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  1. #1

    Welcome! (Rules, Guidelines, Links)

    Heya, everyone!

    Welcome to the official Rising Shadows discussion board of doom!

    Before making any threads, please read the following rules and guidelines. There aren't many- but please do follow them to help keep things tidy and all!

    • All discussion types are allowed so long as they aren't considered 'mature' (PXR rules as well). If I find anything I deem inappropriate, I'll delete the thread. This comic is on the border of PG and PG-13 for mild language and violence- let's keep all threads here on that level too, shall we?
    • Put all spoilers in spoiler tags! While most people here have likely read through the comic so far, let's be considerate to those who might be behind! No one likes major spoilers.
    • Try to avoid multiple threads on the same topic. Not really a rule- but do check to see if there's a thread already discussion the same thing before you make a new one. We don't want five topics discussing the same thing. This will help keep the board from getting too cluttered and all!
    • Do not ask for spoilers. You may discuss what you think will happen, but no directly asking for spoilers. That ruins the fun!
    • Have fun! Be respectful to your fellow members- even if your opinions differ! We want to have a friendly atmosphere here!
    • All PXR rules apply. This should be simple.

    Last edited by Nekomata; 09-28-2014 at 07:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Useful links

    With that out of the way, here's a few helpful links relating to the comic! While most news will be posted here on PXR, some things, like the Ask stuff, will only be posted on Tumblr, SJ, or DA. So check these links from time to time for new stuff. I'll also be adding links to important topics here as needed.


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