Quest Appearance: Anytime, beginning of the game
Synopsis: One of the major things that Aurorawatch would like to do is contact any of the outside cities, especially to find out if there’s anyone that can help them. Aurorawatch only has short-range radios and equipment, but Crez is confident that the Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices have something that might be able to reach outside cities on Veramo.
Locations Involved
(31) Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices
Participants Involved: 4. Paladin Crez the Whimsicott
Solution: Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Thing is, Crez isn’t exactly sure what would work and won’t know until he tries. And at that location, there’s three possible pieces of equipment that might do the job, but also require a bit of work:
(31) Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices
|1| {Submerged Sublevel: +Water+}
|1| [Damaged Namaxa Broadcasting Console: <Technical> AND <Repair>]
|1| [Repaired Namaxa Broadcasting Console]
Unfortunately, after all that work, it’s incompatible with Aurorawatch’s equipment! Crez will try it, but he’ll only get static. He’ll tell the Emissaries to try and see if there’s anything else out there that might work.
(31) Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices
|1| {Locked Equipment Supply Storage: <Security> OR +Fire Type+}
|1| [Corrupted Ensign NV904 Broadcasting System: <Technical>]
|1| [Ensign NV904 Broadcasting System]
It sucks, but this won’t work either! The equipment is too old and no longer works on a frequency that reaches anyone else out there! Crez won’t even get static out of this one.
(31) Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices
|1| {5th Floor Equipment Hold: <Security> OR +Steel Type+}
|1| [Unconfigured Exodus G115A System: <Technical> AND +Psychic Type+]
|1| [Exodus G115A System]
Now this one does the trick! It’s new and just never got to see any use, but when Crez hooks it up and gives it a go, he’ll be able to reach Vante the Mienshao from Nacrat!
Turns out, most of the outside world thinks Exacta City is dead and infected. They’ve all been told to stay away, wishing not for anyone else to spread whatever contagion is going on. But the fact Crez is able to speak to Vante means there are survivors after these three years. Crez will ask if there were any other cities hit with superweapons, but Vante will tell him no and that there is no report or evidence of anyone even possessing such a biological weapon.
It gets Crez believing maybe it wasn’t a biological weapon after all. He then recalls that not once did anyone ever see something falling from the sky, nor was there any sounds or trails of smoke.
With the arrival of the Stalkers, it becomes clear… OMEN is something else entirely….
Crez requests help from Vante, and Vante agrees to tell his associates about what transpired. But he tells him that it will need to be a few weeks before they’re able to get the resources and equipment needed to provide support and test for infection. This obviously won’t happen before the end of the game, but it gives Crez motive to greatly reward the Emissaries.
$3000 Sochas$, evenly split among all players.
[|AW| Aurorawatch Combat Vulcan] (Adds 1d10 +5 damage to successful attack rolls)
[|DF| Aurorawatch Versatility Armor] (Reduces incoming Health Damage by 4 points each time Health damage is taken)