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  1. #81
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Luneth Tarot
    Outside of Eon Squad HQ > Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga, @Chakramaster

    Luneth was surprised when Triad came out after Jimmy too. She’d thought they’d side with Jon, and try to keep to the original plan. But she would be lying to say she wasn’t happy that they had.

    Jimmy explained how the Star Pieces worked in greater detail, then offered one to everyone. Luneth couldn’t help but think that if Jon had heard this explanation he might have had less reservations about using them.

    Luneth took the offered star piece, holding it awkwardly in her front paws. It rattled a bit when she first touched it, probably reacting to the transformation spell she was under, but quickly went still again. If she was going to keep this, she’d need to ask for a string or chain so she could wear it without needing bags or pockets.

    After Jimmy explained how the teleporting worked, Triad were quick to try it out. It was incredibly strange and slightly unsettling seeing three humans teleport away like they were Abras, one blink and they were gone.
    Luneth gripped the Star Piece tighter and closed her eyes, concentrating her thoughts on teleporting after them. There was a flash bright enough to be visible through her closed eyelids, not unlike when Jirachi had wished her into a pokemon form the first time, followed by an intense dizziness. She barely refrained from falling over, but the effects passed quickly.

    Opening her eyes, she saw that it had worked. She was in what looked like a secret government base from a movie, filled with consoles and screens, though eerily no people.
    She started to head after the others, settling after a few wobbly steps on her back paws for kicking the Star Piece along in front of her like a football.

    She stayed relatively quiet as Triad spoke with Jirachi, not wanting to interrupt anything potentially important. Jirachi at least seemed cheerful just like before.

    As he spoke to Triad, he suggested making the Wishes look like spells.

    "Vul, Vulpix" (“Oh, that’s a great idea!”) She piped up, before shrinking back down again quickly, trying not to distract too much. Hiding Wishes as spells would both work to hind Jirachi’s existence, but also make them seem like a greater threat. They could even give them to non-witches to make it seem like they had a bigger army of magic users.

    When Jirachi mentioned Ice Cream Sandwiches Luneth’s stomach grumbled. Ice cream was good any day, but as a Ice Type her desire for cold food had increased tenfold. She shook her head, no now wasn’t the time to get distracted.
    As Triad went off to eat, Luneth stayed with Jirachi for a few minutes.

    “Long time no see! Good to see you’re doing well.” Luneth smiled up at Jirachi.
    “So um… Do these come in pendants?” She lightly kicked the Star Piece again. “It’s kinda hard to carry like this, what with no pockets or hands.”

  2. #82
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    OOC: Starting the next day.

    Thrifty Megamart, Akala
    Affected RPers: N/A

    As if driven by some dark energy, Agatha had little sleep during the night, but still seemed animated and showed no signs of wearing down as she had watched and brooded over the Netherclysm spell slowly progressing. The disfigured witch Igor had soon joined her, grinning at the sight. All the while, the dark vortex continued to grow as it hovered above the table, having doubled in size.

    “What are you so happy about?” Agatha asked him with a scowl.

    “It’s all going to plan, isn’t it…” Igor smiled at her. “By tomorrow night, nothing will stop us. Soon…”

    “Not soon enough!” Agatha shouted back at him. “When it has completed, only then should you be smiling.”

    “Heh heh, worried it won’t finish?” Igor asked her, finding it somewhat amusing. “They know nothing about it. You would do well to learn patience.”

    “Don’t lecture me…” Agatha snarled at him as a warning. “I’m not about to let my guard down for them to discover some weakness in our plan. They’ve brought regional champions here with that very intention and they’ve gathered many elite trainers to interrupt our work here. And on top of all that, we’ve already confirmed there are Shadowcraft practitioners on this island that are working against us rather than with us.”

    Igor nodded, though he still felt Agatha had all the reason to be optimistic at the current advantage they had in the situation. In less than 48 hours, the power they would have would allow them to become unstoppable. And all they needed to do was defend the Megamart long enough for that to happen.

    “There’s a flaw somewhere…” Agatha told him. “I feel it. I want watchers in the shadows, because the attack upon Heahea wasn’t enough. We need something more.”

    Igor had recalled that Nicodemus and Aaron had some plan, but he didn’t know all the details.

    Off in the makeshift apothecary, which had been cleaned of Boris’s remains with the corpse of his Morpeko removed, Aaron had met with Nicodemus. Reluctantly, Nicodemus had gathered the reagents needed for Endkath, a spell even he had his doubts about. However, Aaron looked upon the assembly of components like a child anticipating opening Christmas presents.

    “I see you haven’t given this any second thoughts,” Nicodemus told the young witch as he looked upon his dark keenness.

    “Never,” Aaron grinned. “Once it happens…”

    “I want you to uphold your part of the bargain as well,” Nicodemus reminded him. “Hunt down that damn Latios and Latias. I don’t care if you kill them, but we need the blood of both of them to amplify the Netherclysm’s speed. So make sure there is enough of their corpses left for us to be able to harvest it.”

    Aaron just chuckled, looking back to Nicodemus with confidence.

    “Should be simple once I have Endkath,” he smirked.

    “Keep in mind you’ll likely need to murder Jon Drake, his followers, and I anticipate you’ll need to kill Willow as well,” Nicodemus advised him. “You would do well to ensure you know your enemies before you engage them.”

    “Willow?” Aaron asked curiously, knowing she was one of their own. “You don’t think she’d allow us to have Latias’s blood?”

    “No,” Nicodemus replied in a cold tone of voice. “In fact I already have my suspicions she has already acted against us. Boris was killed with a flesh disintegration spell that was not the work of Latias, although she had a part in the act in slaughtering my apprentice’s Morpeko. Meanwhile, Willow wasn’t in her chambers last night and she’s nowhere to be found now.”

    “Does Agatha know?” Aaron asked curiously.

    “Not yet, but she doesn’t know about us using Endkath either,” Nicodemus told him. “That’s why I need you to make good use of this. The only thing I need is the bodies of Latios and Latias intact so that I can draw their blood. Who you kill and what you destroy is completely up to your own discretion, but I recommend not showing them any mercy.”

    To Aaron, it was like getting an invitation to the best party ever, and all he had to do was just fulfill one simple request. It even allowed him to be creative…

    “Now then, enough waiting…” Nicodemus continued, preparing the components. “Let us begin…”

    Willow Scalera
    Eon Villa, Akala
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (Jon/Latios)

    After spending an almost restless night at the Pokémon Center, Willow had gotten up with the dawn, using the little available light to make her way toward the Eon Villa that she had been at just last night. Though she was invisible, Latias was still nearby, keeping watch for any witches or ghost Pokémon that might be lying in ambush. With her help, she was able to keep out of sight of several of the sentries that were around.

    In the meantime, Willow couldn’t help but look at the skies, never allowing the sun to show itself as the dark gray and murky violet clouds blotted it out of the sky. As a result, every day started gloomy and barely provided sunlight. But before long, she had arrived at the Eon Villa, still remembering what Brianna told her. She had some doubts, but she was prepared with a Plan B in mind in case she needed to escape.

    All the while, she had nothing on her that suggested to anyone she was a witch, but she knew once she came face to face with Jon, she’d have to reveal the truth. She knew it could cost her everything, but she was hoping she could get past his doubts with some honesty, with Latias by her side to reach out to her brother that was also Jon’s entrusted Pokémon partner, and reminding herself that she needed allies now at this critical time. But if it didn’t work, she couldn’t blame herself for not trying.

    Reluctantly, she had approached the front doors. When she pressed the doorbell, she knew there was no turning back now, but she knew for her sake, Latias’s sake, and the sake of quite possibly every living being, she could not return to Agatha. She needed to be stopped.

    “Hello?” She called out, not sure if there was anyone inside awake at this hour. “Is anyone there!? I need to-!”

    But she stopped herself from revealing too much, suddenly checking behind her shoulder to make sure nothing was around her. After all, just yesterday she had come face to face with one of Agatha’s Gengars. While nothing behind her in the tropical bushes and trees seemed to imply a stalker, she knew she couldn’t be too careful.

    “I need help!” Willow pleaded, keeping it brief and obscure to prevent suspicion from anyone watching.

    Latias had been watching from the skies, hovering by the rooftop while cloaked in her invisibility. While she didn’t detect any phantasmal watchers, there were still many shadows in the darkness, and she knew psychic Pokémon like herself could not mentally gaze into the darkest and most shadowy of places. All it took was one Sableye in an opportune place and it could compromise everything.

    [color=red]<Latios, brother, if you can hear me and you’re there… that young trainer by the door is my trainer. Jon may not know her or trust her, but she risked her life to protect me. Numerous times.

    There’s things she knows that Jon needs to know as well…>

    All the while, Willow was hoping whatever had transpired last night was forgotten, at least for the most part. In the meantime, she only knew a few things about Jon and she had yet to see the master Pokémon trainer face to face. Taking a deep breath, she kept in mind that she needed to be open and not attempt to advise Jon on how to deal with this situation, as she figured he would have his own plans. Willow didn’t know if those plans might involve her, but even if all she did was give him the details as to what Agatha was truly trying to accomplish and what was at stake, it was already a major step in the right direction.

    Triad (The Diamond Ladies)
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster @Shruikan

    “Sleep well?” Cassandra asked.

    “Could have used some nice fluffy pajamas,” Jarena shrugged with a silly smile. “I’m sure Jirachi would have happily provided those. This Beautifly costume was totally not meant to be slept in, although wearing it while sleeping gave me a really fascinating dream!”

    “I couldn’t even turn over,” Violet replied as she brewed a cup of coffee for herself. “Whose idea was this anyway?”

    “I don’t want to wear out Jirachi to any degree if we don’t need to,” Cassandra shrugged. “But yeah, I thought these would have been okay to sleep in, but not quite. The wings are… well, like you said. They don’t work out in bed.”

    “Next time go as Whimsicott, Cinccino, and Dubwool?” Jarena asked with a curious smile.

    Violet just shot Jarena “that look” of suspicion before turning back to Cassandra. Right about now, she was looking for any reason to change into something else, although they didn’t have much of a wardrobe to work with.

    In the meantime, they had gathered in the kitchen and while Cassandra set the table for breakfast, Jarena started making pancakes and waffles for everyone. While she may have been a Buneary for a handful of years, she hadn’t forgotten how to make great breakfast food. All the while, Violet was jotting down notes and

    “Once Jimmy and Luneth wake up and we’ve all had breakfast, we’ll go over the plan,” Violet told the two of them. “We need to get in close to the Megamart, but we can’t risk a full-on assault. For now, get intel on what they’re doing in there. Though I haven’t dismissed the possibility there could be nothing going on over there at all.”

    “We’ll go as Pokémon just in case,” Jarena smiled, liking that idea as she finished a few pancakes and added them to a stack. “Changing back to human may be tricky with no nuggets nearby, but maybe Jirachi can help us with that, though we’d need some new clothes, too. Teleporting a few of those should be easy enough. Once we’ve made it back, of course.”

    “Remember, we’re scouting for now,” Violet agreed, reminding Jarena not to get too carried away. “Jon’s crew and the League will want to know what’s going on there if we find something. We survey the area, probe inside if we can do it safely without being detected, identify key targets, and head back. Don’t get tempted to raise hell.”

    “I knooowww…” Jarena rolled her eyes, feeling she could manage that easily. “Though we should take a few of our Pokémon with us. You know, many hands make light work, right?”

    “We have something Jon and the others don’t have,” Cassandra agreed. “Four years of experience knowing how to behave and blend in with other Pokémon, but with the capability of understanding human technology in addition to knowing how to deal with Shadowcraft. Just whatever you do, don’t send in your Pokémon alone. You should still lead them because they don’t know a hex sigil booby trap like you would. But they can at least watch your back while you work.”

    For now, Cassandra figured Jimmy and Luneth might have their own ideas on what they could do for this scouting mission. She had a feeling Jimmy might not be too keen on working with Jon, but she still felt everyone would benefit from having the intel on Agatha’s operations. It would allow them to come up with a plan of attack and make sure they strike in the right places where Agatha’s operation had a weakness.

    But they would definitely need to make it clear they would need to be careful. Very, very careful…

  3. #83
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Jon Drake
    Eon Squad Villa
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    Bunnying done with Neo Emolga's permission.

    It was early when Jon awoke. Whilst he didn't quite get the eight hours of sleep he'd have liked, given how late his meeting with Dylan and Abbee went, he got enough when assisted by a slightly unhealthy dose of caffeine.

    "Jon, they're here..." Said Latios' voice in his head.

    "They?" Jon thought back, somewhat concerned. Brianna had mentioned someone deserting and finding their way here. But this implied there was more than one.

    "My sister, and her trainer..."

    Having their thoughts paired for the purpose of communication meant little was hidden between Jon and Latios during those times. Latios felt Jon thinking about calling for Glimmer to use the Lie Prevention spell Brianna had provided them with, and Jon felt Latios' sadness at having to treat his sister with such scepticism.

    "I will let them speak freely and unaffected by the spell on two conditions." Jon explained to Latios, "Firstly, you sight share with me the entire time so I can see their emotions as well. Secondly, there is to be no telepathic communication between our side of the room and theirs. We can't risk any intel escaping through a telepathic link. If your sister's trainer wants to hear your opinion, myself or your sister can translate. If your sister wants to speak to you, it can be verbally. Agreed?"


    "Bring them to the meeting room. I will be waiting there..."

    Jon made his way to the meeting room, whilst Latios flew towards the front door, turning visible and opening it with telekinesis.

    Latios cried out verbally, though the only people in the building who would understand were Jon, Abbee, Latias, and unbeknownst to Jon, Glimmer.

    "Jon will see you now, however has asked in the interest of security we only speak verbally." Latios said to Latias, who whilst invisible, Latios could still see the aura representing her own emotions. "Please let your trainer know."

    Whilst it pained Latios to have to be so formal and stoic towards his sister, he knew that this was a risk. It had been many years since he had last seen her, and time can change all things. If Jon trusted this trainer and Latias, then he would be a bit more open.

    Latios lead the pair into the meeting room, which Jon had placed a Do Not Disturb sign on the front of, where Jon stood at one end sipping a coffee. He had been tuned into Latios' sight sharing and heard what Latios said, as well as could see Latias' presence.

    "I'm Jon Drake." Jon said, as he eyed the pair cautiously, "I'd appreciate it if Latias could turn visible, that way I don't need to worry too much what she is up to..."

  4. #84
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Willow Scalera
    Eon Villa, Akala
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (Jon/Latios)

    For a while, there was silence. Willow was beginning to think she had come too early, in which case she was beginning to ponder if she should just head back to the Pokémon Center and kill time in the waiting room. But she knew if she risked that and was discovered, Jon would never know what was happening, and that would cost everything to everyone.

    All the while, Latios had been conversing with Latias. For a moment, she admired his politeness and could tell Jon had been training him well as both a battler and in terms of manners.

    <Thanks, it’s good to hear from you again. Although I wasn’t expecting it to be under these kinds of circumstances…>

    Then, Latias had looked to Willow, still waiting by the front door, unsure what to do next if no one opened the door. But then, the lock had been disengaged, much to Willow’s sudden surprise.

    <I think we’re good. They’ll see us now in the waiting room.>

    Willow nodded, and then reached for the handle. At this point, she felt she this may be the last bastion of hope she could put all her faith into. In her eyes, she felt Agatha and the others had betrayed her, willing to sacrifice Latias just to speed up the ungodly Netherclysm spell.

    After opening the door and stepping inside, Willow and Latias had seen Latios. For a moment, Latias was almost overcome with emotion, ready to embrace Latios with a friendly hug after not having seen him for so long. But the look on his stoic face spoke for itself that this wasn’t the time for that. For a moment, Willow had recalled what Latias had seen just last night, and began to feel maybe she was wrong and whatever was troubling Jon and Latios had not worn off at all. Even to the point where the presence of long-lost family finally reunited was simply no cause for celebration. Instead, Latias’s wild eyes and cheerful smile had sunken into a saddened frown of disappointment, followed by a sigh.

    Latios had led them to the meeting room as Willow looked around, her eyes surveying the villa’s décor and furnishings. It didn’t take them long to arrive at the meeting room, which appeared to be off-limits for most visitors. Upon arriving and stepping into the room, Willow had laid eyes on Jon, sipping coffee. She had seen him before on television, but this was the first time she had met him face to face.

    “I’m Jon Drake,” he spoke, introducing himself. “I'd appreciate it if Latias could turn visible, that way I don't need to worry too much what she is up to...”

    Willow had turned to around, and nodding, letting her know it was okay. While Willow knew only limited details about Jon, she knew he was skilled enough in handling Pokémon that he could win high-stakes elite tournaments and run an academy that was already growing quickly in reputation.

    Latias had agreed to Jon’s request, removing the cloaking around her to reveal herself. To the naked eye, it seemed the red and white jet-shaped avian dragon Pokémon materialized out of thin air. She tried to smile, hoping to lend some optimism to those around her, although lately things had been very anxious and stressful. Ever since they had come to this island, it was as far from paradise as they could imagine despite the tropical environment around them.

    “Thanks for inviting us in,” Willow told Jon, knowing it was going to be tricky to earn his trust, but she felt the fastest way to do that was reveal everything. No lies, no holding back the details.

    “My name is Willow. Willow Scalera.” She had then taken a deep breath, not sure how Jon was going to take this, but she decided to at least try. “You probably don’t know me, but I’ve definitely heard your name multiple times and have seen some of your battles in action.”

    “There’s things you, the League, and anyone else that’s up against Agatha… things you all need to know,” Willow continued, hoping she wouldn’t be tackled to the ground once she revealed how she came to be here. “For a while, I was working for her. Agatha, through some spell I have yet to learn, broadcasted some kind of Shadowcraft rallying message in the form of a dream to all Shadowcraft witches, promising power and opportunity for all those that came to Akala Island to help her. As someone who has been using Shadowcraft for a few years to unravel its mysteries, opportunities to learn and help a former Elite Four member were once in a lifetime chances. Against my better judgement, I decided to come, hoping it would be a chance to learn more powerful Shadowcraft.”

    “You’re probably wondering just why I had gotten into this in the first place…” Willow shrugged, knowing to the outside observer, practicing dark witchcraft looked nefarious in nature. “Well, there were a few reasons. Power, for one thing. The ability to have powers like a Pokémon without being one for my own personal protection. But no matter what, I always made sure I controlled it rather than it controlling me and I reminded myself to always use it responsibly and in moderation.”

    “…And Agatha does anything but use it responsibly and in moderation,” Willow sighed, looking away for a moment before turning back to Jon. “I thought this would be like a school, or a training camp. Somewhat like the Eon Academy you run. But it’s not like that at all. It’s a pyramid scheme with Agatha on top, standing to benefit the most if what she’s trying to do comes to pass. She’s made herself unnaturally young, younger than even me. And the things she and her followers have done are atrocious. What happened to the people in Heahea… I never thought this is what I’d be seeing by coming here. I swear, I had no part in that, and when I learned what happened, I wanted nothing more than to leave. And then… and then they tried to sacrifice Latias. They wanted to extract her blood for an ungodly spell called ‘Netherclysm.’”

    Latias had then closed her eyes, and spoke telepathically to Latios and Jon.

    <It’s true. Willow knows more of the details to this grizzly spell, but they want Eon blood to speed it up. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen, or it’s going to be a lot of bad news.>

    “Agatha would torture me for eternity for telling you this…” Willow told Jon and Latios, knowing what she was about to reveal would make her a prime enemy of Agatha and her followers. “Netherclysm is… to put it simply, an almost apocalyptic spell of extreme magnitude. It stems from a conduit channel called the Netherlink, which is a means to inherit the knowledge of the dead. Yes, everything, including their powers, abilities, and talents, which translates to a godlike power that surpasses legendary Pokémon many times over. Agatha has been spending the last seven years gathering the reagents, research, and support to make this spell possible. She also waited until Spiritwater was in its prime state, allowing her to seal a pact with these many ghost Pokémon who enjoy nothing more than this unchallenged freedom to harass and be a nuisance to everyone.”

    “Agatha plans on using Netherclysm to reform the world,” Willow revealed. “In truth, she should have passed away from old age years ago, but now, she wants to use it and become one with it to turn herself into a self-proclaimed ‘queen god’ to purge out the weak, crippled, and helpless. Those who survive the first wave of this dark global transformation would live to serve, although many would be swept away to become simply dust, stone, ash, or whatever lifeless material the Netherclysm decides. And those lost would be dead, losing their knowledge and memories to the Netherlink to become Agatha’s to use at her discretion.”

    “Most living creatures, humans and Pokémon, would not survive Netherclysm,” Willow explained. “The dark magic would envelop everyone no matter where they tried to hide, and even those that survive might do so only to become mutants and abominations, intended to be killed off or sacrificed if their short lifespans didn’t wipe them out first. The rare, ‘lucky’ few that survived past that might become new creatures, as long as Agatha felt they were strong, beautiful, intelligent, and worthy enough to preserve as she decided. But in the end, she would be the one to judge how this new, dark world would be, deciding what should exist to serve her and what should be sacrificed…”

    “We have less than 48 hours to stop this spell from happening…” Willow told Jon, letting him know the urgency behind stopping this spell from coming to pass. “Agatha’s followers believe they will inherit some of this power and reign as Agatha’s subservient demigods, but I have my doubts most of them will get anything out of this. What you see around Akala Island… the dark skies, the wind currents and waves stranding everyone here, and the horrific things that were done to the people and Pokémon of Heahea… this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg if this spell completes.”

    “They have small safehouse outposts scattered throughout Akala, but they’re currently using the Thrifty Megamart as their main base,” Willow told Jon, revealing their location. “That’s where Netherclysm is being prepared in the back manager’s office room. However, it’s heavily guarded, there’s hex traps everywhere, and there are ghost Pokémon always on patrol, lurking in the shadows. No human or Pokémon is going to stumble upon it accidentally. They’ll make sure of that.”

    Willow tried to think of something they could do to solve this problem, but she shook her head after a sigh.

    “This may sound absurd, but the best way of stopping this spell is… simply tear down the whole building,” Willow told Jon, knowing this might come across as very blunt and brute force thinking. “The hex traps that are scattered around the perimeter and interior are like landmines. They can be brutal, if not fatal, if one makes contact with one of them. But disrupting the surfaces they are inlaid upon destroys them. It would mean ripping open the earth around the building, almost to the point of churning it like butter to ensure every hex trap is disrupted and destroyed. And it would also mean crumbling the entire Megamart to dust, which won’t be easy given the size of it. But… as you probably guessed, you would also have to face the entirety of Agatha’s legion of witches and Pokémon as they try to defend it, and they would ferociously defend it even beyond death. The cost would be heavy, but I just don’t see a way to safely enter to reach where Netherclysm is being prepared. Even a Pokémon or trainer willing to embark on a suicide mission would have difficulty with it.”

    After taking a deep breath and sighing, Willow looked to the ground, deep in thought. She knew she had now completely betrayed Agatha by relinquishing this critical information to Jon, who would most likely be the greatest threat in the war against Agatha. His skill, knowledge, and influence was regarded highly among even Pokémon League Champions. And while there were still those that questioned his methods and means, there were very few that doubted his ability, or felt there was something nefarious about his end goals.

    “I know that was a lot to take in…” Willow told Jon, knowing she had been explaining a lot for the past few minutes. “And I understand if you don’t believe all of it, but I want to help you. Agatha betrayed me, wanting to sacrifice Latias with the intention of also going after Latios just to make this horrible travesty come into being a day sooner.”

    “I trust Latias with my life, and if her brother can trust you, then I feel you’re my best chance at stopping Agatha’s horrific plot…”

  5. #85
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Jon Drake
    Eon Squad Villa, Meeting Room
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    Jon listened as Willow introduced herself, though seemed unaware he knew that she was originally with Agatha before she mentioned it, listening carefully, and taking notes of questions he wanted to ask, whilst monitoring both her and Latias' emotions through Latios' sight sharing. Whilst he could generally understand basic emotions that Latios saw, he didn't have anywhere near the level of finesse and understanding Latios did, this ability being innate and completely natural to him. To Jon, Willow seemed sincere in her information, which was supported by the emotions Jon could see, though didn't understand as well as Latios did. Jon would occasionally use his thoughts to point out different auras he wasn't familiar with, and Latios would reply telepathically translating what Jon saw. Regret being the main one, and shame being prevalent, as well as a sense of drive. None of these would make sense if this were a trap. However, just because Willow was sincere, this didn't mean it didn't have the potential to be a trap. Willow could just be a pawn...

    "What do you think?" Jon asked with his thoughts, "Can she be trusted?"

    "I think she is sincere." Latios replied, "But I know I have a slight bias, so will be okay if you think there is something up."

    "No I agree. I think she is telling the truth." Jon replied, "That isn't to say she might not be being used, however I'm not going to throw her out and let Agatha capture her and Latias. Even if she is a pawn in something more sinister, there is not much we can do now but be prepared for that possibility..."

    As Willow finished, Jon looked at his coffee cup.

    "I was just going to offer you a coffee..." Jon replied, light-heartedly to what Willow had said, though truthfully, what she had just described terrified him, and he knew he needed to remain calm if he were going to try and think of their next steps.

    "In all seriousness, I was told you were coming, and where you were coming from, before you arrived, but this isn't what I expected..." Jon said, as he leant back in his chair trying to process all he had heard.

    "I believe you. Granted, at this point, I'm not entirely convinced you might not have been followed, or allowed to get this far for something neither of us are aware of, however, this information is vital, so it's worth that risk." Jon said, as he looked at Latias. He had never seen even a photo of one, though Latios did show Jon a few memories he recovered, granted Latias was much smaller then.

    Latias was two feet shorter from nose to tail than Latios, and seemed to have two thirds of Latios' bulk. Whilst her features seemed a little less intimidating, her eyes seemed to show a sense of maturity. Jon had heard that Latias tend to mature faster, and based on how long it took Latios to understand that there were better ways around the S.S. Wishmaker than making his own doors, he was inclined to believe it. However, given what Latios described seeing from Latias' memories, that sense of maturity could be the same he found at a young age, due to difficult and painful circumstances.

    "I have a few questions of clarification." Jon explained, "I have the beginnings of an idea, however don't want to dedicate too much time to it if we can establish now that it's dead in the Spiritwater."

    Jon asked the questions, not following up with any that may come forward from the answers until he asked all his initial questions, taking notes of what Willow said.

    "First question, is how did you find this place? We don't exactly publicize we operate out of here." Jon asked, though having a hunch he knew the answer. Latios had mentioned last night sensing Latias on the island. Jon's hunch, that he hoped was correct was that Latias sensed Latios here, and there wasn't some giant sign that Willow could have found without Latias, and that Agatha could potentially find.

    "Next, what else does Agatha require to perform the Netherclysm?" Jon asked, "Is there any way we can delay it by making sure she can't get something she needs?"

    Once Willow answered that, he asked his next question.

    "Do you suspect there are others like you? Those who didn't realize what they were getting in to, and if given an opportunity to defect, would?" Jon asked, "I'm all for levelling the place, and leaving it as a smoking crater, however if there are people who are victims in and of themselves, I'd rather avoid harming them if I can get away with it..."

    "Does Agatha have any Pokemon other than Giratina that could potentially take Latios and Latias down?" Jon asked, "In a real fight, Latios can handle himself against nearly anything. Giratina could be a pest, but on its own, I may be able to deal with it. But if there is anything else as strong as it, or even stronger, then we need to account for that."

    "Do you know if Giratina is kept in some sort of Pokeball, or whether it remains in another plane until it is needed?" Jon asked, "This could make or break any plans we have."

    "Lastly, does Agatha have any means of locating Latios and Latias via some sort of telepathy, even in short range? And if she can, do you know of any way you can use shadowcraft to hide them from this ability of hers?" Jon asked.

    An idea was forming, and if it worked, it could give them the upper hand, and the chance to play Agatha for the senile fool she was...

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  7. #86
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Jimmy Kendo
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Shruikan

    Before the next day

    Luneth had agreed that hiding wishes as spells were a good idea. "Vul, Vulpix" (“Oh, that’s a great idea!”) She piped up, before shrinking back down again quickly.

    As the ladies left. Luneth stayed with Jirachi.

    “Long time no see! Good to see you’re doing well.” Luneth smiled up at Jirachi.

    “So um… Do these come in pendants?” She lightly kicked the Star Piece again. “It’s kinda hard to carry like this, what with no pockets or hands.”

    "Oh yes of course!" Jirachi said looking to Luneth.

    Jirachi looked to the Alolan Vulpix. The star piece floating and glowing briefly before the appearing again. Affixed to a string now to be worn as a pendant.

    "If that doesn't work I can make it into whatever you want! Just ask me through telepathy. You can talk to me whenever you want with this on you. These help me to use my powers without exhausting much power. So these work as a catalyst....I think that's the word Jimmy used." Jirachi told Luneth. Giving off a friendly smile.

    "Just let me know if you need anything! I'm so glad I can finally help out everyone! Feel free to whatever you may need here before we all need to head out again." Jirachi said happily.

    The next morning

    Jimmy had awoken from his room. Gathering his things before heading out. Triad had already been up. They had even made a cup of coffee.

    "I see you're all early risers here too. Better to get an early start. Especially in cases like these. You know Jirachi can get you some new clothes if you like too." Jimmy stated.

    "I think it might be best if we wait on Luneth as well, but anyone else have thoughts? I'm glad there's a few I could help give these star pieces to. I just hope we can show others we're here to help." Sighing a moment as he didn't want to mention anything specific and cause anymore trouble like the night before.

    "Main thing. Don't worry too much about wearing out Jirachi. He will let everyone know if he starts getting worn out. He's not like he was 4 years ago on the Wishmaker. He can do a lot more and last a lot longer. These star pieces? They help bolster that even more. What took a good hour of him using his powers then would take nearly a full day. With the star pieces it'd probably be close to maybe 3 days at a minimum. Just don't go too overbearing to start. Once everyone is here. I'll tell you all something more. What we are trying to help to do to maximize Jirachi's power and help end this madness happening here. It may even be enough to help restore everything here and everyone." Jimmy said confidently.

    "For now I think we need to stick in groups. Better than splitting up. Jirachi should still be in the main room. If he noticed anything special he will know. Seeing as it's been quiet it's probably been the usual. The town slowly turning more and more to chaos and people and Pokemon alike falling to these witches." Jimmy said slowly shaking his head.

    "If you all plan on turning into Pokemon. Feel free to ask Jirachi. He can turn you into almost anything you could want without the need of reagents to turn into and then turn back from. Once you do turn the star piece will automatically be on you somewhere. More hidden the better." Jimmy says as he shows his pendant.

    "My pendant here is what turns me into a Pikachu. As well it's been infused with a star piece thanks to Jirachi's power. So it looks normally like a thunderstone, but doesn't have the power of one. When I turn into a Pikachu, it looks more similar to a megastone bracelet tied around my left arm next to my paw. This was Pikachu's idea." Jimmy told Triad as he looked off.

    "Lately, Pikachu has been more quiet. I think I put too much attention into Jirachi for this mission and he's...not been too happy with me. So I plan on taking him wherever we go today and tag team with him. I also need to be sure to get one of these star pieces to Steven with an extra for Cynthia just in case. He wanted to report and I gave it to him. If anything I could use Jirachi to get one to him, but unless we use direct contact it could be slightly risky. Unless he meets with us. Steven is the only one I talked with on this as he knows more about Jirachi being from Hoenn." Jimmy continued to ramble before catching himself.

    "Sorry, didn't mean to keep going on like that. Until we're ready. Feel free to help yourselves to any food or gear we may need to prepare for the day." Jimmy said as he went over and started making eggs and bacon. As well as pulling out some fruit cups from the cooler.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  8. #87
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Royal Avenue, Akala
    Affected RPers: N/A

    It was unlike anything Aaron had ever dreamed.


    While he hungered for this kind of power, he wasn’t at all disappointed in the results. Nicodemus had come through, likely because he felt he needed to fulfill what Agatha mistook as a promise for what Nicodemus had only intended to be a plausible benefit. Now, to be on good terms with Agatha, he needed the bodies of Latios and Latias, and trying to get them himself was going to be very difficult, especially considering the owner of Latios was Jon Drake, a name with prestigious reputation behind it.

    But now, he had the dark energies and power surging through his veins and spiking through his nerves. On his skin were now a series of jet-black markings like tribal tattoos while his eyes were now a crimson red. All the while, a dark and sinister smile was on his face.

    He felt unstoppable.

    There was only just one minor concern.

    He had been hoping for the element of surprise and he thought the power could be unleashed at his own discretion. But as time passed and as the power kept building within him, he realized he would not be able to retain his human form for much longer as it could not contain the raw, dark power that was filling his vitals to bursting.

    He continued to walk further away from the Megamart, convinced he would return with the corpses of Latios and Latias as his trophies, intending to surprise everyone and win the admiration of what he would do and what he would become. He was convinced even Agatha would be impressed and the citizens of Heahea and all others on Akala Island… if they weren’t afraid now, they would definitely be afraid when they beheld the monstrosity he would soon become.

    Within the hour… he was hoping to make his move…

    Willow Scalera
    Eon Villa, Akala
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine (Jon/Latios)

    Willow knew it would be a lot for Jon to think about. She wasn’t sure if he would be skeptical, confused, or frustrated by it all, but all she and Latias could do was just see how he took it and go from there.

    “I was just going to offer you a coffee…” Jon replied to lighten the mood. “In all seriousness, I was told you were coming, and where you were coming from, before you arrived, but this isn't what I expected...”

    “I know, it’s a lot…” Willow sighed. “Prior to coming here, I didn’t think Shadowcraft was even capable of some of the things we’ve all seen. As much as I wish Netherclysm was completely fake, I’ve seen what it looks like as it’s undergoing the casting process. And nothing about it looks promising or like it’s the work of prosperity and good fortune.”

    “I believe you,” Jon replied. “Granted, at this point, I'm not entirely convinced you might not have been followed, or allowed to get this far for something neither of us are aware of, however, this information is vital, so it's worth that risk.”

    “Latias and I did what we could to ensure we didn’t have anyone following us,” Willow told him. “There are Shadowcraft spells that work like tracking beacons, but I made sure neither of us had anything like that. Besides, if they knew about us being here, both Latias and I would probably be dead by now.”

    As the meeting went on, Jon had told Willow he had questions, and she nodding, expecting he would have many given what she had put before him.

    “First question, is how did you find this place? We don't exactly publicize we operate out of here,” Jon asked her.

    “It was me who detected Latios was here,” Latias had explained, speaking instead of using telepathy. “They were preparing to take my blood and I tried to telepathically broadcast to see if there was anyone I could reach out to for help. And that was when I felt the connection with Latios, my brother. I hadn’t sensed it before while being in a Pokéball, but after being out of it and trying to contact anyone within range, I felt his presence. We were reluctantly willing to go with a reasonable blood donation at first, but when it became clear they were going to kill me, Willow killed the reagent quartermaster’s apprentice to save me. And we managed to escape shortly after.”

    “And there was someone else…” Willow told Jon, only wishing she knew more about the mysterious woman she met for just a short moment. “I don’t know her name, but she knows you. She liked to slip in and out of the shadows, and she had distinctive silver hair. She mentioned she wasn’t with Agatha or the League, but I’m certain she’s a Shadowcraft witch like myself. She told me if we were to have any chance of surviving, we needed to find you, Jon Drake. After remembering your televised battles with Latios during the Pokémon High Seas Tournament and hearing news about the Eon Academy, when Latias told me you and Latios were here, she told me where to go, tracing Latios’s presence along the way. But without that guidance, I don’t think anyone would have found this place by accident.”

    Willow wasn’t sure how Jon was going to take her response about the mysterious woman, but she had disappeared before Willow even knew her name. She wanted to know more about who she was, what her motives were, and why she was only an observer at this point, but she decided not to dwell too deeply on it.

    “Next, what else does Agatha require to perform the Netherclysm?” Jon asked, “Is there any way we can delay it by making sure she can't get something she needs?”

    “At this point, what it mostly needs is time,” Willow replied. “Agatha made sure she had all the reagents she needed before anything had even begun, and most of them were used to initiate the spell. The remaining reagents were placed besides the developing Netherclysm vortex to be added at specific time intervals. Agatha wanted me to prepare them, like a nurse prepares surgical equipment for a surgeon. But she lied to me and told me the spell was to communicate with the dead and cross over into some made-up nether dimension. No, it’s something far more than that. If I had known the truth, I would have-!!”

    “They would have killed you, Willow,” Latias interrupted her, having seen how things transpired there while connecting with Willow’s emotions. “And it wouldn’t have stopped it, only delayed it.”

    “You’re right…” Willow sighed, looking away for a moment before looking back to Jon. “Yes, there are three more reagents that need to be added. The crushed skulls of a Hydreigon are to come next, to be added roughly when there are exactly 24 hours remaining. The last two get added at the very end when the Netherclysm vortex has fully matured into its prime state. And those last two reagents are… the eyes of Necrozma… and heart of Eternatus. The Hydreigon skulls would be difficult but not impossible to replace. Those last two, however… there’s no replacing those, and I can’t even imagine what must have been done to obtain them. Destroy those and there’s no hope for Netherclysm at all. The spell will collapse upon itself if those last two reagents aren’t added soon after it reaches full maturity.”

    “Do you suspect there are others like you?” Jon asked. “Those who didn't realize what they were getting in to, and if given an opportunity to defect, would? I'm all for levelling the place, and leaving it as a smoking crater, however if there are people who are victims in and of themselves, I'd rather avoid harming them if I can get away with it...”

    Willow nodded, understanding Jon’s concerns. She tried to think hard, wondering if there were any others like herself that might be having second thoughts about coming to Akala.

    “I don’t know, honestly…” Willow admitted, trying to think about the situation. “I’m sure they’re aware of the attack on Heahea City and I hope if there is anyone like that, they are preparing to abandon the situation, but… it’s difficult. Agatha is obscenely powerful and so are many of her followers. Igor does a lot of her dirty, nasty work and enjoys it, Aaron and his team are her scouts and surveillance, while Nicodemus is serving as her reagent quartermaster. Gail handles a lot of the additional tasks that Agatha herself just doesn’t have the time for. I know all of them and all of the witches that participated in the Heahea city attack wouldn’t dream of betraying Agatha, especially given what she’d do to them and their Pokémon if she found out about it and caught them. But I just don’t know if there are others that would act against her if they felt there was a chance they could stop her and survive…”

    “Does Agatha have any Pokémon other than Giratina that could potentially take Latios and Latias down?” Jon asked, “In a real fight, Latios can handle himself against nearly anything. Giratina could be a pest, but on its own, I may be able to deal with it. But if there is anything else as strong as it, or even stronger, then we need to account for that.”

    “Agatha owns Marshadow…” Willow nodded with a bit of a grimace, knowing Agatha would despise her even further for disclosing that she possessed that mythical Pokémon. “Beyond that, she exclusively focuses on ghost Pokémon, which also serve her as her sentries and hidden agents, giving her and the other witches information about what the League is doing and what the civilians and tourists have been up to. They already know most of the people have hunkered down and they’re hoping to keep the League and everyone else on the defensive, long enough to complete Netherclysm without interruption.”

    Willow knew it was going to be difficult to have the League muster up the courage to take the fight directly to Agatha after what happened in Heahea, but she knew they had to, someway, somehow, regardless of the cost. She could understand why they were afraid, but something had to be done before it was too late.

    “Do you know if Giratina is kept in some sort of Pokeball, or whether it remains in another plane until it is needed?" Jon asked. “This could make or break any plans we have.”

    “Agatha keeps both Giratina and Marshadow in Pokéballs,” Willow confirmed. “I don’t know the exact types, however. All I know is she’s used them to deploy Giratina and Marshadow. At first I didn’t know why until later when I found out what happened at Heahea City…”

    “Lastly, does Agatha have any means of locating Latios and Latias via some sort of telepathy, even in short range?” Jon asked. “And if she can, do you know of any way you can use shadowcraft to hide them from this ability of hers?”

    “I doubt she does, or she would have found out about us escaping and I’d probably be worse than dead right now,” Willow replied with a bit of a grim look on her face before looking a bit more optimistic. “It’s not to say they’re not on the lookout for both Eon Pokémon, but I don’t think they have the means to track them that way…”

    Willow knew Agatha didn’t have any psychic Pokémon, but that didn’t rule out the possibility that other witches among Agatha’s followers had them. Trying to pinpoint where Latios and Latias were wouldn’t be easy, but she wouldn’t rule it out as being impossible. Part of her was thinking it would be wise to keep them away from the Megamart, even if she and Jon fought on the frontlines.

    Still, she wanted to know what Jon’s thoughts were, just in case he had some clever ideas of his own that they could implement…

    Triad (The Diamond Ladies)
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RPers: @Chakramaster @Shruikan

    After Jimmy had discovered his coffee, he had greeted Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet as they sat down to have breakfast.

    “I see you’re all early risers here, too,” he said. “Better to get an early start. Especially in cases like these. You know Jirachi can get you some new clothes if you like too.”

    “We were thinking that…” Violet muttered, rolling her eyes.

    “Well, if we’re becoming Pokémon soon anyway, no sense getting a whole outfit for a few minutes before wearing fur a few minutes later,” Jarena giggled.

    “I think it might be best if we wait on Luneth as well, but anyone else have thoughts?” Jimmy asked. “I'm glad there's a few I could help give these star pieces to. I just hope we can show others we're here to help.”

    “I think they just need time to warm up to the idea of having Jirachi’s support,” Cassandra told him with an optimistic, reassuring smile. “Too many people are wary about and think too hard on the ‘be careful what you wish for’ thing, but the longer people spend time getting to know the little guy, the cozier they’ll be.”

    Cassandra knew Jimmy was likely thinking about how Jon acted, but she decided to leave his name out of it. She was confident Jon could change his mind about how he perceived Jirachi, but she knew he was the kind of person that would need proof first. Especially since they had gotten off to a bad start, but she felt if she showed Jirachi’s power was effective and trustworthy, it would help to bury some of the bad blood between them.

    “Main thing,” Jimmy explained. “Don't worry too much about wearing out Jirachi. He will let everyone know if he starts getting worn out. He's not like he was 4 years ago on the Wishmaker. He can do a lot more and last a lot longer. These star pieces? They help bolster that even more. What took a good hour of him using his powers then would take nearly a full day. With the star pieces it'd probably be close to maybe 3 days at a minimum. Just don't go too overbearing to start. Once everyone is here. I'll tell you all something more. What we are trying to help to do to maximize Jirachi's power and help end this madness happening here. It may even be enough to help restore everything here and everyone.”

    “Really?” Jarena asked, looking very curious. “I mean, like… what’s to stop us from wishing to become legendary Pokémon ourselves?”

    “Sensibility,” Violet told her with a bit of a frown. “Remember, we’re trying to go incognito here, at least until we’re in the clear. Eevee, Buneary, and Furret work because they’re not Pokémon Agatha and her followers would drop everything to try and catch. Show up as legendary Pokémon and you’d better hope you can break out of a Pokéball after being ruthlessly attacked by every Pokémon they’ve got on hand.”

    “For now I think we need to stick in groups,” Jimmy recommended. “Better than splitting up. Jirachi should still be in the main room. If he noticed anything special he will know. Seeing as it's been quiet it's probably been the usual. The town slowly turning more and more to chaos and people and Pokémon alike falling to these witches.”

    Cassandra nodded, knowing right now, it was eerie and vacant back in Heahea. She imagined the streets with all its victims still left in their bizarre and traumatized states would still be out there. Meanwhile, those that were still conscious and able to escape regardless of whatever had befallen them had taken refuge by now. The only ones now remaining out in the open were all those that were either killed by the Shadowcraft or still left alive but unable to help themselves. Cassandra couldn’t help but think of Sami, who was still a stone statue likely half-buried in the rubble of the urgent care…

    “If you all plan on turning into Pokémon,” Jimmy continued, “feel free to ask Jirachi. He can turn you into almost anything you could want without the need of reagents to turn into and then turn back from. Once you do turn the star piece will automatically be on you somewhere. More hidden the better.”

    “Can’t see why we shouldn’t go with our usual trio!” Jarena beamed with a smile.

    “Unless…” Violet replied, suddenly looking away. “One of them might recall what that particular trio might suggest.”

    “You’d think they’d link the sight of an Eevee, Buneary, and Furret with us still being alive?” Cassandra asked Violet, beginning to ponder about it. “Despite it being four years?”

    “Furret is a species that isn’t native to Alola on top of it,” Violet remarked. “We’re used to those forms, yes, but it’s risky if someone recognizes it and makes the connection to what happened on the Wishmaker four years ago. They already know they’ve got Shadowcraft practitioners working against them. It’s a low chance, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk when it’s something we can circumvent by going as other Pokémon.”

    To Cassandra, it was a matter of just choosing other Pokémon to go as, ones that were more likely to be found on Alola and wouldn’t be up to anything suspicious.

    “You’re sure this star piece would be hidden?” Cassandra asked Jimmy, wondering if the sight of it might be a factor to consider as well.

    “My pendant here is what turns me into a Pikachu,” Jimmy explained. “As well it's been infused with a star piece thanks to Jirachi's power. So it looks normally like a thunderstone, but doesn't have the power of one. When I turn into a Pikachu, it looks more similar to a megastone bracelet tied around my left arm next to my paw. This was Pikachu's idea. Lately, Pikachu has been more quiet. I think I put too much attention into Jirachi for this mission and he's...not been too happy with me. So I plan on taking him wherever we go today and tag team with him. I also need to be sure to get one of these star pieces to Steven with an extra for Cynthia just in case. He wanted to report and I gave it to him. If anything I could use Jirachi to get one to him, but unless we use direct contact it could be slightly risky. Unless he meets with us. Steven is the only one I talked with on this as he knows more about Jirachi being from Hoenn.”

    “Hmm…” Cassandra muttered, thinking it over.

    “Sorry, didn't mean to keep going on like that,” Jimmy apologized. “Until we're ready. Feel free to help yourselves to any food or gear we may need to prepare for the day.”

    Jimmy then proceeded to make some eggs and bacon, and while it was cooking, he had grabbed a few fruit cups from the cooler.

    While Cassandra, Jarena, and Violet had breakfast and coffee, they tried to work out the details regarding how they were going to go about doing this plan.

    “I still say let’s stick with what we know,” Jarena smiled after swallowing a bite of her pancakes. “We know how to act natural as our usual trio! Besides, Agatha and her peeps probably don’t know and don’t care what Pokémon are natives and which ones aren’t! And yeah, having that ghost immunity… seems nice, you know. Especially when ghosts are all over the place now.”

    “For a lack of being able to come up with alternatives, fine…” Violet shrugged, hoping not to regret this decision later on. “I just hope this doesn’t backfire on us.”

    “Better to be unseen by any of them anyway,” Cassandra figured, letting both of them know between bites. “Their Pokémon have no clue who the ‘Diamond Ladies’ are and if all goes according to plan, their Pokémon and whatever other ghosts they’ve got around the place have no chance of recognizing us. And Shadowcraft witches of their like doesn’t seem like the type that pay too much attention to video steams. Especially ones over four years old.”

    Once they had finished their breakfast and cleaned the dishes, they had decided it was time. The three of them had been wearing their butterfly Pokémon costumes for over twelve hours by now, and even Jarena was looking forward to getting out of hers.

    “Let’s rock and roll,” Jarena smiled.

    “Say Lucky,” Cassandra smiled as she lightly held onto her star piece. “We’d like a ticket to the surface and could we get one order of Eevee, Buneary, and Furret to go?”

    <You betcha! I’ll even include fries with that!>

    And before Cassandra even had the chance to say thanks, suddenly she felt like she was whisked out of her body, flung a million miles a second, and then was suddenly lying in the grass, wondering if she was even on the same planet. It was a bit disorienting to her like waking up from a very long slumber, but when she looked around, she tried standing up and she was back in her familiar Eevee form. After looking behind her, she had seen Jarena now as a Buneary and Violet now as a Furret, just waking up from being rapidly transformed and teleported to the Akala Island surface.

    And as promised, there even was a fresh brown paper bag with fries.

    “Daaang, Jirachi, you really know how to make roller-coasters feel like yesterday’s news…” Jarena remarked, trying to knock the slight dizzy feeling she had as she looked over her brown and puffy beige fur. “But hey, great to be back, beautiful, and Buneary!”

    “Can barely see the star piece,” Violet remarked with a smirk of confidence, finding it very easy to tuck the pendant into her Furret coat to the point where it was buried and almost impossible to make out even up close. “Think we’ve got everything we need now.”

    “And hey!” Jarena grinned as she chewed, “these fries are delicious!”

  9. #88
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Jon Drake
    Eon Squad HQ, Meeting Room
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga (Willow/Latias)

    Jon listened to Willow's answers, and whilst some of them were concerning, particularly how close Agatha was to succeeding, some were also comforting, such as knowing Agatha on her own couldn't track Latios and Latias telepathically, any better than any trainer with a decent bond with a Psychic type could.

    "The silver haired woman is a witch called Brianna Levine. We have been investigating her, and she has told us the same thing. What we do know is she has her own motives, and we don't know whether they are worse than Agatha's. Unfortunately, she has made it abundantly clear how powerless we are against Agatha without her help when she chooses to offer it, and one of my operatives managed to trick her into admitting that her own motives will put her at odds with us eventually, so we can either accept the help she offers and risk creating a situation even worse, or reject it, and have more people die..." Jon muttered, "I was hoping that you being here means we are playing less into her hands, however if she sent you here, I don't even know any more..."

    "Right now, I have ideas. Ideas which could make up a plan, but it is far from polished enough to enact it, though I know time won't be on our side, so we may have to come up with something, and commit to it sooner rather than later..." Jon muttered, as he attempted to organize his thoughts.

    "I am thankful that if nothing else, Agatha has no simple way of tracking Latios and Latias. And this gives us some advantage. They are wanting them to speed up this Netherclysm spell, however if they will succeed within forty-eight hours, and Agatha is impatient and foolish enough to take a stupid risk and succeed a day earlier, it means we know what they are after, and roughly speaking when to expect them." Jon explained, "My idea is that we launch our attack on them whilst they make their move trying to capture Latios or Latias... Don't get me wrong, they will be nowhere near the action, and at no more risk than they are now..."

    "If Latios and Latias are invisible and trying to remain hidden the only way they can be detected is by smell and with telepathy, however even then, we can fix the smell part, and telepathy isn't likely. From what Latios has shown me, a persons mind is almost like their voice, in that sure, you can recognize the voice of someone you know if they speak to you, but if a person has never spoken to you, and you heard their voice, you wouldn't know who they are." Jon explained, "In the same way, unless a psychic type connects with Latios and hears a thought that identifies him, they have no way of knowing who he is. And if Latios hasn't telepathically made contact with any of Agatha's crew, it should be the same. They are safe in that regard, as long as they can control their thoughts..."

    Jon turned to Latios.

    "You can usually tell if someone is listening in to your thoughts right? As if something is touching your mind?"

    Latios nodded, as Jon grinned.

    "From now on, if you ever feel anything enter your mind, I want you to sing on repeat the Super Sylveon Smile Squad theme song until they're gone, and focus on absolutely nothing else..." Jon explained, "I get it's hard to not accidentally think about the one thing you're not supposed to think about, but do you think you could pull that off?"

    Latios thought it over before nodding. Jon turned to Willow.

    "I have a three year-old at home who loves it when Latios watches TV with her..." Jon explained, "And of all the shows she watches, Latios seems to have a fondness for that one. But the point remains. Latias, if you want to make sure your thoughts remain your own, you should probably think of something similar to focus on at the cost of all else."

    "My thinking is this. A few years back for an operation the League were going to use a Zoroark and its illusory powers to try and trick some people into believing a certain fabrication. Whilst we didn't end up going through with that plan, the League did see value in Zoroark trained specifically for that purpose, and spent some time raising a group of them. I'd say we borrow a few to set up some illusions. Mainly Latios hanging around somewhere that we can fight from and ideally set some sort of trap. The other thing is to find some way to convince them you have found a way off the island, or anything to make sure they don't think you've come and warned us." Jon explained, "Ideally this illusion of Latios will draw out their biggest hitters, Giratina, Marshadow, ideally both of them, and anything else disgusting they have hidden, and keep them busy. Between having them chase the fake Latios, and some operatives making life difficult, and a Rayquaza illusion to keep them on their toes, they should be a bit less prepared for when we take that opportunity to destroy the Megamart..."

    "If nothing else, what you've told me about Giratina and Marshadow being in Pokeballs gives us another edge. When Giratina appeared, I scoured the League's database for any trainers known to have caught Giratina, and got no results, whilst means that Giratina mustn't have been caught with a standard Pokeball. Otherwise it would flag it as being captured to the League, and we'd be able to see it's history with healing and such at Pokemon Centers." Jon explained, "If Agatha has them in Pokeballs, they have to be unregistered ones, which means that these two Pokemon have none of the protective measures that standard Pokeball's have to prevent trainers from capturing other trainer's Pokemon. The Pokeball won't automatically release it upon detecting the Pokemon's signature is already linked to a Trainer ID, because that Pokemon's signature isn't linked to anything. Really, other than whatever measures Agatha has used to protect them, there is nothing stopping us from throwing a Pokeball at either of them and possibly capturing them, just like any wild Pokemon, and no wall or barrier is completely impenitrable. I think we can figure out a way to get past whatever measures Agatha has placed to protect them..."

    "I wouldn't go as far as to call this a plan yet, but it has the beginnings of one." Jon explained, "But there is something we need to be clear on. Any element of surprise we have hinges on Agatha not knowing you came to us, so we need to figure out a way to convince her you haven't, and soon, and you cannot be seen by any of the enemy. So we have two options. The first is we place you under Eon Squad's protection as an informant, which means that you will remain here and we will ensure your safety, whilst attempting to work together to stop this old f**k from succeeding. The second is we detain you and do what we need to to have you cooperate, which means means you will remain here anyway, just in a smaller room with s**tier food and less freedom."

    Jon smirked.

    "Both options involve you staying here and us working together. But for this to work, I need you to trust me and what I am fighting for, and follow instructions. If tell you to jump, you ask How high." Jon explained, "The decision is yours. But I know which option I'd rather you pick..."

    Jon turned to face her.

    "So what's it gonna be?"
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 06-16-2021 at 12:56 PM.

  10. #89
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Avery Miller & Abital Ecke
    Tide Song Hotel Lobby
    Affected RP'ers: N/A

    Abital tapped his foot impatiently as he and Avery waited in the lobby of the Tide Song Hotel. Abital had been up since the sun rose, his impatience and anxiety over fixing Avery's condition causing him to not sleep very well. Avery, on the other hand, had managed to sleep for a few more hours. Being a centaur was apparently rather exhausting for them. They probably needed more energy to work the larger body and extra legs, Abital supposed. It explained why Avery's appetite was so much larger today too, the coordinator having devoured several meals' worth of food from the small kiosk near the hotel that was still running for some inexplicable reason.

    Abital checked his watch again and frowned. 8 AM. The Ladies had said they'd be here first thing in the morning, but perhaps this was a bit too early. "They're going to be late," he signed to Avery.

    Avery rolled their eyes. "I don't think punctuality is their main concern in the middle of a Shadowcraft apocalypse, honey." Abital huffed and leveled a glare at Avery. "Look, I'm just saying, don't get so stressed out about it. Daybreak and the others coached me all afternoon yesterday. I can at least walk, trot, and canter effectively. I can stand to wait a while before they change me back." Sure, being a centaur wasn't their ideal form, but obviously the Diamond Ladies had to be here on some serious business if they came out of hiding for this. It didn't make sense to waste their time and energy on curing them. That could be saved for later as far as Avery was concerned.

    Abital searched Avery's face for any sort of indication that their spouse was lying, but quickly found none. Still, just because Avery was okay with it, that didn't mean Abital's fears were alleviated. "Is it spreading?" they signed.

    Avery's face scrunched up a little and they looked at their hooves. That was their only hesitancy around waiting too long. The curse was still slowly spreading. It had just barely reach above their hips yesterday, but now up to their mid-stomach was transformed. It was slow, but it was still growing, meaning they were operating on a limited time table. "It's nothing to worry about," Avery said, earning another glare from Abital. "Don't give me that look. Let's just go find the witch that did this and then I can stomp them to death with my hooves!" Avery added as they slammed their fist into their palm.

    Abital rolled his eyes but signing, "If you insist."

    "You said you had a plan, right? With tracking that Haunter you caught before?" Avery asked as they messed with their green and purple hair.

    Abital nodded and pull up the status again for Avery to see. "They like to use ghost types. That Haunter has since returned to the Thrifty Megamart on the other side of Paniola. If we make our way in that direction, we might be able to find them and find the witch that did this to you. But..." Abital paused before continuing to sign, "it's dangerous. They could also catch us first and do a lot worse to us if they find us."

    "Yeah I'm well aware," Avery said grimly, thinking about the goo piles and rubble littered outside the hotel, all former humans. "But, if no one else is going to help us, or keep us in the loop about what they know, we might as well take matters into our own hands. It's obvious the League is up to something to stop Agatha, so we'll just chip in where we can."

    Abital quirked an eyebrow at Avery. "You're not upset because you weren't kept in the loop, are you?"

    "I mean it's not like I was an operative during the last big Shadowcraft operation. It wouldn't kill the Ladies, Jimmy, or Jon to throw me a bone of some kind, especially since at least the former two know I'm here, and I'm pretty sure the latter does as well," Avery responded in a bitter tone. "I guess four years just isn't enough time to deem me trustworthy, even though we invited both Jimmy and Jon to our wedding. The Ladies didn't even bother to send a sign that they were alive, something I apparently was the last person in our little ragtag crew from four years ago to find out. I guess the battle I had with Cassandra didn't mean as much as I thought." Avery let out a sharp huff before saying, "It'd just be nice to be included, since it feels like I am horribly out of the loop and have been left behind."

    Abital pat Avery's side and signed, "I wouldn't be too hard on them. There's probably a good reason why they didn't invite us into whatever is going on. I doubt they just neglected to bring us up at all despite our offers to assist how we could. That'd just be stupid."

    Avery clicked their tongue and shrugged. "I suppose that's true." Avery looked at the door to the outside before saying, "So first stop, Paniola Town, right? We probably shouldn't wait too much longer then. We'll be wasting daylight."

    The two made their way outside of the hotel and headed towards Route 4. As they reached the entrance to the route, Avery bent down to allow Abital and Meir to climb onto their back. Since their practice with their Pokemon, Avery was able to move quicker than either their husband or the Raichu, It made more sense for them to carry the other two than for all three of them to try and walk together. Once they were secure, Avery began to trot down Route 4, doing their best to keep to the shadows as they moved closer towards Paniola Town. A soft breeze blew through the otherwise quiet route on the crisp early morning. It was unnerving how quiet the island had become in a matter of days, but Avery supposed that the apocalypse would do that. And it was only get worse, they assumed. They had no idea what dangers awaited them as they traveled further towards the belly of the beast, but they had to be prepared for whatever hexes and other evil machinations were thrown their way.
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 06-17-2021 at 05:37 PM.
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  11. #90
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Luneth Tarot
    Dimensional Research Center (Underground Base)
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga, @Chakramaster

    At Luneth’s request the star piece floated for a moment, before a string appearing from it, turning it into a pendant.

    "Just let me know if you need anything! I'm so glad I can finally help out everyone! Feel free to whatever you may need here before we all need to head out again." Jirachi said with a smile.

    Luneth quickly looped it over her neck, tucking the pendant into her fur. While it was mostly covered, the red colouring made it it stand out through the snow white fur like a bloodstain.

    “Thanks so much! I’ll be sure to let you know if I need anything else. Oh and if there’s ever anything you need help with, feel free to do the same and call me.”

    * * *

    That night she had trouble getting to sleep. Whenever she began to drift off, her dreams would be plagued by nightmares of Shadowcraft witches and shattering statues.

    When she woke up from a particularly bad one, it took her a moment to remember where she was. As she calmed herself from the nightmare, she looked over and was alarmed to see how late it was. Her fitfully sleep had led to her oversleeping!

    As she padded into the the main room she saw that everyone else was already up. Jimmy was making breakfast, while Triad were discussing their plans.

    She walked over to the coffee maker, before remembering that she couldn’t work it so easily with paws. Frustrated and still half asleep, she felt the pendant around her neck. Let’s try this out then.
    Luneth focused on the star piece around her neck. “Jirachi, can I get a little help here?”
    She got a response almost instantly. “Can do!” With a slight pop, a cup of coffee appeared on the table where Triad were talking. After sending a mental thanks, Luneth went over to sit with the others, casually lapping at the coffee but otherwise sitting in silence.

    As the coffee began to kick in and she could think more clearly, Luneth started to mentally kick herself for wasting Jirachi’s power like that. Who knew how much they’d need the wishmaker’s help later?

    Luneth didn’t feel very hungry, especially recalling the nausea from teleporting. She really didn’t want to do that on a full stomach. But she did need something to eat, so she sneaked a bite of Jarena’s pancakes while she wasn’t looking.

    She gathered from the context that Triad had been discussing their next move, and they’d were deciding whether to take on to same forms as before, or use new ones in case they were recognised.

    It seemed that they were going to scout out the megamart. That was good, she could do scouting. Especially with the new Jirachi powered emergency exit.

    Luneth joined them as Jirachi teleported the group to above ground. The sick feeling wasn’t quite as bad the second time, but she was still rather queasy upon arrival.

    It was strange seeing them as pokemon again. It was like she’d been teleported back in time to the SS Wishmaker, only if you replaced the playful children with murderous witches.

    She looked around to try and get her bearings, the but landscape was unfamiliar. Not that she’d ever been the best at navigating in the first place.
    She fidgeted with her pendant. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was forgetting something. But whatever it was couldn’t be that important, right? Best to keep focused on the mission.
    “So, um, which way to the megamart?”


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