Since I've had a horrible time tracking cameos in the past, I'll make this thread the one and only place to request cameos. It'll be easier for me to track everything if it's all in one place.
For those who are unaware on how I work when it comes to cameos, all cameos I select will be added to the comic as background characters. They will have no dialogue or important impact to the story- so don't expect any of that when you request a cameo. Secondly, I will add in the cameos randomly as I see fit for the setting. For example, don't expect your grass-type cameo to show up in a town full of fire types. That said, it may take longer for some cameos to appear than others- it just depends on what kind of Pokemon I need in the background at any given point.
Here are a few rules regarding cameos...
- All cameos must be Pokemon. This should be obvious... but just in case.
- No 'bizarre' Pokemon. All cameos should be close to the original Pokemon design. Slightly different markings and such are okay- but anything to drastically different will not be included.
- Cameos may have accessories. Just nothing too fancy. I won't be spending too much time drawing background characters.
- If possible, please include a reference image of your cameo. This will help me be a little more accurate with details such as unique markings and accessories.
- Be patient with cameo requests. I don't include cameos too frequently, and when I do, it's whatever type of Pokemon is needed at the time- not the order of cameo requests.
- You may submit as many cameo requests as you like, just be sure they follow all the rules.
Cameo Request Form
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