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  1. #1

    Cameo Requests

    Since I've had a horrible time tracking cameos in the past, I'll make this thread the one and only place to request cameos. It'll be easier for me to track everything if it's all in one place.

    For those who are unaware on how I work when it comes to cameos, all cameos I select will be added to the comic as background characters. They will have no dialogue or important impact to the story- so don't expect any of that when you request a cameo. Secondly, I will add in the cameos randomly as I see fit for the setting. For example, don't expect your grass-type cameo to show up in a town full of fire types. That said, it may take longer for some cameos to appear than others- it just depends on what kind of Pokemon I need in the background at any given point.

    Here are a few rules regarding cameos...

    • All cameos must be Pokemon. This should be obvious... but just in case.
    • No 'bizarre' Pokemon. All cameos should be close to the original Pokemon design. Slightly different markings and such are okay- but anything to drastically different will not be included.
    • Cameos may have accessories. Just nothing too fancy. I won't be spending too much time drawing background characters.
    • If possible, please include a reference image of your cameo. This will help me be a little more accurate with details such as unique markings and accessories.
    • Be patient with cameo requests. I don't include cameos too frequently, and when I do, it's whatever type of Pokemon is needed at the time- not the order of cameo requests.
    • You may submit as many cameo requests as you like, just be sure they follow all the rules.

    Cameo Request Form


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  2. #2
    Should people who posted cameos on the old SJ newspost repost them here? I don't need to repost mine since you (very kindly) already cameo'd them but I thought I'd check for others c:

    And since we can submit as many cameos as we want... >:3 (put in spoiler tags so it doesn't take up so much space |D)
    Name/Species: Absol
    Description: He's just an Absol (his dark markings are of the navy blue variety)
    Other: Emotionless, mute

    Name: Draco
    Species: Flygon
    Description: He's just a Flygon

    Name/Species: Dragonite
    Description: He's just a Dragonite
    Other: He sometimes wears a brown messenger's bag

    Name: Riyuki
    Species: Glaceon
    Description: She's just a Glaceon

    Name: Lightning
    Species: Ampharos
    Description: She's just a Ampharos

    Name/Species: Pidgeot
    Description: He's just a Pidgeot

    Name/Species: Rapidash
    Description: He's just a Rapidash

    Name: Tali
    Species: Girafarig (Shiny)
    Description: She's just a Shiny Girafarig

    Name: Vixcia
    Species: Sylveon
    Description: She's just a Sylveon

    Mewtwo (all comics need Mewtwo) *shot*

    All my non-comic Pokemon are really boring... *made up some names on the spot because they totally didn't have any names before*
    Last edited by PTGigi; 05-27-2015 at 05:10 AM.
    Mewtwo banner and avatar by Pokemon Trainer Sarah!

    'I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' -Mewtwo

    My Art! | ASB Stats | My Nuzlocke

  3. #3
    Is it okay if I do one (or two...)? I'll leave it here just in case...

    Name: Lance
    Species: Scizor
    Description: has very many scars- one over her eye is most prominent (the scars don't need to be included, they're just details)
    Image: sorry I don't have one on hand
    Other: If you didn't already guess, she's female

    Name: Sepia
    Species: Blaziken
    Description: just a normal blaziken, but wears a black arm band around his arm
    Image: sorry... again... I don't have one with me...
    Other: Sepia is male (i you didn't already know)

    Thanks so much!! (even if you don't chose mine) :D :D :D

  4. #4
    New Trainer
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    United States, Mass
    Name: Dylan
    Species: Riolu
    Description: Nothing special about him, he is just normal.
    Image: Just a Riolu
    Why do I say just a normal Pokemon with nothing different about him? Just a preference.

  5. #5
    The Lord of Awesome XaiakuX's Avatar
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    May 2013
    In a Van down by the River
    Quote Originally Posted by blazingdragon123 View Post
    Name: Lance
    Species: Scizor
    Description: has very many scars- one over her eye is most prominent (the scars don't need to be included, they're just details)
    Image: sorry I don't have one on hand
    Other: If you didn't already guess, she's female
    Wtf is this? I mean seriously? Scar-over-the-eye Scizor? If you need an image how about you just rip it out of my signature?

    Let me find out you got the name Lance from my RP characters, too.

    I'll sign up with something a little more original than that.

    Name: Brink
    Species: Metagross
    Description: He's Shiny.

    Other: He's a bad guy in most scenarios.
    Paired with Jessu
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekomata View Post
    [*]No 'bizarre' Pokemon. All cameos should be close to the original Pokemon design. Slightly different markings and such are okay- but anything to drastically different will not be included.

    Also I'd totally ask for a cameo but I have no clue what pokemon to ask to be included. x: I'll get back to you when I have an idea of who could appear. XD It feels a little wrong choosing just anyone, since they'd have a place to be! Lel. But I don't have any/many who I think would fit, aside from the two main characters from a story version of PMD: EoS I did once, but I haven't done anything with them since. :c I'LL BE BACK.

    I do enjoy the idea of including other people's characters in the background though. It's awesome. x)

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post

    Also I'd totally ask for a cameo but I have no clue what pokemon to ask to be included. x: I'll get back to you when I have an idea of who could appear. XD It feels a little wrong choosing just anyone, since they'd have a place to be! Lel. But I don't have any/many who I think would fit, aside from the two main characters from a story version of PMD: EoS I did once, but I haven't done anything with them since. :c I'LL BE BACK.

    I do enjoy the idea of including other people's characters in the background though. It's awesome. x)
    Pffft. That's not racist! I just don't want blue Ninetales running around in the background. xD

    And feel free to toss in characters when you think of who to include! I like allowing cameos appear in the background since I'm terrible at thinking of Pokemon to use in busier scenes... unless I want to make every town and city look deserted or abandoned...

  8. #8
    rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaccccciiiiiiisssssssssttttttt (I have the need to draw a blue ninetales in a corner crying somewhere now. xD)

    Oh hoorah! 8D Yeah, fair enough. xD OKAY WELL YOU COULD DO A PHANPY FOR ME. He just looks like a regular phanpy, so nothing special. xD Maybe an extra innocent look? x3

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaccccciiiiiiisssssssssttttttt (I have the need to draw a blue ninetales in a corner crying somewhere now. xD)

    Oh hoorah! 8D Yeah, fair enough. xD OKAY WELL YOU COULD DO A PHANPY FOR ME. He just looks like a regular phanpy, so nothing special. xD Maybe an extra innocent look? x3
    Pfft. Still not accepting blue Ninetales. xD Background charries aren't supposed to stick out.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekomata View Post
    Pffft. That's not racist! I just don't want blue Ninetales running around in the background. xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaccccciiiiiiisssssssssttttttt (I have the need to draw a blue ninetales in a corner crying somewhere now. xD)
    Have no fear, Gigi is here! :D I "fixed" your pages for you ;D

    Mewtwo banner and avatar by Pokemon Trainer Sarah!

    'I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' -Mewtwo

    My Art! | ASB Stats | My Nuzlocke

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