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  1. #1
    ♥ Sexy Kitties Caite-chan's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Vermillion City

    Your Trainer Stats


    Your Trainer Stats!
    Here is where you post your Poké Dex or as we all it Trainer Stats.

    As a Trainer you are free to make your stats any way you'd like. Everything needs to be kept track of from the Pokémon you collect to the items you buy and the points you get. Some Trainers like to go all out with their Stats and make them elaborate and some don't. There are some things that MUST be included in your Stats:

    › Pokémon
    (How you got it, what the Pokémon was used for, if it was traded who was it traded to & for what)
    › Points
    › Items
    › Challenges
    › Medals

    We just need to know how everything was obtained and it's your responsibility to keep track of your Stats to the best of your ability. If you think you're missing something do be afraid to ask your Professors and we can go back and check for you to see what if anything is missing.

    Last edited by Caite-chan; 07-11-2022 at 02:03 PM.
    VPP: Arcanine @ 6,700

    Pre'paired' for trouble with Neo Emolga!
    [ URPG Stats | VPP Stats | Living Shiny Dex (548) ]


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