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    Chief Administrator HKim's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Los Angeles

    Comics Central Rules and Guidelines

    Comics Central
    Rules and Guidelines

    Welcome to Comics Central, where Pokemon comic artists and fans around the world can come together to share their work and discuss about their favorite fan comics!

    If you have a Pokemon Comic you'd like to share with everyone, feel free to post it in this section.

    We also have sub-forums dedicated to specific Pokemon Comics. All discussions related to those comics should take place in the sub-forum. Please note that some comics have more specific guidelines than the general ones posted here. Please take the time to read them!

    Rules and Guidelines

    - Please abide by all Pokemon Crossroads general rules.

    - Please create only one thread for your comic. You may create multiple threads if you have multiple comics. If there might be a reason you need another comic thread, please contact a Senior Moderator or Administrator.

    - Do not take credit for or plagiarize the work of a fellow artist.

    - Do not bash or disparage the artists. Everyone appreciates commentary and constructive criticism, but we do not support harassment.

    If you feel that someone is breaking one of the above rules, please notify a Senior Moderator or Administrator and we will look into it.

    Comic Sub-boards

    Artists interested in a sub-board for their comic may request so. However, comics must meet the following requirements in order to be approved. These requirements are not hard-set, however- so if you're unsure, apply anyway.

    - To get a sub-board the comic thread must be recently active. This means that the comic is still updating and has not been on an unplanned hiatus for an extended time.

    - There must be adequate discussion in the comic thread in order to open a sub-board. If there is no discussion in the original comic thread, there probably won't be any in a sub-board for it.

    - To get a sub-board, a comic must have a decent amount of story completed. Due to how different comics are presented, there is no set page minimum. As such, we expect the comic to be established and not brand-new.

    - In order to keep a sub-board open, the board must maintain a certain level of activity. Failure to do so may result in the loss of the sub-board.

    Artists interested in applying for a sub-forum for their comic should send an inquiry to the Comics Committee by contacting Nekomata.

    Last edited by Nekomata; 02-09-2017 at 11:22 PM.


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