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Well... as neato as this is, I have another request that I think may sound a teeny bit iffy.
I got the sudden craving to know what a successful Sin Purge would have looked like for seasons 2 and 5. Not as in how ya do 'em, but what happens when they're done besides from oofing the Abyss. Like, how the Pokémon reacts to being saved and all that junk. Also I was curious about how each Stalker would be revealed (eg. Franny's unfinished ritual) when his, her or its route was done. Kinda like most of, if not ALL of the Stalkers in Season 3 (eg. Kanja's grinding room or Ferghus' blacksmith worship thingamadoodle if you know what I mean. Maybe without all the glitchy stuff though, so it's like spooky but also not.