The Stalkers
There are SIX Stalkers that need to be eliminated. All of them hide behind dark and enigmatic names, which is meant to make it difficult for the players to discern what name belongs with what Pokémon.
Civilians should know very little about the Stalkers.
The Players Win if they stop all six Stalkers either by ritual or assassination.
The Stalkers Win if they secure 20 more kills. Incorrect assassination kills add to this number. Every three days, another kill is added.
(Shadefetch, Daz the Dragonite, Lives and works at #11 Daz's Greenhouse)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Shadefetch removes the victims' heads after killing them with bladed weapons. If the victim has multiple heads (Doduo), all heads are removed. If the victim's entire body is comprised of a head (Voltorb), the victim's brain is removed after breaking into the victim's skull along with the face being mutilated.
Daz, when questioned, is often distant, untrusting, and skeptical. He'll deal with the players when they interview him, but he won't often provide much. He'll often try to tell them he has business to attend do in his fields.
QUOTE: "Shadefetch says so."
KILLER MENTALITY: Shadefetch's ravings go on and on about erasing identity and minds. He also taunts about "no more smiles, scowls, laughter, or voices" with the removal of the heads.
Daz's property also has a crap-ton of locks. Obtaining the keys will reveal some of his darker secrets. His farming tools are often used for murder, which reveal their true nature upon closer inspection.
11 - Daz's Greenhouse
{Lockbox, α emblem} (Unlocked with [α Key] found in Daz's Greenhouse Silo #2)
=Rant Note #1=
[β Key]
11a - Daz's Greenhouse Silo 1
{Locked Cabinet, β emblem} (Unlocked with [β Key] found in Daz's Greenhouse)
=Description of bloody tools, ravings about the removal of heads=
11b - Daz's Greenhouse Silo 2
[α Key]
Most Pokémon at #9 Sleepy Valley Apartments (Crain, Gloan, Samari, Nashelle) will make a comment about Daz acting strangely and doing things in the middle of the night. Mille will claim it was someone else besides Daz. Senia will say she didn't hear of anything.
(Undone, Tashy the Furret, Lives with Prat at Part's Farm)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Undone kills the victims and leaves sticks, knives, or some kind of rod-like object rammed in both of the victim's eyes. If the victim has no eyes, typically the rods would be left where the eyes probably would have been if they did. She'll also cut smiles into the victims' mouths.
Tashy is actually very cooperative with the players and wishes them the best when questioned. She'll provide a few details about Pokémon that aren't Stalkers, but often just not enough to be helpful. She'll still wish the best for them.
KILLER MENTALITY: Has everything to do with sight and admiration. Lots of "made to love" and "happy to not see the ugliness."
27 - Prat's Farm
[White Flower Stone] (Has the inscription "For life is short, but beautiful like the flower." on the back)
27a - Prat's Farm Wheat Field
Contains [Ͽ Key]
34 - Sammi's Cafe (Abandoned)
{Locked Front Door} > = Description of a flower of death and a flower of life. Player notices two empty Flower-Shaped sockets by the door handle=
=Dari the Pidgeot's Body, Murdered=
{Locked Storage Room, Ͽ emblem} > =Murdered victim's note=
44 - Serenity Town Bank
[Black Flower Stone] (Has the inscription "And then Death comes, the flower wilts, and fades to dust." on the back)
Prat will claim he does most of the farm work while Tashy does most of the errands in town. He doesn't keep tabs on where she goes or what she has been doing most of the time, but he will mention that she seems to frequent the bank for some unknown reason.
(NTH, Saps the Pachirisu, lives at Freeroam Apartment Building, Works at Silver Arch Hotel & Casino)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Cremation. He does this to avoid detection and to blame it on fire type Pokémon. He also denies the existence of NTH and dismisses it as some foolish demigod story.
Saps doesn't like being questioned, but when asked about NTH, he will always blame it on a fire type. When asked about the other Stalkers, he'll say his hunches, but to take them with a grain of salt, as they're probably not right. He's not the most helpful character to question.
KILLER MENTALITY: NTH is the scorekeeper. Often his tallies are littered with numbers, and a lot of the locks and codes he uses involve numbers games.
17. Freeroam Apartment Building
Contains [Ӿ Ӿ Key] (Hidden in a loose brick in the wall.)
Contains =NTH Note= (Hidden with the key)
25 - The Silver Arch Hotel and Casino
[Sudoku Puzzle] (Solution is 987)
48 - Diante's Guild (Abandoned)
{Locked Front Door, Ӿ Ӿ emblem} (Key found in 17 Freeroam Apartment Building)
[Victini Statue Ears] (For Vicitni statue outside of 36 Vacant House)
=Ramblings about following the numbers. Numbers all over the walls in blood.=
38 - Fireplace Inn
[Victini Statue Mouth] (For Vicitni statue outside of 36 Vacant House)
=Numbers scribbled on the wall besides the statue piece.=
51 - Greenstone Park
[Victini Statue Eyes] (For Vicitni statue outside of 36 Vacant House)
=Carvings of numbers by the tree where it was found.=
36 - Vacant House (Abandoned)
{Victini Statue} (Needs [Victini Statue Ears] [Victini Statue Mouth] and [Victini Statue Eyes] to unlock the front door. Has inscription "Only when victory listens, sees, and speaks again will the wall of the doubtful be moved."
=Ravings about the numbers and the burning.=
{Locked box of Numbers, needs three digit 987 combination entered}
=Accounting Journals, signed with a squirrel-shaped print=
=Ravings about the numbers.=
=Vendetta papers accusing the fire types=
(Koax, Millie the Vaporeon, lives at Sleepy Valley Apartments, works at Golden Brown Bakery)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Slits throats, removes hearts. She collects the hearts as trophies and keeps a collection of them..
Millie is often very cooperative with questioning, but she keeps pointing players in the wrong direction and gives them bad leads. When asked about this, she admits guilt and apologizes and blames it on the stress of the situation.
KILLER MENTALITY: Koax is very poetic about her kills and writes fantastical notes about them, but then rips them to pieces and scatters them.
10 - Sleepy Valley Apartments
[Ripped Up Poem Puzzle] - (Gives leads to the four clues, [Gold Heart Piece] [Silver Heart Piece] [Right White Wing] [Black Left Wing]
A Ripped Poem
{Abandoned Basement Door, Keyhole with Heart Emblem, missing wings} (Inscription "Only those special enough to secure my soul will pass through these gates") (Needs [Heart Key] [White Wing Piece] [Black Wing Piece])
=Mille confession jigsaw puzzle=
A Twisted Note
=Missing Pokémon Hearts in preservation jars, Knives=
37b Dead Vineyard
[Gold Heart Piece] (For Buried Lockbox in 50 Cyancreek Lake)
40 - Detti's Nursery (Abandoned)
[Silver Heart Piece] (For Buried Lockbox in 50 Cyancreek Lake)
50 - Cyancreek Lake
{Buried Lockbox, Missing Heart} (Needs [Gold Heart Piece] and [Silver Heart Piece]
[Heart Key] (For {Abandoned Basement Door, Keyhole with Heart Emblem})
(Epitaph, Senia the Aromatisse, Lives at Sleepy Valley Apartments, works at Fireplace Inn)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Bodies are crushed into a pulp.
Senia isn't very responsive when it comes to questioning, often claiming she doesn't know much about what's going on and just tries to make it through everyday life without getting killed. Getting info out of her, regardless of who questions her, is next to impossible, regardless of the rapport level.
KILLER MENTALITY: Epitaph is the most brutal of the killers in terms of how her corpses are found, but it is done to prove "we're all just meat." Critical organs and body parts are missing. These have been used to construct a sculpture of herself using body parts. Her Enthraller makes her think it is the ultimate creation, herself remade as a byproduct from the sacrifice of so many.
20 - Riverwatch Apartments
[Coin of Despair] (A coin depicting a crying Pikachu covering its face in sadness)
12 - Marche's House
[Coin of Anguish] (A coin depicting a Pikachu frustrated in anger)
45 - Leblanc's Mansion
[Coin of Damnation] (A coin depicting a Pikachu being swallowed by shadows)
37 - Renner Farm (Abandoned)
{The Occult Basement Door} (Needs Coins of Despair, Anguish, and Damnation) A door covered with deranged occult symbols and phrases with a metallic plaque of an anxious Pikachu awaiting judgment. Three circle-shaped holes appear on the bottom. Inscription: "The Sunken Chamber opens for no one that is unwilling to render despair, anguish, and damnation upon the innocent."
[Left Half of the Sunken Face] (a metallic mask-like half of Arceus's twisted face)
=Chamber of mashed and butchered corpses with statements "we're all just meat."
29 - Shawl's Cafe
[Sacrificial Dagger Key]
37b Dead Vineyard
[Sacrificial Dagger Key]
9 - The Willow Tree Cafe
[Sacrificial Dagger Key]
35 - Quiet Creek Apartments (Abandoned)
{Underground Hall of the Mad} (Needs all three [Sacrificial Dagger Keys) A hidden hatch leads to an underground vault where blood-splattered door depicts a smiling Raichu father, a smiling Raichu mother, and a cheerful Pichu child, each with a slit where their heart would be while a dark, shadowy figure hovers over them. Inscription: "Only the sacrificial dark payment of father, mother, and child will appease the Magnate of the Damned."
[Right Half of the Sunken Face] (a metallic mask-like half of Arceus's twisted face)
=Chamber of mashed and butchered corpses with statements of "meat."
47 - The Vordin Mansion (Abandoned)
{Chapel of the Sunken God} (Needs the [Left Half of the Sunken Face] and the [Right half of the Sunken Face] to unlock. An underground vault depicts a door with Arceus's deformed body, but missing the entirety of its face. Inscription: "The Sunken God demands a face."
=The Epitaph Logs=
=An Aromatisse-shaped sculpture pile of body parts=
(NON, Vam the Oddish, Lives at Dami's Flowerbed, Works at Serenity Town School)
MURDER SIGNATURE: Leads victims to the pond and drowns them.
Vam is meant to be very hard to figure out, as he's the last Pokémon the players will suspect of being NON and his evidence is very scattered around. He'll try to be helpful and hopeful, and may help the players a bit with giving them slightly good leads, but that will be it. Dami, his mother, will also come to his defense if the players even think of going after him without hard evidence.
Parts of his puzzle are a pain because they almost look like they're pieces of puzzles of all the other Stalkers.
KILLER MENTALITY: Vam is the kind that believes everyone deserves to die. Just some sooner than others, but "all in good time." The Oddish has a sick sense of justice and sees everyone as just a sin checklist and that "everyone has their turn." As a result, Vam, although he is small and inexperienced, finds one way or another to lead Pokémon to the pond and use stun spore and sleep powder on them to keep them underwater to be drowned.
37 - Renner Farm (Abandoned)
[Iron Key] Will only be obtainable once the players do a decent-sized chunk of Koax's stuff
11 - Daz's Greenhouse
[Ω Key] (For {Disorder Door})
32 - Voren's Farm
[Gray Flower Stone] for {Disorder Door} (Has inscription "And the years pass on...") (For {Disorder Door})
41 - Jurak's House
[Victini Statue Wing] (For {Disorder Door}
36 - Vacant House (Abandoned)
[Bloody Wing Piece] (For {Disorder Door})
16 - Serenity Town Performing Arts Center
[Coin of Evisceration] (A coin depicting a Pikachu being gutted alive) (For {Disorder Door})
49 - Rolodon Apartments
{Nondescript Iron Door} (Needs Iron Key)
{Disorder Door} (A door of chaos. Has a slot for [Ω Key] [Gray Flower Stone] [Victini Statue Wing] [Bloody Wing Piece] [Coin of Evisceration] Inscription: "NO, YOU'RE USELESS!!!"