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  1. #231 Voltaire Magneton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Permadeath is a nice challenge, I've lost some units in Fire Emblem games but at the final boss stages. Kinda dramatic that way haha

    TWITTER: voltmakesart
    INSTAGRAM: voltairemakesart
    Current VPP
    Tynamo@330 (Chen)
    Hatch: 345
    Eelektrik: 447
    Eelektross: 450
    Level100: 630

  2. #232
    May I join this run? Lol, it looks like I will need to use some schedule maker service to not forget about checking this topic every day. I believe this is a very disciplining event, and I will try my best. By the way, I see that some of you have already won multiple times. What's your secret? Maybe you can share a strategy with me or at least recommend a good schedule maker to me. Thank you for the answer in advance!Update- Nevermind, I found a decent schedule maker on the following site* I hope it will help me with winning this time. I wish good luck to all.
    Last edited by merleastrology; 10-24-2022 at 03:59 PM.


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