In an attempt to create an AI that didn't need to be preprogrammed for any specific set of circumstances, Rath learned how to create a digital copy of the human soul. As copying the soul of an adult would lead the copy to have an existential crisis and self-destruct, they copied the souls of infants, placing them in a virtual world and accelerating the pace of time. However, someone at Rath wanting to sabotage the project, wrote in a function to the digital souls which was eventually named the Seal of the Right Eye. The governing body of the virtual environment, the church, had a set of laws forbidding things like killing, stealing etc, and the seal of the right eye made it impossible for people to break those laws.
On it's own, this already is a cool world building point, especially when someone who isn't affected by it (like Kirito when he full-dives in to this digital world). Like, early on someone puts an axe back in the shed, and Kirito says "Aren't you gonna lock it?" and the response is "why? It's forbidden to steal."
Where it gets really interesting though is when someone with the Seal is willing to break the law, an error message displays over their right eye causing them pain, and if they continue to fight to break the law, their eye explodes but they are free from the seal. This happens when one character sees the law being used to hurt people and the only way to stop it is to break it. They break the Seal and gain the freedom to break the law if they choose. Granted the scene where it happens is pretty disturbing but overall the idea is one that I love.