure did. And it was likely they were now a Pokémon… and still inside the room somewhere.

    “Get ready to sedate them,” Cassandra whispered, “…whatever they are now…”

    Both Jarena and Violet nodded as they slowly and carefully made their way into the room, keeping a very close watch on everything in the room and looking for any traces of movement, although the piles of blankets and clothes made it tricky. If there really was a formerly human now Pokémon in this room, it was going to be difficult to pinpoint exactly where they were with so many places to hide and things to cover themselves.

    And it was then where they heard a voice.

    “Nathan?” the voice from the radio buried under some blankets asked. “Nathan, are you there? What happened, did you find anything? Nathan, can you read me? Come in!”

    “This was a freaking raid…” Jarena muttered. “Someone is deliberately trying to set us up.”

    Cassandra and Violet didn’t respond, simply trying to hunt down the intruder. All of a sudden, they saw a dark shape try to make a mad dash for the door, and it used the blankets on the floor to conceal their movement. Cassandra tried to target it, suddenly realizing said figure was in fact a Zorua, the dark fox Pokémon. Although new to this form, Nathan didn’t have too much trouble adjusting to running on all fours now, as he was able to slip past the three ladies and run out into the hall quickly before they had any opportunity to target him with a sedation spell. By the time Cassandra was able to get out the door and saw what direction he had run in, she saw the Zorua was already well past down the hall and would have been hard to target. Not to mention there were a few people in the hallway who would have been witnesses and would have seen the Zorua go from full sprint to fast asleep in an instant, which would look very odd and suspicious.

    “YOU GET BACK HERE, YOU!” Cassandra shouted at the Zorua before Violet stopped her, realizing it was too late to stop him as the dark fox made a fast dash down the hall.

    “Leave him,” Violet stopped her, just before Cassandra was about to give chase. “Best to not make a scene.”

    It made Cassandra a bit unhinged to know that there were now not one, not two, but three Pokémon running around the ship that used to be humans and their room had been raided twice now.

    And then they heard something come from the radio that made their hearts sink.

    “Nathan, hold on, we’re sending someone over…”

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  4. #23
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    The Digital World
    Luneth Tarot
    Central Park
    Affected RP'ers:
    @Noblejanobii , @Neo Emolga ?

    Avery turned out to be as awesome in reality as on TV. As they were writing they inquired about Luneth’s hometown.
    “Oh, I’m from Ballonlea. It’s a small place, but I’m pretty sure you’ve visited, Opal’s been in the circuit for as long as I can remember.”
    Luneth took back the notepad, and after quickly reading over the message hugged it close to her, as if protecting it from prying hands.

    “Is that Pokémon yours? What species are they, if you don't mind me asking? I can't say I'm familiar with it."

    “Oh Circuit? I think he’s called a Silvally? Like the one that alolan trainer has, I think his name was Gladion? Oh, but he’s pretty shy about people seeing his face, so he like to wear this mask a lot.” Circuit cautiously approached, but stayed weary of Avery, keeping Luneth between the two.

    “Anyway, it was so great meeting you, thank you both so much!” Luneth reached out to shake hands with the Shaymin, then Avery, beaming like a child on christmas morning. “Good luck with your battle tonight, I’ll be cheering you on for sure!”
    And after bobbing a quick bow, Luneth skipped away and clambering back onto Circuit’s back.

    So, what was next on the list. Diamond Ladies, Avery, Shaymin cafe… Right, the cafe! That was where she was going before.

    As she neared the cafe, she saw the diamond ladies near a lady with an alolan vulpix. She yipped happily and waved at the alolan fox as she rode past, sounding eerily close to a real vulpix.
    She considered further approaching them when the diamond ladies caught her attention again by briskly walking away, at a pace that while not unusual was considerably faster that their speed up ‘til now.
    What were they in such a hurry for? Even if it was nothing, the cafe could wait, and perhaps she could pick up an autograph from Ruby. Luneth began to follow them, though at a reasonable distance so as not to seem like a creepy stalker. More like an inquisitive stalker. Maybe not say that out loud, that still sounded kinda bad. She slowly followed the sisters across the Wishmaker, perhaps a bit too slowly, as around the time they were nearing the guest rooms she completely lost them.

    They probably just remember something the left behind, Luneth reasoned, and they were rushing back to pick it up. Oh, or were called there by a legendary pokemon to go on some grand adventure, like in TV shows. Or maybe they realised they still needed to prepare for the next fight in the tourney tonight. Or-

    Luneth’s lack of attention caused two things. First, she forgot to return Circuit to his pokeball and was still riding him, despite being in more enclosed halls where he barely fit down the hallways and took up nearly the entire width. Because of this, when a Zorua hurtled ‘round the corner at full speed, it slapped staight into the Silvally, bouncing a few feet back from the force.

    Luneth gave a yip of surprise. “Oh! Are you alright?” She said, sliding down and scooping up the slightly dazed Zorua before it had a chance to move. She held the fox pokemon in both hands, slowly turning it around and checking for bruises, but thankfully it didn’t appear injured. “Yup, everything seems fine here. You should try to be more careful though.” She lifted the now struggling Zorua to eye level and looked it over quizzically. “I wonder why you were you in such a rush in the first place?”

  5. #24
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Avery Miller
    Central Park => Guest Quarters Hallway
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga with Shruikan nearby

    Avery and Gloria waved as Luneth ran off. A Silvally huh? Avery wasn’t super familiar with the breed but they made a mental note to look in them later on. They seemed like interesting Pokémon.

    Avery pulled their phone back out to finish posting the photo they had taken earlier to social media. It may have been just a cover but it came out rather well so no harm in taking advantage of that for a social post. Immediately the likes and comments came flooding in. Avery smiled a little, taking a few minutes to look through them all and even respond to a few of them. It seemed that even though they weren’t particularly confident with their chances in the semifinals tonight, many people were rooting for them as the underdog candidate. How sweet of them.

    “Too bad we’re definitely going to lose,” Avery mumbled with a chuckle as they scratches Gloria’s chin.

    “Min min,” she chided in response.

    “I know I know. Don’t count your Torchics before they hatch,” Avery responded. “It’s not that I doubt you or the others’ abilities, I just don’t think we can afford to underestimate a member of the Diamond Ladies. She has her scary reputation for a reason.”

    A voice suddenly crackled in Avery’s ear, erupting from the ear piece they forget they had in. “Operative Avery, your immediate assistant is requested.” Avery quickly moved their phone to their ear to disguise their muttering as a phone call.

    “What’s the situation?” they asked quietly.

    “Another operative, Nathan, just went MIA after infiltrating the Diamond Ladies’ room.” Speak of the devils, Avery muses. “We think they’ve potentially taken him hostage or worse. You’re the closest free operative that can scope out the wreckage.”

    “You’re kidding right? What if they see me and suspect me? I’m already risking it big going against Cassandra in the semis tonight. I’d rather not have my head on a silver platter as their dessert dish tonight.”

    “That’s your problem then. But time is of the essence so get over there.”

    Avery let out a heavy sigh as they lowered their phone from their ear. Great. “Stay vigilant, Gloria, we’re venturing into the belly of the beast.” Gloria gave a sharp nod in response before the two made their way towards the guest hallways.

    They moved at a brisk pace, trying not to draw attention to themself but still move quickly enough that if something was going down they could catch it in the act. As they drew closer to the hall, they spotted Luneth again. Unfortunately for them, Circuit was blocking the entire hallway which meant no easy passage that way. Besides, even if Circuit hadn’t been clogging the hallway, Luneth would recognize them again and potentially delay their arrival or give them away to the Diamond Ladies. Couldn’t have that.

    “Shoot,” Avery mumbled. Backtracking quickly, they began to scan the directional signs until they spotted an employee only entrance into the guest halls. Close enough. Holding their phone up to the card scanner, the light flicked green and they dashed in. After weaving through piles of laundry and an assortment of other items, they came to another doorway labeled guest rooms. “Bingo.”

    Avery cracked out the door slightly and peeked out. After confirming the hall was clear, Avery slipped out and closed the door behind them. They placed Gloria on the floor and signaled for her to go on ahead.

    Gloria scampered down the hall with Avery close behind. As she peeked around the corner, Gloria spotted the Diamond Ladies standing outside their room. Something had definitely gone down for sure. She looked back at Avery and nodded her head in the ladies’ direction. Avery frowned. Okay so they were there but now what? Perhaps Gloria could get slightly closer to overhear what they were saying? It was worth a shot.

    After whispering the instructions to their Pokémon, Avery watched as Gloria quickly wound her way around the corner and began to creep closer to the Diamond Ladies, doing her best to stay hidden against the walls if she could.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

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  7. #25
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Central Park
    Affected RP'ers: @Noblejanobii

    Jimmy leaned back and put his hands to his face and let out a short grunt

    "Ugh, really this place is just too big to just try and pinpoint an exactly location. You could guess and even then we'd have near thousands of other potential places here to search.

    Jimmy packed his map away again. Just as he grabs his bag and begins to get back up. Jimmy picks up a transmission being sent to him.

    "Mr. Kendo do you copy?" A voice rings in his head. Jimmy looks around as his Pikachu grabs hold of his bag for a ride and manages to break away from any eyesight into one of the nearby hallways in a secluded corner before responding.

    "Yeah I'm here. Go ahead."

    "We just contacted agent Avery and they are on their way to investigate what happened to agent Nathan. As I'm sure you've heard. He was sent to investigate the Diamond Ladies room and has since gone missing. Avery was the closest so they were out first point of contact. We need an extra pair of eyes this time. Extra caution is highly advised."

    "So right into the firepit huh? I was hoping to avoid this, but I can't outright deny a command. Avery has a big matchup tonight if I remember right. You sure it's okay to be sending her in too? I mean I know the plans, but I'm sure they won't think too fondly if she got caught snooping."

    "This takes priority Jimmy. We cannot afford to ease up here." The voice instructed.

    "Yeah yeah understood. I did have my own interaction with them not too long ago. Didn't really get any useful information either. She more so just accepted me being nice and gave me a thunderstone. Must have thought I wanted to evolve my Pikachu here to become "stronger." Ha, like I'd ever force my buddy here to evolve without wanting it himself."

    His Pikachu giving a cheer. "Piii-ka!"

    "Well anyway. You have your orders. Be sure top keep in touch the moment you can if you find anything of use."

    "No worries. We're on our way. Don't worry. We will keep an eye out for anything suspicious and Nathan as well. I'm sure he's okay."

    Jimmy's eye caught a glimpse of a figure as they made their way into one of the employee only entrances. Jimmy grabs a Pokeball from his pocket and let's the Pokemon inside loose..

    "Alright Rotom, let's do this." He says quietly as is appears in front of him.

    "Make sure we're clear. Give us the signal when we're clear after getting through. If anything comes up. Well, get back to us asap and we'll make for our escape."

    Jimmy made his way to the doorway the figure enters and his Rotom makes it's way into the systems. Clearing the locks. Around the corner and down the hall some way. Jimmy noticed a figure whispering to her Pokemon, a Shaymin."

    "That must be Avery" as he sees the 2 together and the Shaymin start making it's way off around the corner."

    Jimmy makes he way there quickly, but keeping quiet as he could using stealth from key parts he's learned over the years.

    "Hey, you must be Avery. They wanted more than just one operative this time they knew could get the job done. So I made my way here. I'm Jimmy. What's the situation?" He said quietly as he took a brief moment to peek around the corner himself. Noticing what he hoped not to see so soon again. The Diamond Ladies.

    "Oh perfect...just what we needed. This just became a lot more challenging." Jimmy muttered.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 01-19-2021 at 02:04 AM.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  9. #26
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    The Diamond Ladies
    Guest Room
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Chakramaster

    It wasn’t in Cassandra’s usual behavior to panic, but she had never been in this situation before where others were drawing close to finding out their darkest secrets. If they had been found out, it would have been the end of their fame and careers and chances were good it could result in any prize money and accolades they ever had ever received being stripped.

    “Just grab it all and let’s go!” Violet commanded, realizing there was someone already on their way to the guest room.

    Agreeing there was not a second to waste, Cassandra dashed for the bed and prepared to grab the bag containing their witchcraft books and regents. Nothing else in the room mattered to her and she knew their clothing and personal belongings wouldn’t cause suspicion about what they were up to. As far as she was concerned, all she had to do was grab her witchcraft things and make sure they didn’t leave her sight. Once she did, she could then talk to the cruiseline’s security, claim they were robbed, and demand another guest room. But in her rushed haste and with a distracted and busy thought process, she made one major critical error.

    She forgot to “clean” the pillow.

    “Hurry up, I think someone’s coming!” Jarena shouted into the room as she kept a watch out in the hallway.

    In the past, the Diamond Ladies never did try and experiment to see if a hexed object could in fact result in multiple Pokémon transformations with additional contacts. Cassandra found the answer to that the hard way. It can… if and when several different strands of Pokémon fur were held while the hex was performed. And in this case, besides including one of a Zorua, it included several others…

    Her hand never made contact with the bag before it became a paw, much to Cassandra’s horror. In just two seconds, her body went from being a 5’11, 23-year-old lady to a 1’ tall, fourteen pound Eevee. She didn’t even have a moment to scream before two long ears and a fox-like tail sprouted from her head and rear as brown fur and a beige-colored fluffy collar surrounded her neck. Her arms, legs, torso, and the rest of her body were instantly changed in shape and form as they were all covered with Eevee fur. She found herself suddenly dropped to the carpeted floor on all fours as her now oversized t-shirt and jeans slipped off of her much smaller, fox-like body. When she emerged from the pile of clothing, she suddenly became paralyzed in panic as she looked at her transformed paws that were formerly hands.

    “Eeevveeeeee eee!!” she screamed.

    The sudden cry of a frightened Eevee coming from the room caught Jarena’s and Violet’s attention, and they couldn’t help but look into the room, first with puzzled curiosity, and then absolute shock as they looked toward the bed and realized that there was now an Eevee where Cassandra used to be, and it didn’t take them a split second to realize what had transpired.

    “Cass, you didn’t…” Violet muttered.

    “Oh boy…” Jarena swallowed hard, covering her mouth with her hands in shock. “Oh boy… Cass, now you’ve done it. How could you forget to… look at you! What the hell do we do with you now!?”

    But there was nothing Cassandra could do except quiver in her new Eevee body, feeling so strange and unfamiliar as she was now covered with brown and beige fur. She couldn’t even speak to them in English to admit her regret for acting too quickly. Meanwhile, it was true, the three of them never considered to learn how to dispel and undo a Pokémon transformation as a precaution. They weren’t even entirely sure if it was at all possible, having focused much more on learning how to cause the afflictions rather than undo them. But they had absolutely no time to stop and see if the recipe for undoing the complete mishap was perhaps tucked away on a page of their witchcraft books they had overlooked. What they had taken along for the cruise were only the bare essentials. Everything else was committed to memory and the solution to deal with this was not one of those memories.

    Violet decided to pick up from where Cassandra left off, this time making sure the hex on the pillow was dispelled before grabbing Cassandra’s bag. And with little choice in the matter, she had scooped up Cassandra and all the newly-transformed Eevee could do was look at Violet with sad, very regretful eyes. Then, she had taken Cassandra’s belt of Pokéballs and slung them around her shoulder, shaking her head at the ill-timed and absolute mayhem of the situation. The two of them then just decided to move away from the room, standing in the hallway and not sure where they were going to go and what they were going to do next.

    “How are we supposed to explain this, now?” Violet asked. “She can’t compete in the tournament like this!”

    “Let me just… think for a minute,” Jarena demanded.

    “Eeev…veee…” Cassandra muttered and drooped her eyelids in shame as her long Eevee ears dropped toward the back of her neck.

    They continued down the hall, unaware of Gloria the Shaymin watching and listening to them from the shadows. While the Diamond Ladies were unaware they were being watched by Avery, Jimmy, and their Pokémon, they tried to think of something. They knew help for Nathan was on the way and they needed a believable lie to keep the truth covered if they were spotted here.

    “If we run into anyone, tell them we were robbed,” Violet told Jarena in a serious tone. “We have the stuff so there’s nothing to find in there now and they can search all they like. That and tell them Cassandra left to go get help from security.”

    “What about that ‘Nathan’ dude?” Jarena asked. “What if they ask about him?”

    “Act like you have no idea who or what they’re talking about,” Violet told her. “That’s all. Now let’s just find an empty room somewhere so we can figure out if there’s something we can do for Cass.”

    It wasn’t too much of a plan, but right now, it was all that they had. They knew there wouldn’t be too many open empty places around the guest rooms, but she was hoping there might be a storage cabinet, a public restroom, or an empty space with ice and vending machines nearby they could use to hide for a bit, away from prying eyes and ears.

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  11. #27
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Avery Miller
    Guest Quarters Hallway
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Chakramaster

    Avery nearly jumped out of their skin when Jimmy spoke up. They hadn't heard him approach since they had been so focused on Gloria. After taking a split second to collect themselves mentally, Avery offered a smile and responded, "Pleasure to meet you, Jimmy. Backup is very appreciated in this situation. With my match up tonight, I'm not exactly in a favorable position to get caught."

    They looked around the corner towards the Diamond Ladies' room. "Seems they're aware that their room was infiltrated and the operative who did it has gone missing. Haven't seen hide or hair of him since I got here. Though with the rumors of what these ladies are capable of, it's anyone's guess as to what they've done with him." Avery nodded towards Gloria, who was creeping ever closer to the room. "My partner there is small enough that I'm hoping she can eavesdrop on the room and figure out their next plan of attack without them noticing. Outside of following them after they leave, I don't have much of a plan. This isn't exactly what I do for a living after all."

    Avery quieted down when they noticed the ladies leaving their room. Er... well two of the ladies at least. Cassandra was oddly absent from her usual leading position of the trio. Even weirder still, Violet was holding an Eevee. Had she always had one? Avery couldn't recall without looking at the files again and now was not the time for that. The duo were making their way briskly down the hall straight for Avery and Jimmy. They needed to think fast. Luckily, Avery had an idea that might just provide a cover story for them, albeit a bit of a flimsy one but one that's just plausible enough, it might work. The only problem was that it left Gloria in grave danger if the ladies noticed the small Shaymin lurking near their door.

    "Pretend you're a fan asking for an autograph and selfie. You caught me on my way to my room and we've just been chatting about contests and battles and such. Okay? Okay," Avery hissed out in a quiet voice. Whether Jimmy agreed to this plan or not, Avery didn't care, because they didn't have the time to come up with another one.

    Avery quickly whipped out their Rotom phone and set it to selfie mode, allowing it to float in the air in front of them. "Come on now, smile wide and pose for the camera. Just do whatever comes naturally," they said at a normal speaking level. Holding up a peace sign, Avery waited for Jimmy to join in on the selfie, praying to Arceus the ladies didn't notice Gloria. The Shaymin seemed to catch onto her trainer's vibes, having frozen in place against the wall and doing her best to blend in with the carpet.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

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  13. #28
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Guest Quarters Hallways
    Affected RP'ers: @Noblejanobii @Neo Emolga

    Jimmy had startled Avery. Not meaning to, but when someone is focused on one thing. It tends to get to someone.

    Avery explained about the infiltration attempt last night and how the agent involved went missing.

    "Yeah it's true. Since that no one has heard a word from him. Not a clue if they've been captured and held hostage or what. We could attempt to ask, but my assumption is they'd play dumb. Especially if their room was trashed in the process."

    Avery explained how their partner there is small enough and shouldn't be able to be noticed. All while eavesdropping on the ladies.

    "Don't worry. It's not like they can easily get away on this ship. Now they know there's prying eyes everywhere. Their more likely to drop the ball at some point. It's only a matter of time. We just can't afford to play it too easy when that time comes either." Jimmy said to Avery. All the while keeping his voice low enough so no one else can hear him.

    "Plus I've got my own Rotom nearby too keeping watch. If we absolutely have to. It can distract the Diamond Ladies briefly while you rescue your friend and we can get away."

    Both Avery and Jimmy got quiet as the ladies left the room. Only, they both seemed to catch one thing particularly odd.

    Keeping quiet, "huh, that's odd. Cassandra is missing. She's usually the one leading the trio. Wonder what's up?"

    One of the other ladies, Violet, even had an Eevee held in her arms. "I don't recall them having an Eevee right off. I thought they liked only the strong Pokemon. Cassandra even mentioned that too in the discussion she had with me earlier. Eevee is too cute for their liking I would've thought." Jimmy kinda mumbled. Again, keeping his voice low enough so only he and Avery could hear.

    At about the same time. Both Jimmy and Avery noticed the two Diamond Ladies and Eevee still in Violet's arms began heading directly their way. Avery's partner in danger on its own as well. They couldn't just leave it behind either. With nowhere to run. It was time to make a decision. Avery quickly told Jimmy to act like a fan. Wanting an autograph and selfie. Avery whipped out their Rotom phone and went into selfie mode. Preparing a picture to take with them both. Jimmy played along in the picture to help keep in hope neither of them come off too suspicious. Jimmy kept at the ready for a signal with his Rotom which was currently residing in his smart watch. Ready for a moments notice to make a jump into the nearest device to cause some distraction. All it would take is a signal from Jimmy. Having trained his Rotom for these kinda thing paid off. Continuing to play this meet off as a fan of Avery.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  15. #29
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    The Diamond Ladies
    Guest Quarters Hallways
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Chakramaster

    This had easily become the worst day of Cassandra’s life.

    As they walked down the hall, Violet tried to find any quiet room that was nearby, but nothing was available and everything was either locked or there were people around and they wouldn’t have enough time to read through their witchcraft books trying to find a remedy for Cassandra. Eventually, Violet decided to go to one of the few places on the ship that she knew of that was meant to be quiet. There, they would have privacy and would be able to look through the witchcraft books to see if there was anything at all regarding transformation reversal or anything that could help Cassandra return to normal.

    “We’ll try the Pinnacle Chapel,” Violet told Jarena as she cradled a frustrated Cassandra in her arms, a bit aggravated that it seemed like that was the only quiet and private place available on the entire ship. “No one will bother us in there. It’s usually meant for quiet prayers, but it’ll work for us.”

    “Fair enough,” Jarena agreed half-heartedly, a bit irked about how much walking it would take to get there but accepting of it simply because she didn’t have any alternatives in mind.

    They hadn’t noticed Gloria the Shaymin hiding against the wall, as they were far too focused on just trying to get away from the room and figure out if there was any hope of Cassandra being human ever again from what they knew about their hexes and spells. As they walked past the flora hedgehog Pokémon, suddenly they ran into Avery Miller themselves, with Jimmy Kendo by her side. The three of them were in sudden shock, as if they had seen a ghost. Normally it would just be a bit of surprise, but given the new circumstances…

    “Avery Miller…” Violet confirmed, looking at the green-haired twenty-three-year-old in their recognizable orange uniform as they were taking a selfie with Jimmy.

    “Who… what are you doing here?” Jarena asked Avery, thinking this was a completely bizarre coincidence when despite Jarena’s question, it was perfectly logical for Avery to be in the hallway possibly going to or from their room.

    Meanwhile, Cassandra was just speechless. Her transformation into an Eevee and then running into her opponent for tonight’s tournament couldn’t have possibly had even worse timing. It was a well-known fact the Diamond Ladies almost always traveled together and they were obviously going to wonder why only Jarena and Violet were around and why Cassandra seemed to be suddenly missing.

    But then as she saw Avery taking a selfie with Jimmy, the trainer she only just spoke to, it hit her like a ton of bricks, like it was a horrible glimpse of a terrible, inevitable future. Avery, who Cassandra knew she could beat, would end up being declared the winner of tonight’s tournament battle when Cassandra would be a no-show. And her fame, her whole career, would be in tatters, as if it was not already completely destroyed now that she was an Eevee with very little hope of ever changing back. And here was Jimmy, instead of giving her attention, was now giving it Avery, the adversary she was no longer capable of beating in tonight’s match. And in a selfie of all things. First it would be Jimmy, then other fans, then entire crowds, all who used to be her fans but swapped over because she was now completely out of the picture.

    It was enough to make her blood boil.

    She grew furious, and started trying to break free of Violet’s grasp while Violet suddenly snapped to attention and couldn’t imagine what had gotten into Cassandra’s sudden erratic, thrashing behavior. Violet also grew angry, having already lost her patience with how rotten this day had become.

    “Cass, knock it off!” Violet shouted, struggling to hold on.

    “Cass, knock it off…

    Cass, knock it…

    Cass, knock…




    Jarena’s jaw instantly dropped and even Cassandra herself suddenly stopped and looked absolutely mortified at Violet’s terrible, terrible slip of the tongue, right in front of Avery, who was supposed to be her opponent for tonight, and Jimmy, who Cassandra had only just met minutes ago. But it was too late, and three witches had no spell or incantation to turn back time or wipe the memory of what was just said. Avery and Jimmy were going to wonder why she had suddenly referred to the Eevee by Cassandra’s nickname, and in time, they would make all the connections between the missing operatives and ultimately, everything that the Diamond Ladies had accomplished. It was enough to make Jarena scream, but she couldn’t, just from the shock of it all.

    And then she got an idea. An awful idea. Jarena had a wonderful, awful idea.

    The sight of them like this and Violet’s slip was too much to allow for any witness. Avery could question the ruckus that had happened in the room, question what the unexpected screaming was about, and most of all, why their opponent Cassandra was suddenly an Eevee. To Jarena, she was left with no choice. Avery and Jimmy had simply seen and heard too much. If Cassandra and her team couldn’t compete in the tournament tonight because she had become an Eevee, well, then…

    …it was only fair that Avery Miller couldn’t either.

    A Pokémon transformation hex couldn’t be placed upon a person themselves with them being potential recipient victims of the hex itself, but there was an easily-acquired workaround of placing the hex on a piece of the victim’s clothing or belongings. Since the victim was already in contact with the hexed object, it was triggered instantly and the desired effect was accomplished through a slightly more indirect route.

    Jarena simply reached into her pocket and into the pouch of Pokémon fur strands. There was no time to choose. To her, Avery had to be out of the picture. It would buy them time to get out of sight, make up for Violet’s slip of the tongue with Avery being unable to retell the story in English, and it solve the issue of the tournament tonight. Both contestants didn’t show up? She figured that would be a show-stopper and no one would win or lose, thus preserving Cassandra’s record. She figured she could at least give her now Eevee friend that kind of consolation to know Avery wouldn’t be winning by default.

    She plucked but a single strand of orange fur from the pouch, and it became the regent basis for the hex. Jarena then whispered the strange, spidery-like incantations of the spell, which then was cast upon Avery’s orange shirt. Once the hex completed, the trap spell dictated that whoever came into that object next would be transformed into a Buizel, and since Avery was already wearing it…

    …it was almost guaranteed.

    And then there was Jimmy. Jimmy Kendo. Despite not wasting a second to start the hex intended for him after finishing Avery’s, Jarena felt a bit sorry for him as he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the spiky-haired twenty-five-year-old simply knew too much now, and like all of the victims that had come across critical information that the Diamond Ladies couldn’t allow to be exposed and shared, he was going to have to have the same treatment befallen on him as well. Those who discovered the truth about the Diamond Ladies simply couldn’t be allowed to tell the tale.

    With one single strand of Pachirisu fur and Jarena’s gaze locked onto Jimmy’s shirt, she had to make it quick as she knew the hex on Avery’s shirt was already taking effect. After quickly muttering the incantation words with a dark whisper, the strand vanished and the hex was fulfilled.

    “Did you just…?” Violet asked.

    “Off we go!” Jarena urged Violet with a phony smile as she prepared to make a mad dash away from Avery and Jimmy. “Like, now.”

    Violet knew exactly what that kind of tone of voice meant. It was time to make a quick dash for the Pinnacle Chapel and hope no one else needed to get that special, closer connection to their Pokémon today.
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 01-22-2021 at 02:37 PM.

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  17. #30
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Jon Drake
    Pokemon Battling Stadium
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    Jon practised in the empty battling arena making the most of the space. Whilst there was room for other competitors, it seemed none had made use of the facility being available to them. Not that he cared too much. Better for him if his opponent for this evening is unprepared.

    He was pulled from his thoughts by his phone buzzing. Recognizing the app giving notifications as one installed for the operation, he quickly pulled out his room key, holding it to the back of the phone as the messages unscrambled. Unlike the email system used for long updates, this app was modelled off of an app like Telegram, where users subscribe to a channel and the person who owns it posts short text updates.

    -Breach attempted on Target's Room.
    -Contact lost with operatives breaching.
    -Backup sent in.

    "This isn't good..." Jon muttered to himself. This was the second time in twenty-four hours that operatives had made a move and then lost contact. The operatives from last night are still missing, and it wouldn't be long before it is official that the operatives from this breach were missing. The ones providing backup were also at risk.

    "Latios," Jon called out to the seemingly empty arena, as an invisible Pokemon materialized in front of him, "I was hoping to keep this as a trump card, but we can't keep doing the same s**t hoping something changes."

    Latios looked at Jon with an expression of concern, sensing Jon's unease. The Eon Pokemon was known for its supernatural empathy, and understanding the emotions of humans around it, however that was the least of his talents.

    "Find the Diamond Ladies, and tail them. Don't be seen." Jon explained, "Send what you see to me in a few minutes, and don't intervene. If the agents going in now are hurt, that is on command for sending them in after what's just happened. All we are trying to do is find out what's going on. From what we know from the last few nights, these girls aren't as level headed as they'd have us believe. They are probably panicking so try and tune in for that. Hurry!"

    Sensing the urgency, Latios disappeared, going invisible.

    Jon began briskly walking to the locker room, planning on locking himself in a shower cubicle and running that, whilst Latios shared what he saw. A split second after there was a loud bang from above, as light poured in from a fresh, Eon Pokemon shaped hole in the ceiling... Jon instantly regretted telling Latios to hurry without specifying to use the door, dreading the increase his Public Damages Insurance (because what responsible professional battler wouldn't be covered for accidental battle damage) after he makes a claim for that...

    Jon found himself a cubicle, before running the water and sitting on the bench near the door, watching his phone for updates. Whilst it was easier for him to close his eyes when sight sharing with Latios, it left him blind to the world around him, and vulnerable, so practise was needed to try and focus on the image in his head whilst still taking in his surroundings. After a few minutes, there was a flash of light, and when it disappated, whilst he was still seeing his phone, his imagination, for lack of better word, showed a first person perspective from Latios' point of view. High above the ship, Latios watched as people went past, seemingly with aura floating around them, which Jon had come to learn represented their emotions. Most were a light blue, showing calm, with tinges of yellow scattered through, showing happiness. Among them were a couple of grey aura, representing anxiety. One was a man arguing with his wife on the deck, another was a child standing on the diving board at the pool, Latios flew around the ship, being careful to not bump into anybody whilst invisible. However before long, Latios found them. Two of the Diamond Ladies, with a deep grey aura, carrying an Eevee with an aura so red, Jon felt Latios' shock at it. This Eevee was angry about something. They rounded a corner, however as Latios went to tail them, noticed something shocking. A girl with long black hair, and sunglasses wearing a bikini identical to one of Alyssa's. After a moment, Jon realized what was going on. Alyssa had brought her wigs with her in case she wanted to do some poking around unrecognized. She seemingly noticing them rounding the corner, and walking in the direction the two girls had just come from.

    Jon felt a pit in his stomach knowing Alyssa was there, however had no way of communicating with Latios. All he could do was see and hear what Latios saw and heard, and wait for Latios to return to him in due time. He considered attempting to send Alyssa a text, however that much focus could interrupt the connection with Latios, and she was going in the opposite direction. Cassandra wasn't with them, but it would be too difficult and risky to warn her. Jon had to reassure himself that Alyssa could handle herself, as Latios trailed not too far behind the two girls and their Eevee...

    Alyssa Drake
    Guest Quarter Hallways
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Chakramaster

    The three girls had been not even a few meters away when they stopped and began talking quietly amongst themselves, seemingly worried about something, before leaving very quickly. Something had upset them.

    "Goddamn it..." Alyssa muttered to herself once they were out of earshot, "Don't worry, it was them not you."

    Yuki cried out happily enjoying the scratch and attention before returning calmly to her Pokeball.

    "I wouldn't be a good journalist if I let this sit..." Alyssa muttered to herself, before looking around trying to find a quiet corner where she wouldn't be noticed for a moment. Whilst she had no intention of swimming today, she had worn her swimsuit underneath her clothes to be a quick change in case she needed a disguise. Granted, it may have possibly drawn more attention to her, however a wig and some sunglasses without changing her clothes would do almost nothing. She quickly removed her clothes, hoping nobody was noticing her stripping down and enjoying the show.

    Pulling a long jet black wig from her bag, she quickly tied her hair into a messy, and easy to manage bun, putting on the wig, and a pair of sunglasses that were bought due to their tendency to cover a bit more of her face. Finally she pulled a flattened beach bag from out of her handback, that she had spent ages the night before folding and tying down to take up as little room as possible, before dumping all of her belongings in there, before heading out in the direction the girls had left with.

    After a little while of poking around she heard a shout from a few corners away. Alyssa waited by the corner for a minute, before poking her head out, and noticing Violet and Jarena turning a corner a few meters away from her. No Cassandra however.

    "Odd..." Alyssa thought to herself. Whilst part of her wanted to follow them, she was more interested in Cassandra. Violet and Jarena had sat this tournament out, so whilst they'd be a good third party interview, maybe an expert opinion on the battle, they weren't as much of a prized encounter as a competitor like Cassandra was.

    Once the two girls had been gone for a minute, Alyssa walked out, heading down the hallway they had emerged from, wondering if Cassandra was there, possibly having forgotten something from their room.

    Instead of finding the prized battler however, Alyssa turned a corner, finding two Pokemon amongst a pile of clothes. A Buizel and Pachirisu, both looking dazed.

    Alyssa took a second to take in what she was seeing, before chuckling and kneeling down to pet the Buizel, figuring it stood the least chance of shocking her.

    "So I see we have two little clothes thieves aboard the S.S. Wishmaker..." Alyssa laughed to herself, remembering as a child, her brothers Growlithe running out of her room with her socks. After a moment however she recognized the orange garment, taking off her sunglasses to make sure they weren't messing with the color of it.

    "Did you steal this from Avery?" Alyssa asked, struggling not to laugh...

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