Stalkers RPG was created by Suicune's Fire and Neo Emolga. They deserve full credit for every character brought up in this story and I claim no facts to be my own. Well... maybe a headcanon or two here and there. This can and will be taken down if requested.
CURRENT POLL(S): Story Idea Poll
Ah, Utopia. A heavenly paradise home to hundreds and thousands of Pokémon of all shapes and sizes. With such a vast, peaceful place being known for housing deceased Pokémon long before the War Of Souls began and the Emissaries were called in to save the universe. But surely it's peaceful all of the time, right? Right?
Yeah, no way hozay.
Located in Utopia is what we call the Redemption Abode. Home to all of the Pokémon once enslaved by Enthrallers, things seemed to be a bit different here because negativity very much existed here. In no way was this frowned upon, only accepted as being possessed by an Enthraller long ago had a very weak affect on this house. Times by thirty seven (plus the eight Squawkers for good measure), and you've got this! A wacky, sitcom-esque story following what goes on in this somewhat unusual part of Utopia. Whether things go good, bad or confusingly in between, one thing is for certain: Stalkers or not, this lot are gonna have a LOT going on!
"Gallen's Inspiration Loss"
PLOT: Gallen still loves painting, but he's lost inspiration to do so. With no Enthraller to corrupt him, he turns to fellow artists Tashy and Alishia for help. How are things going to play out for the Gourgeist?
"A Step Up From Before"
PLOT: Dakku isn't a fan of Lilosh's cowardice and attempts to make her tougher with very unexpected results. I say that because now Dakku is the only one who can save the abode from Lilosh's new reign of 'terror'.
"Drama To The Third Degree"
PLOT: Hattika gets roped into an argument between Kanja and Yurtag, but even when their sides of the story are revealed it still makes little to no sense.