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  1. #11
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
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    Yay, we're here! Oh, and what a lovely farm! So big, I'm sure it can fit everyone here! Thanks so much for letting us stay, Benni!

    Oh... But there have already been deaths? Murders? Grisly rumours?

    I'm pretty good at talking, so I might go straight to the Police. I doubt they'd turn me away...
    Does anyone want to volunteer to talk to the coastguard? They might be a little more friendly.

    We'll sort this town out yet, just you wait!

  2. #12
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    You said it! Also, I think I was able to get a friend on board to help us out. Not a friend like Silver, I’m talking a friend friend like us! No guarantee, but I hope they go through with joining in.

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  4. #13
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
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    Alright. Its time to do some things already!
    I don't know who works at the Police station yet, or at the coast guard, so we are probably going to have to go to those locations to get some names before we start interviewing.

    Also! I don't know if you guys noticed, but apparently if a Pokémon in this town is killed, it's ship sinks! That means we should probably prioritize searching the ships...because they might disappear later...
    I'm certainly not able to get down to the bottom of the ocean to search a sunken ship-- and neither are any of you, right?

  5. #14
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    I’d do it if I were a bit more Palpitoad-y. And no, I’m not gonna throw my life away just for so we can check these ships out. I could work on Diplomafying a Water type or we could track down Aqua Gear or something similar to it.

    EDIT: Made a list of folks worth chatting up. Was originally meant for me, so ignore things that may chat about myself.

    MORTEK + TAYOU: Mayor and his wife, gotta get them on our side. PRIORITISE MORTEK if we can, also Diplomacy just in case he's wary of us.
    BENNI: She can share what she already knows. INTERVIEWED! Result: Very helpful.
    TATCH: Guy has some traffic, so there's a chance he knows something or someone.
    NAMREA: Same reasoning as Tatch.
    VANNI & SHESA: They may have had to deal with some Stalker victims and could share a tale or two. Diplomacy on Shesa if I chat her up due to rapport being absolute dung.
    MYTA: Best rapport matchup for me.
    GRESCO: Ship captain, very important.
    VELAY?: He might know something, but who knows.
    VELLI?: Diplomacy mandatory.
    HASHANI?: I feel like such a dull attitude may not be typical, even with how the school is.
    COLBYI?: You know what they say about being too high up on your horse.
    Last edited by C0L0R3D; 05-12-2022 at 09:53 AM. Reason: Added Hashani the Noivern and Colbyi the Turtonator.

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  7. #15
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    Okay...that was not what I was expecting...

    What is Kurosuōba, and how can I purge it or purify it?
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  8. #16
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    Judging by the description of it and the way it’s set in your stats, I have a feeling his may or may not get fatal if we dabble with what can only be the dark arts. But besides from that, we got armour and a Murkrow skeleton so far… interesting.

    EDIT: Idea, maybe we should contact that Umbreon or her Arbok friend about it. There’s a chance they’ve stumbled across this and are able to help it somehow?
    Last edited by C0L0R3D; 05-07-2022 at 01:24 PM.

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  10. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Lychee View Post
    Yay, we're here! Oh, and what a lovely farm! So big, I'm sure it can fit everyone here! Thanks so much for letting us stay, Benni!
    Oh, you’re quite welcome, hon, I’m glad to hear you’ve been settling in ok. Just let me know if you need my help with anything, although I’ll admit I’m just not the mystery-solving type. But I’ll try to make sure you feel safe and provided for while you’re here.

    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    Okay...that was not what I was expecting...

    What is Kurosuōba, and how can I purge it or purify it?
    I… I can’t say I’ve ever heard of it. It sounds… strange.

    Did something happen while you were out there? I don’t see anything wrong with you…

  11. #18
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Benni the Appletun

    Basically, while I was exploring the library, I found these odd artifacts that radiated this odd energy, and even though I don't look it, I may have absorbed some of it. So I'm wondering what this energy is, and how it can be purged, if it all.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  12. #19
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    Okay, I am 90% sure this can kill you. Over half of your body spiritually separated (or something like that)?! SOUNDS KINDA KILLY TO ME!


    Also, there’s good reason why we shouldn’t put ourselves as Savants. Folk may think we’re mentally insane like that Weavile… do ya think there’s more? Some could be in hiding… who am I to know.

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  13. #20
    "Ah, where I'm from an out-of-body experience is a good thing.
    Thinking about it, there's a chance this is one way we can be rid of these things. Separate them from their host, then put them in... something so they can't get out.
    Also we now have both halves of something, even if it shears the soul to interact with it. That's a step forwards.

    Sometimes the scars on your soul are the only things keeping you sane.


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