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  1. #11
    That's great! xD Aw, well that poor girl's sacrifice won't go to waste!

    Awesome. :D I predominantly write pokemon stories, so they're the ones I have up here. xD And those are the ones I'd like to continue to write! 8D

    Hmm, yeah, profile badges is definitely a good idea! O: Smart cookie, you are! I'll bring it up with Char and then some higher ups. See what they reckon. :3


  2. #12
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    That's great! xD Aw, well that poor girl's sacrifice won't go to waste!

    Awesome. :D I predominantly write pokemon stories, so they're the ones I have up here. xD And those are the ones I'd like to continue to write! 8D

    Hmm, yeah, profile badges is definitely a good idea! O: Smart cookie, you are! I'll bring it up with Char and then some higher ups. See what they reckon. :3

    Such a brave sacrifice; all she truly wanted was for her friend, the girl who bullied her and a guy from the care home she lived in to become spies. XD

    Pokémon stories are usually really great, so I'll have to look into your ones. :) I had one in called Civil Rivalry, but it's on hiatus. It was basically just me testing the waters, so yours will probably destroy mine. XD

    The higher-ups is too friendly a name... We need to call them something like 'The Ministerial League of Sublime Writers'. I can feel chills just imagining a meeting with those folk. :3

  3. #13
    Ooh, the girl who bullied her is investigating her death? Hm, that could make for some very interesting internal conflict. :3

    Haha, well some are. XD Well that's cool! 8D Yeah, trust me, like all my stories are on hiatus. -_- I need to get back into them. Some of them have plot issues though, which is what's stopping me from writing them (as well as the fact that I simply haven't written anything in ages...) so I might want to bring some of them up. I think that if you end up reading The Arena, we could discuss that. XD I do wanna continue it...but yeah, haven't got many ideas for it so far other than general "pokemon battle in arenas, yay" and stuff. No actual story. :c

    XD Well they aren't writers; I meant bring adding tokens to profiles up with admins or global mods. The Ministerial League of Sublime Writers consists of FedoraChar and me. ;D


  4. #14 Voltaire Magneton's Avatar
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    So I have this idea. There is this wolf Pokemon (Electrike) who fell in love (more of like, stalk) on a Skitty. On a stalking basis. When the Electrike sees the Skitty seeing (kinda like dating) another Pokemon, the Electrike basically kills (oops, harsh word) the two.

    I'm just wondering if any got an idea to flesh this out. It is just a one-shot short story. an URPG Story. (:

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  5. #15
    Well...electrike aren't wolf-like... xD They're dog-like, really. Also I do wonder why you put "oops, harsh word" there... xD If he kills them, then he kills them. He sounds grumpy. Anyway, that sounds like a plan. Despite that electrike being a little unreasonable, haha. What sort of ideas are you looking for? That seems like a solid enough baseline to write the story. :] Especially if that's where it ends.


  6. #16
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Ooh, the girl who bullied her is investigating her death? Hm, that could make for some very interesting internal conflict. :3

    Haha, well some are. XD Well that's cool! 8D Yeah, trust me, like all my stories are on hiatus. -_- I need to get back into them. Some of them have plot issues though, which is what's stopping me from writing them (as well as the fact that I simply haven't written anything in ages...) so I might want to bring some of them up. I think that if you end up reading The Arena, we could discuss that. XD I do wanna continue it...but yeah, haven't got many ideas for it so far other than general "pokemon battle in arenas, yay" and stuff. No actual story. :c

    XD Well they aren't writers; I meant bring adding tokens to profiles up with admins or global mods. The Ministerial League of Sublime Writers consists of FedoraChar and me. ;D

    Don't worry, tears will be shed... Blood, not so much, but there will be gallons and gallons of tears! >:D

    This may sound crazy, but trying to relate to a character makes it easier to write for them at least; I stopped writing the story this thread was about when LibreOffice crapped out in me,but then I realised that I could very loosely adapt some events of my life for the new version of the earlier part of the story, and viola! I had seven A4 pages in two days!

    Maybe, for The Arena, you could bring in other events like Contests and the Pokéathlon to liven things up. I haven't read it, so I dint know if you've done these yet, but it would toss in some more variety. And... have you got an antagonist who is full of themselves like a more evil Gary? Guys like those are always fun to write.

    So I've had a member of The League as a friend for all this time? The secrets continue to unfold! I hope the next one is that I have super powers. *crosses fingers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire Magneton View Post

    So I have this idea. There is this wolf Pokemon (Electrike) who fell in love (more of like, stalk) on a Skitty. On a stalking basis. When the Electrike sees the Skitty seeing (kinda like dating) another Pokemon, the Electrike basically kills (oops, harsh word) the two.

    I'm just wondering if any got an idea to flesh this out. It is just a one-shot short story. an URPG Story. (:
    I think there's a lot of potential there. If the two Skitty are seeing are like opposites (like a Machoke and Munchlax), there would also be potential for different types of conflict (a battle to the death against Machoke, and feeding Munchlax so much it becomes sick, for example).

    Also, whilst I haven't watched Death Note, it could end up similar to that, with Electrike having to destroy every male Pokémon in Skitty's life until he's the only one left. Each chapter could be one Pokémon's downfall.

    Just throwing these ideas out there, so don't feel as though you have to write it this way. :)

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaquaza View Post
    Don't worry, tears will be shed... Blood, not so much, but there will be gallons and gallons of tears! >:D

    This may sound crazy, but trying to relate to a character makes it easier to write for them at least; I stopped writing the story this thread was about when LibreOffice crapped out in me,but then I realised that I could very loosely adapt some events of my life for the new version of the earlier part of the story, and viola! I had seven A4 pages in two days!

    Maybe, for The Arena, you could bring in other events like Contests and the Pokéathlon to liven things up. I haven't read it, so I dint know if you've done these yet, but it would toss in some more variety. And... have you got an antagonist who is full of themselves like a more evil Gary? Guys like those are always fun to write.

    So I've had a member of The League as a friend for all this time? The secrets continue to unfold! I hope the next one is that I have super powers. *crosses fingers*
    Ooh, awesome. >:3 Ahahah, sounds like a wild ride. ^^ Are you pumped to write it?! :D

    ...How does that sound crazy? XD Isn't that one of the fundamentals of writing a character? I can probably relate to most of my characters...even if they're in little ways. Ooh okay. I've never used LibreOffice but if you want a good free program, I'd recommend OpenOffice, unless you've already used and didn't like that. xD I used to use it yeeeeeeeears ago. Before I got the wondrous Word! And wow! 8D that's awesome! xD

    LOL wow, those could not be more out of context for the story. xD And no, I need an actual plot is the issue, rather than characters/places/variety and stuff. Once you read it (if you want to, that is XD) you'll get a feel for it and probably understand the direction I want it to go in. x) THEN MAYBE I CAN CONTINUE IT!

    *GASP* WE ARE SO CUNNING! And elusive! Dun dun duuuunnnnn!!! LOL. I think we all hope that. xD


  8. #18
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Ooh, awesome. >:3 Ahahah, sounds like a wild ride. ^^ Are you pumped to write it?! :D

    ...How does that sound crazy? XD Isn't that one of the fundamentals of writing a character? I can probably relate to most of my characters...even if they're in little ways. Ooh okay. I've never used LibreOffice but if you want a good free program, I'd recommend OpenOffice, unless you've already used and didn't like that. xD I used to use it yeeeeeeeears ago. Before I got the wondrous Word! And wow! 8D that's awesome! xD

    LOL wow, those could not be more out of context for the story. xD And no, I need an actual plot is the issue, rather than characters/places/variety and stuff. Once you read it (if you want to, that is XD) you'll get a feel for it and probably understand the direction I want it to go in. x) THEN MAYBE I CAN CONTINUE IT!

    *GASP* WE ARE SO CUNNING! And elusive! Dun dun duuuunnnnn!!! LOL. I think we all hope that. xD

    I'm not just pumped... I'm ultra-pumped! :D

    And I dunno, a lot of stuff I say sounds crazy, so I just need to warn people as often as I can. LibreOffice isn't too shabby when it's not deleting files (it comes with a free version of every Microsoft program, so bonuses ), but I've definitely got to check out OpenOffice. Word costs a Bob-Omb, though. XD

    I checked out the first half of chapter one today, and I'm beginning to see how badly out of context they are. The one idea I have fir a plot is Typhen having to fight Mana (that was the female Luxio's name wasn't it; my memory is my biggest weakness). Or, a human battle is fought alongside the Pokémon battle, and Typhen could ends up doing something to help. I'm in ideas guy. :3

    Sadly, I have lost my secret-finding power for today... No super powers for me. :'(

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  10. #19
    jammy dodge ninjaskarmory's Avatar
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    I have a story in mind.

    Yveltal is in love with the beautiful Articuno, and he believes that she loves him back. However, when he discovers that she never felt the same and has found a mate, he is consumed by envy. He enters the training of a mysterious Honchkrow deemed "The Corruptor," where he learns many sneaky, evil tactics. One day, Yveltal goes too far, and Articuno enters a fit of rage. In order to make up for his deeds, Yveltal must get help from an old friend, sacrificing his life to return peace to his home.
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  11. #20
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    And also of your idea! :D The League shall convene in a timely matter to thoroughly discuss these proceedings

    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaskarmory View Post
    I have a story in mind.

    Yveltal is in love with the beautiful Articuno, and he believes that she loves him back. However, when he discovers that she never felt the same and has found a mate, he is consumed by envy. He enters the training of a mysterious Honchkrow deemed "The Corruptor," where he learns many sneaky, evil tactics. One day, Yveltal goes too far, and Articuno enters a fit of rage. In order to make up for his deeds, Yveltal must get help from an old friend, sacrificing his life to return peace to his home.
    Mmm, this is a fairly interesting idea (I'm particularly intrigued because I have had a recent interest in Yveltal because of a story idea I have xD). But I'm wondering: what kind of personality are you giving Yveltal?

    It seems a little strange that an ordinary Pokemon like Honchkrow would be training a legendary Pokemon--what if this 'krow played more of the role of the corrupting counselor, similair to say... Grima Wormtongue and Theodin (spelling fail xD) in Lord of the Rings? Someone who pretends to be his friend and listening ear, but all they are doing is feeding Yveltal's anger?

    Or maybe you could have something like a Honchkrow possessed by Giratina or something xD IDK, throwing things out there xD

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